How to include autoprefixer for Jekyll - css

New to Jekyll and new to Ruby I tried to include autoprefixer-rails for my (s)css files directly into Jekyll. So once the page is generated by Jekyll autoprefixer would run over my generated css files. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to set things up properly and autoprefixer doesn't seem to even touch my files.
Following my Gemfile:
source ""
gem 'jekyll'
gem 'jekyll-assets'
gem 'autoprefixer-rails'
And parts of my Jekyll configuration file:
gems: ['jekyll-assets', 'autoprefixer-rails']
Which settings are missing to make it work?
Any help is appreciated!

I am able to use it with jekyll 3 by installing the octopress autoprefixer here:
You then put:
gems: [octopress-autoprefixer] in your config file. I am not using octopress, I only installed this to see if it would work.
In the process I also installed node.js (on a pc , win 10), so I could install autoprefixer-rails. Not sure if the octopress installer took care of this or not though, I was just trying random things to see if it would work. I think node.js was a requirement as I remember nothing happened until I rebooted and then everything worked.
It works great, though it does slow my build time down - on a small site that normally builds in .5 seconds it goes up to 12 seconds.

That's perfectly possible, and easy, too!
Most resources you'll find online will suggest to switch to Jekyll Assets, which comes with a number of default plugins, including autoprefixer-rails. That, however, replaces the entire Jekyll asset pipeline, and requires changes in lots of places. A fairly high investment up front, just to get it working. Plus, the project appears to be dormant.
Continuing my quest to find a simple solution to a simple problem, I came across jekyll-autoprefixer, available as a Ruby Gem. Integrating that into my Jekyll workflow was embarrassingly straightforward:
Update the Gemfile to include the following:
gem "jekyll-autoprefixer", "~> 1.0.2"
Add the following to _config.yml:
- jekyll-autoprefixer
Optionally add required browser support to _config.yml (e.g. for the latest 2 versions and Edge version 14 and up):
- last 2 versions
- Edge >= 14
Note: You can alternatively supply a .browserslistrc file in the root directory.
Optionally enable CSS Grid Layout prefixing. This appears to be unsafe, and is disabled by default. You can either enable it from CSS code using a control comment (e.g. /* autoprefixer grid: autoplace */), or globally through _config.yml:
grid: autoplace
That's all that's needed to integrate autoprefixer into Jekyll.

Documentation to add Autoprefixer to Jekyll with jekyll-assets and autoprefixer-rails has been updated:

autoprefixer-rails is a Rails plugin, it has nothing to do with Jekyll and can't be used in Jekyll.
If you need a similar feature in Jekyll, you currently have no other options than develop it yourself. You can grab part of the code from the Rails plugin, but the way Jekyll plugins work is significantly different.


Adding Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.3 to Ember application

I'm trying to update my Bootstrap dependency in my Ember application to the alpha 4 version so I can access the utility classes (such as margin/padding).
I think Bootstrap is a bower dependency since it's listed in bower.json, so I followed the instructions from the new Bootstrap website:
bower install bootstrap#v4.0.0-alpha.3
When I did this, bower.json didn't update. In fact, Bootstrap version is still "bootstrap": "^3.3.7".
The only differences are:
Now I have 152 JSHint errors in my terminal...I tried adding "bootstrap":true to .jshintrc and restarted my server but the errors were still there.
My ember app was broken until I removed line 1 in change-version.js, which was #!/usr/bin/env node.
When I start typing a new css style in my templates, the CSS styles are showing up, but my Ember application is not recognizing them. For example, here is an image:
When I add the class m-r-3 and reload localhost, nothing shows up.
I've already tried importing bootstrap.min.css and bootstrap.css in the ember-cli-build.js file. It didn't work.
I have already read through this page which goes over dependencies but I have had no luck. If anyone could assist here that would be greatly appreciated.
You need to use --save parameter to save bower.json:
bower install --save bootstrap#v4.0.0-alpha.3
Look at the bower_components directory, does it keep the old version of the bootstrap? If so remove it.
You should add bootstrap.css to the ember-cli-build.js, as you said. Have a look at this addon, check your coding against of a typo or erronous adding.
Does your client loads any version of bootstrap? (Check vendor.js)

What is the proper file path for Bootstrap 2.3.2 Glyphicons?

