Using Susy with Compass - what files should be installed? - symfony

I'm trying to use Susy as the grid element in a project
FYI I'm also using the following libraries
Symfony (2.x)
Ubuntu (10.4)
When I try to import susy in my sass file
#import "compass/reset"
#import "compass/css3"
#import "susy" <- This line causes a server internal error (500)
I'm sure that this is because compass is unable to locate the susy files to include. Can someone with a successful installation please tell me where these susy files should be located? After installing the compass-susy-plugin using gem installer I can see the following...
ubuntu#ubuntu-desktop:/$ locate susy
It only seems to have saved the susy files into the examples folder - should it also have copied them into the 'frameworks' or libs folder (it hasnt)?
Or is the above correct - in which case how do the 'import' decelerations in the compass file relate to (from the files system POV) the sass files themselves?
BTW: Everything is working great except for this one issue.
If someone with a rep of over 1500 want to create two new tags then 'Assetic' and 'Susy' should be attached to this post

It looks like the susy gem didn't install properly. I uninstalled/reinstalled and the gem now shows up when I do a gem list as compass-susy-plugin.
Everything now works - I would add that I also needed to add the line require 'susy' to my compass configuration.


Setting up Sass

I've built my portfolio site off of Github Pages. Now that I'm starting portfolio 2.0, I want to use Sass.
I've used Sass in the past but didn't have to set it up directly. So far I've installed Sass using gem install sass and have my file setup, but am not sure how to compile it properly.
File Structure:
Styles.css content:
#import 'scss/_banner';
Am I missing the compiling step somewhere? It is even possible to use Sass on Github Pages?
For my solution I replaced scss/_banner.scss with styles.scss, opting to not create partial files for a single page application.
Then all you have to do is run $ sass --watch css/styles.scss:css/styles.css in the terminal and your CSS will be compiled each time you save your Sass file. This command points your computer to which file to compile and to where.
Thanks to #dommmm for directing me to the solution with the youtube video in the question comments.

What is the proper file path for Bootstrap 2.3.2 Glyphicons?

I've beens searching around, and I see a ton of different proposed file paths, none of which work for me.
What do I change background-image: url("/../img/glyphicons-halflings.png"); to?
In short, if you use Rails assets pipeline all your assets will be compiled to /assets folder. There is also an option to change the folder name. Please refer to the guide for more details.
If you use scss with sass-rails gem there are helper methods asset-url and image-url that can help you manage with assets path for your CSS.
Lastly there are a couple gems you can use to include bootstrap in your Rails app: is a less version (Bootstrap is built with less). It requires less-rails gem and

Foundation 4 sass --watch issue

Brand spanking new to foundation 4,
I've installed all dependancies, compass, sass, and zurb-foundation.
ran compass create testproject -r zurb-foundation --using foundation --syntax sass
... worked fine.
ran sass --watch sass:css in the testproject directory and I keep getting errors like so...
error /Users/figmints/Sites/testssss/sass/app.sass (Line 5: File to import not found or unreadable: normalize.
Load paths:
In the config.rb, the first line is require 'zurb-foundation'
Isn't this supposed to make the file normalize.scss visible to the project so that I do not have to copy each file located in my gems folder?
Could anyone direct me towards my mistake, please?
As far as I know, there's no sass watch. What you need to do is:
Navigate to your project's root folder (which is where your Compass project's config.rb should be) through your terminal
Type compass watch and hit Enter
See the magic happen (if you have nicely configured your config.rb, that is)
A Compass project should be watched by Compass. The watch function is why—IMO—Compass is so nice: it does something Sass naturally doesn't do.
Have you tried compiling using compass watch in your testproject root directory, instead of compiling with Sass? Because you created your project with Compass, so you should use Compass to compile.

