Printing input color with firefox with css - css

I am trying to print out a table that has inputs with colors. these colors are assigned by the users to each input. this means each table is differnet each time someone edits it. I found a work around with webkit browsers but firefox does not work of coarse!!!!
#media print {
[id^="output26"] {-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
This works fine on chrome and safari
Any ideas? Is playing around with the css a solution?

You may want to read the warning for this propertys documentation.
Let me quote it:
This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.


CSS not getting applied in some browsers

I have a search bar plugin (Wordpress) which I have modified by CSS to suit my design. The thing is that it gets displayed ok in my latest version of Chrome, but it doesn't in other versions of it or Internet Explorer.
Here is how it should be everywhere:
Here is how it is displayed in iExplorer and some other cases:
The URL is:
The CSS:
After having a look it seems like the custom styles are being applied in the first situation, but not on the second one. I have looked for missing semi-colons or closing curly braces, but I haven't seen anyone missmatching.
Where could the problem be or which tools could help me identify the problem? Thanks!
You wrapped almost all your code in media-queries, that can only be interpreted by some browsers. You might want to think about implementing to create fallbacks for that scenario.
Have a look at to check to what extend you can use certain CSS selectors.

Should I remove vendor prefixes?

I have a website which I support as far as IE8, no further.
When I first launched the site, I decided to use CSS vendor prefixes for CSSs elements such as border-radius, box-shadow etc. I did this from a complete noob standpoint.
However, is a better approach not to use them and simply let browsers catch up rather than patch up for the sake of uniformity?
No, you shouldn't remove all of them, however you may as well remove the ones which are no longer required.
How can I find out which prefixes are no longer required?
Can I use... is a great resource for checking browser support for various CSS, HTML and JavaScript features. If you perform a search for box-sizing, for instance, it will tell you that all modern browsers have partial support for this and that Firefox requires the -moz- prefix. You can also view all of the CSS support tables on just one page here.
How can I clarify that the prefixes are no longer required?
There are a couple of online resources which display information about browser usage. An example of this is StatCounter. StatCounter offers browser version statistics which can be filtered on time. If we look at the last 3 months, we can guestimate that we should still aim to support Firefox 20+, Chrome 25+, IE 8+ and Safari 5.1+.
Personally, I would just keep your vendor prefixes for now - this still remains professional practice - those browsers who don't need them, will simply ignore them anyway.
Our approach is to drop those which aren't needed.
box-sizing (soon? firefox still uses it. Noted by #James Donnelly)
opacity (not a prefix, but no need for the ms-filter thingie)
inline-block (same here, no need for inline+zoom fix)
If you really want to get rid of prefixes, one of the solutions you can try is -prefix-free. It's a javascript plugin which loops through your stylesheets and, according to current browser removes the unused ones.
Although I didn't test it, I think it will definetely lower the performance.
You can also remove prefixes for properties which doesn't have a signifact meaning for functionality and/or user experience, like border-radius, box-shadow etc. You would have to test each element how it behaves without these properties. E.g. you have a button with border-radius: 4px. In a browser which doesn't support border-radius it will simply have rough corners. You must only consider if its worth sacrificing.

Evolution of my custom cursor code: How do I get it to work in IE?

I have a custom cursor that is using an image. My original code:
I then discovered that Firefox requires you to define a default backup in case the image is not found, and changed it to:
cursor:url(../images/drag_mini_bg.png), default;
This worked for Firefox and Chrome, but not IE. I read that IE uses a different source for the path than other browsers and implemented this solution:
(The second url is relative to the html file rather than the css file that this code is included in.)
This didn't seem to help, so I found out about this bug and changed the image to a .cur file:
However, it is still not showing up in IE. Anything else I can try?
Most of what you've read is correct, but I'll make a few amendments:
Firefox does indeed require the additional parameter to be added. My understanding is that the ideal value for this is auto. But if default works for you, use it.
As you've been told, IE can only display cursors of the .cur file type. PNGs and GIFs do not work.
However, I've never heard anything about IE using a different path; the same path has always worked fine for me in all browsers (when using a CUR file, of course). You might want to provide a reference to where you heard this, but I'd suggest that dropping the second URL may solve your problems.
There's a good site called Quirksmode that has a lot of browser compatibility tables. In particular, they have a very thorough table covering CSS cursors, which shows exactly how to format it to make it work in all browsers, with examples and notes about the quirks.
Hope that helps.
If you're still trying to figure this out 8 years later...I'll add that some browsers have a maximum image size, so maybe yours was too big. I believe you want to keep it under 32x32 pixels.