I've beens searching around, and I see a ton of different proposed file paths, none of which work for me.
What do I change background-image: url("/../img/glyphicons-halflings.png"); to?
In short, if you use Rails assets pipeline all your assets will be compiled to /assets folder. There is also an option to change the folder name. Please refer to the guide for more details.
If you use scss with sass-rails gem there are helper methods asset-url and image-url that can help you manage with assets path for your CSS.
Lastly there are a couple gems you can use to include bootstrap in your Rails app: is a less version (Bootstrap is built with less). It requires less-rails gem and

sass --watch not updating after initial launch (sass 3.1.16)

I am working with sass to write the css for a simple static website I am working on. I have run sass --watch custom.scss:custom.css which compiles fine on launch with the message:
Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
overwrite custom.css
However, whenever I update the .scss file, nothing happens. I haven't used SASS outside the context of a rails app before, so I'm wondering if I am missing something?
My scss file is incredibly simple as well, so I doubt it is choking on anything, especially since it works on the first run.
sass -v reports Sass 3.1.16 (Brainy Betty), on Lion 10.7.2
This has now been fixed in the latest commit.
The updated stable gem (3.1.17) hasn't been released yet but there are a few choices while you wait:
Stick with 3.1.16 and use absolute paths when loading up watch, e.g:
sass --watch /User/name/project/scss:/User/name/project/css
The bug should only occur with relative paths so this works around it.
Use the updated (alpha) version
gem install sass --pre
Temporarily roll back to 3.1.15 as suggested by #Marco Lazzeri
Same problem here.
I don't know exactly what the problem is, but rolling back to the previous version is a temporary workaround:
gem uninstall sass -v=3.1.16
gem install sass -v=3.1.15
As it is mentioned by pjumble, it is a known bug in process. You can use absolute path to address this problem, before a new version is release.
This is what I usually do to avoid typing a full path:
cd work-directory
sass --watch `pwd`/sass:`pwd`/css
Hope this work for you:)
I too had the same problem.
Just by updating my gem, it worked.
gem update sass
I had this problem too with the latest SASS version at this time. Downgrading to version 3.2.9 did the trick to me on 2 different Windows 8 computers.
gem uninstall sass
gem install sass -v 3.2.9
I Had a similar problem: "Change detected", but then no writing despite it compiling and overwriting the .css file days before.
Reinstalling sass in Ruby didn't work.
I pointed sass --watch at some other projects and they worked.
What seemed to create this problem was that I had made a copy of one project while it was being watched, then started watching the second project.
I can't say for sure but this seem to "trip up" Ruby, maybe it was the cache or some stored info about the file locations.
I just created a newly named project folder, dragged into it all the scss files from the second project, renamed the main scss file (e.g. "uikit-main.scss" to "uikit.scss"), --watch it, and it began overwriting correctly again.
I`ve also stuck with sass (v3.4.23) not recompiling after the first run, but it was realted with scss`s folder structure - Sass can`t watch changes in files that are located by the path directing upwards the watching file. Link for details
In my case, the problem was because I'm using sass in a vagrant machine with ubuntu. I install and run sass directly from my host OS (Mac) and the watch mode starts to work.

Require specific gem version in SASS & Compass

I know this is probably more a Ruby question but I work on several projects where I've used compass plugins. Later on I upgrade these plugins and start new projects. The issue arises when I need to go back and make amends to an older project.
How can I amend my config.rb file to use a specific version of a gem?
For example I often use the Compass plugin:
The line in my config.rb file looks like this:
require 'html5-boilerplate'
But I would need 1.0.0 for one project and 2.1.0 in another.
Suggest using rvm (the Ruby enVironment Manager), bundler and gemsets. rvm for managing ruby versions and for allowing you to use gemsets - bundler to specify the versions of the gems you want to use in the project. After you install the bundler gem and have a Gemfile that uses the syntax you have already discovered
gem "html5-boilerplate", "~> 2.1.0"
bundle install will then bring down the gems you need for your project. Read more at
gemsets can also be project specific and different gemsets can have the same gems at different versions. you can specify the gemset associated with a project via a .rvmrc file in the project's root.
There are several nice posts out there on how to set up rvm and gemsets. Here's a good example of one to get you going:
And here's one that also covers bundler:

Using Susy with Compass - what files should be installed?

I'm trying to use Susy as the grid element in a project
FYI I'm also using the following libraries
Symfony (2.x)
Ubuntu (10.4)
When I try to import susy in my sass file
#import "compass/reset"
#import "compass/css3"
#import "susy" <- This line causes a server internal error (500)
I'm sure that this is because compass is unable to locate the susy files to include. Can someone with a successful installation please tell me where these susy files should be located? After installing the compass-susy-plugin using gem installer I can see the following...
ubuntu#ubuntu-desktop:/$ locate susy
It only seems to have saved the susy files into the examples folder - should it also have copied them into the 'frameworks' or libs folder (it hasnt)?
Or is the above correct - in which case how do the 'import' decelerations in the compass file relate to (from the files system POV) the sass files themselves?
BTW: Everything is working great except for this one issue.
If someone with a rep of over 1500 want to create two new tags then 'Assetic' and 'Susy' should be attached to this post
It looks like the susy gem didn't install properly. I uninstalled/reinstalled and the gem now shows up when I do a gem list as compass-susy-plugin.
Everything now works - I would add that I also needed to add the line require 'susy' to my compass configuration.
