Highchart not resized when hidden - css

I've this AngularJS demo app using Highcharts:
<div ng-app="myapp">
<div ng-controller="myctrl">
<button ng-click="hideView()">1. Hide</button>
<button ng-click="showView()">2. Show</button>
<div id="container" ng-show="show">
<highchart id="chart1" config="highchartsNG"></highchart>
If you change the width of the result view in JSFiddle, the Highchart will automatically resize it's width to the size of the container (the div with black border).
I've noticed that if Highchart is hidden, and the window is resized, it is not resized automatically (like iPad changing Landscape/Portrait orientation). Try this out by first clicing the "1. hide" button, change size of the result view, and then press the "2. show" button. See this example:
How can I force the highchart to resize even if it's not visible?

As per the documentation, we need to trigger the reflow method in scenarios where resize event cannot be captured by the chart.
Triggering reflow method in $timeout will render the chart properly.
$scope.showView = function () {
$scope.show = true;
$timeout(function () {
Working Fiddle

I think it's a correct behaviour.
But considering that the resize event event fix the graph size, you can trigger a resize after the graph is shown, like:
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
It's the jQuery way, I think there's an angular too, but I'm not familiar with it.


Make horizontal scroll for bootsfaces modal

I'm working with PrimeFaces and BootsFaces libraries. I have a little form inside bootsfaces modal. The form is used to change system parameters, and for one specific parameter has a <p:keyboard /> to change its value. My problem is that in extra-small devices, the bootstrap modal doesn't allow horizontal scroll, and the keyboard is not showing complete:
The keyboard is not responsive by default when the viewport with is less than 510px, so I have adjusted it to 436px by default in extra small screens. I want to make horizontal scroll on the modal just to see the complete keyboard, but only when I open the modal.
This is my javascript function to adjust the keyboard depending on screen size:
$(document).on('click', '.inpKeyboard', function() {//- The input text has a class called 'inpKeyboard'
if ($(window).width() <= 505) {//- Small screen
$('#keypad-div').css('width', '436px');
$('#keypad-div').css('left', '0px');
//$('.modal-open').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
$('#keypad-div').css('z-index', '2000');
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
What a nice puzzle! :) PrimeFaces calculate the size of the keypad window in JavaScript and stores it as an inline-style. So the clue to solving this is to add a timeout, like so:
$(document).on('click', '.hasKeypad', () => {
$('#keypad-div').css('z-index', '2000');
if (!(window.width > 505)) { // JSF (i.e. XML) doesn't accept the less-than-operator
// add a timeout to make sure the code is executed after PrimeFaces did its magic
setTimeout(() => {
// set a fixed with
$('#keypad-div').css('width', '436px');
// add the horizontal scrollbar
$('#keypad-div').css('overflow-x', 'auto');
// increase the height to make space for the scrollbar
$('#keypad-div').css('height', '180px');}
<!-- set a minimum width for the keyboard rows -->
<!-- (otherwise the key overflow to the next row) -->
#media screen and (max-width: 504px) {
.keypad-row {

issue in canvasjs chart on page load?

My canvasjs chart floats right then on inspection gets back to its original position. What might be the issue?
I have 2 dynamic canvasjs charts in my site inside to tab-body. The 1st chart is displaying fine but when I click on the 2nd tab the chart inside it floats left and then after inspection gets to its original position. All of the data is fine just want to know the js or css issue.
i did the php like this data are all fine and are working good.
<div class="charcon_n" id="chartContainer_n<?php echo $i; ?>" style="height: 350px; width: 100%;" data-point='<?php echo json_encode($data_n, JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); ?>'></div>
Whenever a tab is switched, the render method of each of the chart in the activated tab should be called so that chart can take the actual dimensions of its container.
create: function (event, ui) {
//Render Charts after tabs have been created.
activate: function (event, ui) {
//Updates the chart to its container size if it has changed.
Please take a look at jQuery gallery example.

Bootstrap popover - move it to the left/right side

I want to relocate my bootstrap popover in the left side, i.e. I want to move the whole popover in the left side, while the white arrow would stay in one place.
I would like to have the effect which is on google.com website, when you click blue icon you see popover but its content is relocated while the white arrow is located under the user.
I know that I can use something like this:
.popover {
top:0 !important;
Unfortunately, it relocates the whole popover altogether with white arrow.
What I have now (popover is on the right side and there's no place between screen edge and my popover)
What I want to have (small distance between popover and monitor's edge):
“I want to change the position of content of this popover so that this
arrow will be placed further on the left„
When the popover is shown the arrow position is calculated in Tooltip.prototype.replaceArrow based on width/height and placement. You can force a specific position with this CSS :
.popover .arrow {
left: 90px !important; /* or 45% etc */
But that will affect all popovers. Popovers is injected and removed to and from the DOM, and there is by default no way to target visible popovers individually. If you want to style the arrow on a specific popover, a workaround is to hook into the shown.bs.popover event, detect which popover that is being shown, and style the arrow for that popover if needed. Example :
.on('shown.bs.popover', function() {
var $popover = $('.popover')[0];
switch ($(this).attr('id')) {
case 'a' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '10px');break;
case 'b' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '40%');break;
case 'c' : $popover.find('.arrow').css('left', '180px');break;
default : break;
To get this to work, there must be only one popover shown at a time (see fiddle). It can be worked out with multiple visible popovers also, but then we need to add some HTML to the popover content.
see demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/uteatyyz/
As what I have understood so far, you want to achieve the popover to the left of the button.
Please check this Plunker Link
HTML Code:
<div class="pull-right">
<button type="button" mypopover data-placement="left" title="title">Click here</button>
Angular Code:
var options = {
content: popOverContent,
placement: "bottom",
html: true,
date: scope.date,
trigger: 'focus'
I have edited the answer as per the images that you have shown.
If this is not is answer, then please comment below.
Regards D.

