Can my code get the Google map API version number? - google-maps-api-3

I am not using the v parm when I load the Google map API. Therefore I always get the "release" version of the API.
My app has an "About" feature and I would like to display the API version number.
Is there a way for me to get that value or would this be an enhancement request?

simply use: google.maps.version

There was a way to get it from the filename of the script that loaded:
// API version from post on Google Maps API group by bratliff
var file,loop;
var tags=document.getElementsByTagName("SCRIPT");
// alert("tags="+tags.length);
for (loop=0;tags[loop];loop++)
if (file=tags[loop].src.match(/http:\/\/[^\&\?]+\.google\.[^\&\?]+\/([0-9]+)\/[^\&\?]+\/main\.js/)) {
document.getElementById("apiv").innerHTML = "API v2."+file[1];
You should be able to do the something similar for API v3.


WooCommerce REST API attribute filter on Product list not working

I am using the latest API v2. While the other filters like min_price, category etc. are working, the attribute and attribute_terms query params are not filtering the result set.
I have an attribute Color and I am invoking the API from a node.js client as :
var WooCommerceAPI = require('woocommerce-api');
var WooCommerce = new WooCommerceAPI({
url: 'http://localhost/index.php',
consumerKey: '***',
consumerSecret: '***',
wpAPI: true,
version: 'wc/v2'
var data = JSON.parse(result.toJSON().body);
How can I actually filter by attribute ? Tried other combinations e,g. attribute=Color , attribute=color. Still the result isn't filtered.
Have a look at the most recent WooCommerce REST API documentation:
WooCommerce seems to have a terrible history of REST APIs. They had API V1, V2 and V3 and then changed to WP REST API and created a V1 and V2. Of course searching on Google for a correct way to do it sucks badly.
This should be the correct way to do it:
Note: It is important to use attribute TOGETHER with attribute_term.
I guess the former way to do it was like this:
or like this:[pa_color]=green
but it seems like this does not work anymore in the WooCommerce WordPress API V2.
I have found the solution. The correct way to do it:
You must replace the name of attribute terms with ID of attribute terms. Is working for me.
P.S. I'm using latest version of wc/v2.

Call a Google App Maker App with a parameter

Hello i am new here so if i ask a stupid question please forgive me.
We at AppAtSchool are working with Google ApMaker and we want to call a published App with 2 parameters. How can we read those in App Maker? Thanks in advance!
I'm guessing, that you are trying to read page URL parameters. In this case you can pass parameters like this:<SomeMagic>/exec/?param1=value1&param2=value2#PageName
And then read them in page onAttach event(
google.script.url.getLocation(function(location) {
var params = location.parameter;
var param1 = params.param1;
var param2 = params.param2;
// Use parameters...
Maybe you also will need a way to genarate such links with parameters:
Integration between different Google Appmaker Apps
you can call your application with url something like this:, and take param on client side and send it to server side.
If you pass parameters to your App Maker app through URL parameters, your app can read the parameters using the google.script.url.getLocation method:
google.script.url.getLocation(function(location) {
Find more details in the documentation

Google Map Javascript API in react-native

Is it possible to use the javascript api without entirely being dependent to browser DOM to render the map, since react-native use View I feel it's possible to use the api somehow, The method on which to make the api available by passing to global windows also might be possible using fetch, but I don't know how to initiate the callback. If any one got idea how this can work, please share some thoughts
<script async defer
The googlemaps node module #sunilp mentioned only gives you static maps, which are easy to build without relying on a lib, just search for google maps api static maps (don't have enough reputation to post more than two links).
For Android you have this:
For iOS there's this, but it cautions it's a work in progress (it also hasn't been updated in months):
Looking around, it seem your best (supported) bet for iOS today is to use React Native's own MapView if you search their docs. Then, you can make fetch calls to the Google Maps API services for the data, then populate MapView through its interface. Make sure you pass in your key and use https in your url otherwise the service will deny your call:
(response) => response.text()
(responseText) => {
(error) => {
Use node approach of rendering, not yet tried , but looks like it can be done with node-googlemaps
npm install googlemaps
var GoogleMapsAPI = require('googlemaps');
var publicConfig = {
key: '<YOUR-KEY>',
stagger_time: 1000, // for elevationPath
encode_polylines: false,
secure: true, // use https
proxy: '' // optional, set a proxy for HTTP requests
var gmAPI = new GoogleMapsAPI(publicConfig);
you can refer

Set Apects via REST API Call in Alfresco

What is the JSON Format to set aspects to some folder or documents in alfresco via REST API.
You need to send POST request by the following url (Alfresco 4.1.5):
for Alfresco 5:
with the following body:
The preferred approach is to use CMIS rather than the internal slingshot web script. Using CMIS you can add an aspect in a standard way, and you can do it via the browser binding (JSON), the Atom Pub binding (XML), or Web Services.
You can use a CMIS client, such as one of the ones available from, or you can do it using the raw binding directly over HTTP.
In CMIS 1.1 you add an aspect by adding its ID to the multi-value property named cmis:secondaryObjectTypeIds.
Here's a gist that shows what this looks like in Java:
You need to make one custom webscript.The code of webscript will be like below.In case of webscript you can use below link for learning purpose.
var props = new Array(1);
props["cm:template"] = document.nodeRef;
document.addAspect("cm:templatable", props);
props = new Array(1);
props["cm:lockIsDeep"] = true;
document.addAspect("cm:lockable", props);
props = new Array(1);
props["cm:hits"] = 1;
document.addAspect("cm:countable", props);

handle urls with hash # with google analytics

I'm developing a js single-page web application using a javascript client side mvc (angular.js in this case)
I added google analytic to the site, but from what I could see so far (at least in realtime) google doesn't take into account the part of the uri after the hash
that is I have a url like but for google analytics it looks just like
any idea?
You need to parse the parameters after # and send the data by using _trackPageview in order to see them on your pages report.
and here is how to do it,
var params = {},
queryString = location.hash.substring(1),
regex = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g,
while (m = regex.exec(queryString)) {
params[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]);
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', queryString]);
Use $window dependency and call on route change.
Also use GA 'set' to ensure routes are picked up for Google realtime analytics.
$scope.$on('$routeChangeSuccess', function() {
$'set', 'page', $location.url());
$'send', 'pageview');