SASS and Zurb Foundation - confusing installation instructions

I decided to use the Sass version of Foundation4 as the CSS one is virtually impossible to edit efficiently now.
I followed the instructions here:
These advised me to install the gem (no problem) then install compass then create a project, which I did in wwwroot.
All good so far. It then goes on to advise me to "download the files from Github (grab the scss/ and js/ directories) and put them into your project directory"
Now why in the name of a fish on a bicycle would the instructions advise me to do this when the previous step on the command line (compass create -r zurb-foundation --using foundation) creates a folder already in the root directory for my project - albeit named differently - that contain similar if not identical files? There's already a "javascripts" folder with "foundation" and "vendor" subfolders that contain largely the same files - although some are different sizes.
Am I missing something? The included "index.html" file reference the "javascripts" folder so why am I meant to be including "js" from the github? This is very confusing when you're new to the technology!
After following the installation instructions I now have "foundation.scss" and "app.scss" files which seem to be largely the same apart from one (app.scss) has lots commented out. Which one am I meant to use?
It seems to me that the instructions are basically out of date. It appears that I don't need "js" from github but I do need "scss". The contents of this scss folder look like they need to go into the "sass" folder created when the project is made and the "foundation.scss" file can be deleted as "app.scss" is a copy of it.
I have no idea where the base "app.scss" file is hoping to "#import foundation" from as there is no "foundation" folder created on installation/creation of project. Maybe I'm missing something but it's all very confusing. Could someone please clarify what I need to start with and what I can delete/ignore?
When you install the gem, all the proper Foundation files are installed for you in the gem cache. Compass will pull all the F4 SCSS files into your project via the #import directive from foundation.scss.
The project docs in the Github repo show the latest Compass instructions for building your F4 project.
It sounds like you are mixing the Standalone instructions into the Compass ones.
If you have run this:
[sudo] gem install compass
cd path/to/where-you-want-your-project
run compass create <project-name> -r zurb-foundation --using foundation
You don't need Github or the Standalone instructions.
The steps below outline the manual steps of building an F4 project. I think you're stuck on STEP 4, so focus on that part.
Download for easy access these two archives:
Foundation Vanilla:
Foundation Master:
CD into your www root directory:
Create this file:
require 'zurb-foundation'
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "css"
sass_dir = "scss"
images_dir = "img"
javascripts_dir = "js"
output_style = :expanded
relative_assets = true
line_comments = true
Switch output_style = :compact or :compressed and line_comments = false for Production (when going live).
Copy/Move index.html from Foundation Vanilla into your root www directory.
Edit line 11 and change foundation.css to app.css in the style tag.
Create this directory and file:
Create app.scss - This is your site/app stylesheet and we'll import Normalize and F4 in it.
Copy this into it:
// Global Foundation Settings
// #import "settings";
// Comment out this import if you don't want to use normalize
#import "normalize";
// Comment out this import if you are customizing you imports below
#import "foundation";
// Your own SCSS here...
If you want to override some F4 SaSS variables you will need the _settings.scss file. For now I would skip this step and leave it commented out until you are more familiar with F4.
Create this directory (files automatically written here):
app.css - will be written here from /scss/app.scss by Compass. Normalize and all the F4 CSS will be inside it, plus any of your own CSS you've added.
This happens automatically, you don't need to do anything except have the required gems installed and your Compass config file from STEP 2.
Create this directory and copy/move these files into it:
Copy/Move /js/foundation.min.js from the Foundation Vanilla download here.
If you need your own app.js create/place it here and link to it last in your footer.
Copy/Move /js/vendor/custom.modernizr.js from the Foundation Vanilla download into here.
Copy/Move /js/vendor/zepto.js and /js/vendor/jquery.js from the Foundation Vanilla download here.
Later, when you feel more comfortable, you can cherry pick individual Foundation JS files from Foundation Master and concatenate them into a smaller lib here as foundation.min.js.
That should do it.
Check out this file in my www repo, as it shows a working F4 setup:
You can also poke around there for how to integrate Grunt.js for automated build of the SCSS and JS with concatenation and minification:
Without being as adept as #jhauraw, I did notice something else.
I installed FOundation through the Compass app. Being a novice with Compass, I too was looking for the "foundation" folder that would contain all the various Foundation SCSS files. And when I looked at the _settings.scss file that was present, it appeared that everything was commented out. What I know understand (still as a novice towards Compass) is that the "foundation" file lives within a resource library within Compass. When needed, these files are imported when generating the CSS file. The _settings.scss file with all the commented out fields is an override file. So if you remove the comments for a particular variable or mixin, it will override the originals hidden in the Compass library. The compiled CSS seems to contain everything that's needed.

Configuring Compass on Windows

I'm on Windows, and I have SASS running successfully in my project. Now, I want to include compass so I can take advantage of the pre-written mixins, etc.
First I simply tried this statement from within my working sass file: #import "compass/css3/transform";
Naturally, this didn't work since I didn't have compass installed, so I navigated to my Ruby directory and successfully installed the compass gem within c:/ruby193/bin. I can now successfully create compass projects within c:/ruby193/bin, but that doesn't do me much good.
I need run compass commands within my site, which lives here: c:/inetpub/mysite. When I try to do so, however, I get compass is not recognized as internal or external command
How can I get compass to work where I want it?
EDIT: a large part of my problem was that Ruby was installed without adding itself to the Windows Path environment variables, so I could only run SASS and Compass commands from within the C:/Ruby193/bin directory. This caused problems for me since, as a result, I thought that was where I needed to install compass. Anyhow, after figuring that out, I still haven't been able to get compass to work, but am planning on uninstaling SASS, Compass, and Ruby and giving this thing another try from scratch. I marked Stooboo's answer as correct since it was the best and most accurate, especially given the information he had to work with. Thanks!
here's how I do it
(One time)
install ruby
install compass, in a command window enter
gem install compass
to add compass to an MVC project, navigate to project folder and in a command window enter
compass create
you will get the default config.rb ... but here is my usual one
http_path = "/"
css_dir = "content/css"
sass_dir = "content/sass"
images_dir = "images"
javascripts_dir = "scripts"
to install bootstrap (for more info see
require 'bootstrap-sass'
to your config.rb
enter (in your command window)
gem install bootstrap-sass
(I had to do a (in your command window)
gem update
after this but you may not need to)
enter (in your command window)
compass install bootstrap
(then ... every time you open the solution in Visual Studio)
navigate to project folder
in a command window enter
compass watch
(this will monitor project for saves and re-compile the scss files)
Hope that helps
To install Compass, you should open your Windows console with Win+R, cmd and run:
gem update --system
gem update
gem install compass
Don't forget to remove all the stuff that you littered you Ruby installation with.
Use this command in order to add GEM to the Windows Path environment variables:
set PATH=C:\Ruby200-x64\bin;%PATH%
In the Ruby command you should write:
gem update --system
(this block of code updates all the gems in the Ruby)
Then you install sass like it:
gem install sass
(You said that you already has sass, so you don't need to write this code again.)
Then, you write this line:
gem install compass
(Now, you will have compass in your machine)
To know the version that was installed, you can write:
compass --version
To create a new project in your desktop machine, you can write this line of code:
compass create desktop/my-project
(This will create a compass folder in the desktop of your machine called my-project. I hope this is helpful.