keeping sites looking the same in IE, Chrome and Firefox

Can anyone tell me the best way to ensure sites look the same when view in IE, Chrome or Firefox?
I've just finished one which in testing seems fine in IE but not the other 2.
I have not used CSS on this site as its not that big, I just formatted the masterpage as I wanted it.
Could that be the problem?
I usually code for Firefox first. That makes things match almost 100% in Chrome, Safari and IE9 usually. Then I go through and test in IE 8 and 7. Minor adjustments are typically made within the same CSS file. For example, IE7 usually needs to have dimensions of a container explicitly set, where most modern day browsers don't require it and render things properly.
In those rare cases that you do need to style something specifically for one or more versions of IE, use conditional comments. Here are some good links on conditional comments and how to target specific browsers and versions:
Unfortunately you will need to use CSS to get this to look similar in all browsers. I say similar as it is unlikely you will ever get it looking exactly the same.
Basically you will need to use the conditional CSS tags
I would recommend spliting out the style to the a CSS and getting that working in Chrome and Firefox. Then use the tutorial linked and add in IE hacks to make it look better.
There isn't an easy way of making a site look the same in all the browsers. As caveman_dick said, maybe it's even impossible. You have to use CSS and sometimes javascript...
But to help you, you can use some programs that simulate different browsers engines, so that you could see how your site behaves. Just google browser simulator. :)

What Safari-specific pure CSS hacks are out there?

I'm wondering if there's any way to write CSS specifically for Safari using only CSS. I know there has to be something out there, but I haven't found it yet.
I think the question is valid. I agree with the other responses, but it doesn't mean it's a terrible question. I've only ever had to use a Safari CSS hack once as a temporary solution and later got rid of it. I agree that you shouldn't have to target just Safari, but no harm in knowing how to do it.
FYI, this hack only targets Safari 3, and also targets Opera 9.
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
/* Safari 3.0 and Opera 9 rules here */
There are some hacks you can use in the CSS to target only Safari, such as putting a hash/pound (#) after the semi-colon, which causes Safari to ignore it. For example
.blah { color: #fff; }
.blah { color: #000;# }
In Safari the colour will be white, in everything else it will be black.
However, you shouldn't use hacks, as it could cause problems with browsers in the future, and it may have undesired effects in older browsers. The safest way is to either use a server side language (such as PHP) which detects the browser and then serves up a different CSS file depending upon the browser the user is using, or you can use JavaScript to do the same, and switch to a different CSS file.
The server-side language is the better option here, as not everyone has JavaScript enabled in their browser, which means they wouldn't see the correct style. Also JavaScript adds an overhead to the amount of information which needs to load before the page is properly displayed.
Safari uses WebKit, which is very good with rendering CSS. I've never come across anything which doesn't work in Safari, but does in other modern browsers (not counting IE, which has it's own issues all together). I would suggest making sure your CSS is standards compliant, as the issue may lie in the CSS, and not in Safari.
So wait, you want to write CSS for Safari using only CSS? I think you answered your own question. Webkit has really good CSS support. If you are looking for webkit only styles, try here.
You'd have to use JavaScript or your server to do user-agent sniffing in order to send CSS specifically to Safari/WebKit.
#media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {}
This seems to target webkit(including Chrome)... or is this truly Safari-only?
This really depends on what you are trying to do. Are you trying to do something special just in safari using some of the CSS3 features included or are you trying to make a site cross browser compliant?
If you are trying to make a site cross browser compliant I'd recommend writing the site to look good in safari/firefox/opera using correct CSS and then making changes for IE using conditional CSS includes in IE. This should (hopefully) give you compatibility for the future of browsers, which are getting better at following the CSS rules, and provide cross browser compatibility. This is an example.
By using conditional stylesheets you can avoid hacks all together and target browsers.
If you are looking to do something special in safari check out this.