Bootstrap modal at top of iframe regardless of scroll position. How do I position it on screen?

When embedding a Bootstrap app in an iframe, modal dialogs always open at the top of the iframe, not the top of the screen. As an example, go to http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/ and open an example modal on the page. Then using the sample code below which places the same bootstrap page in an iframe, find a modal and open it:
<table width="100%">
<tr><td colspan="2" style="height:80px;background-color:red;vertical-align:top">Here's some header content I don't control</td></tr>
<tr><td style="width:230px;height:10080px;background-color:red;vertical-align:top">Here's some sidebar content I don't control either</td>
<td valign="top">
<iframe width="100%" height="10000px"
scrolling="no" src="http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/">
Demo in fiddle
How do I go about positioning the modal on the screen in this scenario?
UPDATE: Unfortunately, my iFrame cannot fill the screen, nor can I make it fixed since it needs to blend into the rest of the page and the page itself has enough content to scroll. This is not my design and I ultimately intend to rework the whole thing, but this is what I have to work around for now. As a temporary option, I'm using javascript to tell the iframe parent to scroll to the top where the modal dialog pops up. While this is acceptable, this isn't the desired behavior.
I'm using angularjs and the ui-bootstrap library in my code but as you can see above, it's a bootstrap issue.
If your iframe has the same document.domain as the parent window or it is a sub domain, you can use the code below inside the iframe:
$('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (e) {
if (window.top.document.querySelector('iframe')) {
$('#myModal').css('top', window.top.scrollY); //set modal position
show.bs.modal will fire after you call $('#myModal').show()
window.top.scrollY will get the scrollY position from the parent window
In case your document.domain differs from the parent, you can hack it getting the onmousedown position inside the iframe. For example:
$('#htmlElement').on('mousedown', function (event) {
$('#myModal').data('y', event.pageY); // store the mouseY position
$('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (e) {
var y = $('#myModal').data('y'); // gets the mouseY position
$('#myModal').css('top', y);
Quite old question but I don't see the solution/workaround I've found. It might be helpful for someone in the future.
I had the same issue - my iFrame doesn't fill the entire screen, it displays bootstrap's modal and it is loading content from different domain than the parent page.
Use window.postMessage() API - Documentation here. for communication between parent and iframe (cross-domain)
pass message with currentScrollPosition and Y position of your iframe
Reveive message and update modal's padding from the top
In my case the workaround was to use window.postMessage() API - Documentation here.
It requires to add some extra code to the parent and handle message in an iFrame.
You can add EventListener and listen to 'scroll' event. Each time the event handling function is invoked you can get currentScrollPosition like document.scrollingElement.scrollTop.
Keep in mind that your iframe can have some margin from the top in the parent page so you should also get its 'offset'.
After that you can post these two values to your iframe e.g. ncp_iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(message, '*');
Note that the message has to be a String value
After that in your iFrame you need to add EventListener and listen to 'message' event.
The event handling function will pass your 'message' in event.data property. Having that you can update modal padding. (Looks much better if you don't use animations e.g. fade, in classes);
Quick Example:
window.addEventListener('scroll', function(event){
var myIframe = document.querySelector('#myIframe');
var topOffset = myIframe.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY;
var currentScroll = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;
myIframe.contentWindow.postMessage(topOffset + ':' + currentScroll, '*');
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
var messageContent = event.data.split(':');
var topOffset = messageContent[0];
var currentScroll = messageContent[1];
//calculate padding value and update the modal top-padding
}, false);
This is a bug in most browsers (IE appears fine) where the elements are fixed to the iframe, not the window. Typically, if you need something to be relative to the main document, it has to be in the main document.
A workaround is to wrap your iframe in a fixed position div that takes up the whole width of the screen and then maximize the iframe within that. This appears to resolve the issue
<div class="fixframe">
<iframe src="http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/"></iframe>
.fixframe {
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
bottom: 0px;
.fixframe iframe {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
Working Demo in fiddle
See Also:
position:fixed inside of an iframe
iframe with a css fixed position : possible?
position fixed div in iframe not working
It is because the class .modal has position: fixed attribute. Try position: relative instead.

when the ajax loader is loaded the text and button below it moves upwards

In my page I use ajax loader gif. When the button is clicked the ajax loader is shown, however the text below it moves to upwards and I want them to be constant I mean not to move.
Is there a way to do this? Thanks for help.
It can be seen from here as well:
function AjaxLoader()
document.getElementById("translation").innerHTML="<img src='ajax-loader.gif' />"
type: "POST",
url: "test1.php",
success: function(response) {
<div class="informationArea">
<h2><span id="infoaream">caballo</span></h2>
<div id="wordDetailArea">
<h2>Translation:</h2><p><span id="translation">dog</span></p>
<h2>Context:</h2><p><span id="context">I have got a dog.</span></p>
This is because the height of <p> tag changes according to its content.
The fix is to use a fixed height.
<p style="height: 25px;"><span id="translation">dog</span></p>
Note: As of ajax request the length of your content may not be consistent. So you should choose a highest value for height
What happens is that your #translation span has a height of 18px, however the ajax-loader.gif has a height of 16px causing the jump, spans and p are inline elements and expand and contract depending on the information that's in them
<div id="translation" style="height: 18px;">hello</div>
<span id="translation" style="display:block;height: 18px;">hello</span>
should do the trick.
