Set Apects via REST API Call in Alfresco - alfresco

What is the JSON Format to set aspects to some folder or documents in alfresco via REST API.

You need to send POST request by the following url (Alfresco 4.1.5):
for Alfresco 5:
with the following body:

The preferred approach is to use CMIS rather than the internal slingshot web script. Using CMIS you can add an aspect in a standard way, and you can do it via the browser binding (JSON), the Atom Pub binding (XML), or Web Services.
You can use a CMIS client, such as one of the ones available from, or you can do it using the raw binding directly over HTTP.
In CMIS 1.1 you add an aspect by adding its ID to the multi-value property named cmis:secondaryObjectTypeIds.
Here's a gist that shows what this looks like in Java:

You need to make one custom webscript.The code of webscript will be like below.In case of webscript you can use below link for learning purpose.
var props = new Array(1);
props["cm:template"] = document.nodeRef;
document.addAspect("cm:templatable", props);
props = new Array(1);
props["cm:lockIsDeep"] = true;
document.addAspect("cm:lockable", props);
props = new Array(1);
props["cm:hits"] = 1;
document.addAspect("cm:countable", props);


How to get query parameters value from deep link while dynamic link created using AppInvitation class using Firebase?

In my app, I am sending invitation to people to join my app. I am using AppInvitation IntentBuilder Class to create Intent. After these steps, one URL-link gets generated that we can send to invitees.
I have written below code to generated that link and start the activity to send the link. I am able to send invites and able to successfully launch the app by clicking the dynamiclinks. Both the dynamically and manually created ones.
IDictionary<string, string> values = new Dictionary<string, string>();
values.Add("utm_campaign", "Health");
values.Add("utm_medium", "GoIbibo");
values.Add("ad", "1");
values.Add("credit", "50");
values.Add("utm_source", "Yahoo");
values.Add("afl", "");
var intentbuidl = new AppInviteInvitation.IntentBuilder(MainActivity.mainActivity.GetString(Resource.String.invitation_title))
MainActivity.mainActivity.StartActivityForResult(Intent.CreateChooser(intentbuidl, "Install"),0);
Generated link:
So my question is, when do invitees open the app using this link? Can we be able to get these additional parameters which I have set using IDictionary from the above generated link?
To my knowledge, no. This is one of the limitations of Firebase deep linking — you can't pass custom parameters and need to use the URL string for everything.
You could check out (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team) for an alternative approach that does allow custom parameters.

Linq2Dynamodb run expression string on Table

I have an ASP.NET Web API site which records all objects in AWS DynamoDb. I took a quick look at linq2Dynamodb. It seems that the common way to use it is like:
var moviesTable = ctx.GetTable<Movie>();
var inceptionMovie = moviesTable
.Where(m => m.Genre == "Thriller" && m.Title == "Inception")
But I want some API like:
moviesTable.Execute(string querystring);
The reason is that from the Web API, I usually get some query like:
http://host/service.svc/Orders?$filter=ShipCountry eq 'France'
I'd like to pass the filter string "ShipCountry eq 'France'" here. Do anyone know if there is a way for me to do this? Thanks.
With Linq2DynamoDb you can expose your DynamoDb tables as OData resources. Please, see the doc here.
As soon as you have an OData resource, you can query it with OData queries of any valid kind.
And you can use any OData client library for that. E.g. with System.Data.Services.Client you would say something like:
var entities = myContext.Execute<MyEntityType>(new Uri("<here goes URI with valid OData query string>"), "GET", true);
or just construct a LINQ query on the client side.
The drawback is that you will need to host your OData service somewhere (DynamoDb itself doesn't support OData, so that's the reason).
The advantages are:
you will be able to cache your data in ElastiCache.
you will be able to implement custom authentication inside your service.
Sorry for a bit late answer.

How can share/unshare alfresco content programmatic in OpenCMIS

I need to share and unshare the content in alfresco using OpenCMIS, i read the documentation here for Apache Chemistry but i don't find this API functionality to share and unshare Documents.
So how can i do it programmatically?
I'm going to interpret your requirement as following:
You'd like to use Alfresco Share's "Quick Share"-Feature that is available in Alfresco Community 4.2 & Alfresco Cloud.
Alfresco Share uses the following internal API (REST/Webscript) to trigger a Quick Share:
POST /api/internal/shared/share/{store_protocol}/{store_id}/{node_id}
which return the generated quick share id as json:
"sharedId": "IHR65hlGT9yOTKwqPYMbRw"
The WebScript is implemented as Java-backed WebScript. Controller is
that uses the following Service:
As you can see here this Service generates a UUID (the link id) & sets the value as property qshare:sharedId (Aspect qshare:shared):
UUID uuid = UUIDGenerator.getInstance().generateRandomBasedUUID();
sharedId = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(uuid.toByteArray()); // => 22 chars (eg. q3bEKPeDQvmJYgt4hJxOjw)
Map<QName,Serializable> props = new HashMap<QName,Serializable>(2);
props.put(QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDID, sharedId);
props.put(QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDBY, AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser());
nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, QuickShareModel.ASPECT_QSHARE, props);
You should be able to do this via CMIS, but this Service also sets an Attribute via AttributeService (stores all shared-IDs per tenant):
attributeService.setAttribute(tenantNodeRef, ATTR_KEY_SHAREDIDS_ROOT, sharedId)
I'm not sure for which purpose this is used & if it is a MUST have for your requirement.

Can my code get the Google map API version number?

I am not using the v parm when I load the Google map API. Therefore I always get the "release" version of the API.
My app has an "About" feature and I would like to display the API version number.
Is there a way for me to get that value or would this be an enhancement request?
simply use: google.maps.version
There was a way to get it from the filename of the script that loaded:
// API version from post on Google Maps API group by bratliff
var file,loop;
var tags=document.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT");
// alert("tags="+tags.length);
for (loop=0;tags[loop];loop++)
if (file=tags[loop].src.match(/http:\/\/[^\&\?]+\.google\.[^\&\?]+\/([0-9]+)\/[^\&\?]+\/main\.js/)) {
document.getElementById("apiv").innerHTML = "API v2."+file[1];
You should be able to do the something similar for API v3.

JAX-WS: define server side handler chain in code and not in external xml

i want to enable http compression for my jax-ws webservice. i found out that i have to do it with a custom handlerchain that can modify the http-headers.
all tutorials i found refer to the annotation #HandlerChain that points to a handler chain configuration xml-file but my problem is that my webservice has to be as lightweight as possible therefore i cant define my handler chain in an external xml file.
i tried the following but did not succeed:
final Endpoint ep = Endpoint.publish("http://localhost:8878/mywebservice",
new WebserviceImpl() );
final Binding binding = ep.getBinding();
final List<Handler> handlerChain = binding.getHandlerChain();
handlerChain.add(new MySuperbSOAPHandler());
does anyone know how to do this? is it even possible?
It doesn't appear that you can change the handler chain when the service has already been published.
If your actual use case is as above, it's easy to fix by simply create()ing and then publish()ing.
final Endpoint ep = Endpoint.create(new WebserviceImpl() );
final Binding binding = ep.getBinding();
final List<Handler> handlerChain = binding.getHandlerChain();
handlerChain.add(new MySuperbSOAPHandler());
