Clickable Site - Working table Hyperlink - css

I need to make all site clickable.
I tried to make ahref before content div but it works only in Firefox&Chrome not in IE.
So I made site as a clickable table like this:
<table onclick="window.location=''" id="Table_01"> goes content...
It's working in Chrome, FireFox and IE ....but... I am wondering if it is right method and it will be working on every computer?

According html5 spec, you can use link tag outside a block tag like table:
<a href="">
Dont forget to apply display: block to link.
If you dont want to use link tag, you should write your script on js file and not usinf onclick property using id for example:
<table id="Table_01">
function redirect() {
window.location = '';
document.getElementById("Table_01").onclick = redirect;


how to create a css class that makes an element link to another page

super css noob here.
I'm using a wordpress plugin called visual composer which allows you to name a Row (it's like a block element) with a Row ID or a Class name. I'm trying to have it so when a user hovers over this row and when they click it, this clicking will simply take them to another page within my website.
It allows for an area to have the css for this class or ID that I can associate with the tag, but after searching I'm either searching the wrong thing or can't find it but I am looking for the css that would allow me to do this!
You can't only use css to link to other page, you need javascript. For example the class name is linkPage:
document.getElementsByClassName('linkPage')[0].onclick = function(){
location.href= 'some url...'
<div class="linkPage">linkPage</div>
You'd need to inject a bit of JS into the theme that listens on window for a click with the desired ID or class, then call window.location.href = URL or something of that nature.
CSS doesn't have the power to cause browser location changes.
CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), as its name states, defines a set of rules and properties for an HTML page you wish to style (stuff like colors, size, asf); and user interaction (even as minor as pointing to an URL) are not part of its scope.
Talking about a giant like WordPress and a strong plugin such as Visual Composer, extremely old and standard features like link/image/table asf are always to be found. You may have a look at visual composer's "Raw HTML" feature ( in combination with a regular "a" tag (
Asking how page linking can be achieved through editing of a CSS file, then you might as well look into different editable content types of the plugin - such as HTML or JS.
Click on table row
Best approach to have table cells/rows clickable would be by the use of JavaScript; see Adding an onclick event to a table row
Link using jQuery and Javascript (easier method):
<script src=""></script>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
Link using pure Javascript (harder method):
x = document.querySelectorAll('.link').length;
y = 1;
while (x => y) {
document.getElementsByClassName("link")[y].onclick = function() {
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>
<div class="link">link</div>

How to wrap image tag with anchor tag to make it clickable?

Hy, I have the following situation:
I am trying to change the design of my feedly-index page. (I can not change the HTML)
And I am facing a problem I coulnd't solve the past two hours.
In the HTML there are some div elements with random IDs and '_content' at the end.
Within these div's there is an img tag - what I want to do is to wrap this img-tag with an anchor-tag to make it clickable.
<div id='{SOME_RANDOM_ID}_content'>
// a bit of text, a few <br> and some other tags here
<img src='LINK_TO_AN_IMAGE'>
What I want as outcome:
<div id='{SOME_RANDOM_ID}_content'>
// a bit of text, a few <br> and some other tags here
<a href='LINK_TO_AN_IMAGE'>
<img src='LINK_TO_AN_IMAGE'>
Is this even possible with CSS?
I could make it work with JavaScript, but the div's are loaded dynamically via AJAX:/
So the JavaScript Script would just run for the current div's but not the one which are loaded dynamically.
It's not possible with just CSS because CSS is meant or styling the page and not or adding dynamic elements to the page.
But we can do it using JS.
As you are creating those elements using ajax call. On the success callback of the ajax call, you can wrap the image with a tags.
for example:
url : "/make.php"
}).done(function() {
var images = $("div img");
$.each(images, function() {
$(this).replaceWith($("<a href=''>"+this.outerHTML+"</a>")); //construct url dynamically via some variable
If you are not able to edit the html this could be tricky.
It can't be done with pure css... css can't create links.. I mean it could be possible with js i suppose, besides that if the ids are random it makes it even more difficult.
--edit additional--
If you could wrap the whole area that holds the divs inside a div then you might have a chance with jquery...
<div id="holderdiv">
<div id='{SOME_RANDOM_ID}_content'>
// a bit of text, a few <br> and some other tags here
<img src='LINK_TO_AN_IMAGE'>
You can then use jquery to make all instances of #holderdiv > div > img a link to the image path?

Dead link in an absolutely positioned div

I'm trying desperately to make the link on a linked image work but whenever I click on the link, my browsers (Chrome & Firefox) just tell me they are connecting to the page and I get a continuous spinning image as if the browser were doing something. The link works perfectly if I open in another tab.
The div in question is coded and styled in a Wordpress page. I am making changes to another developer's work for a customer.
Here's the div:
<div style="position: absolute; top: 645px; left: 80px; width: 150px;">
<a href="" target="_top" style="display:inline-block">
<img src="" alt="Toolkit History Link" width="150" height="170" style="position:relative; display:block; z-index:999999999999;" />
And here's the page it's on:
I've tried changing the z-index on every element in multiple ways, tried changing the link target in every way possible, changed display settings, etc.
One last note, there are lots of iframes on this page and I'm not sure if those are messing things up somehow. Massive thanks for any help.
It looks like the URL for that HREF is trying to load a page as a modal using the fancybox protocol. Is this what is expected?
Does that page ID exist? It looks URL looks different from the other page URLs on the site.
There is a jQuery function that targets every IMG tag w/ an A tag and applies a class of "fancybox". Modify the specificity of this function to exclude the last item in the gallery. Better yet, create a new class and add it to the elements that should have the fancybox functionality. The same issue happens on other pages where the HREF goes to a page instead of opening an image.
Current jQuery function:
var thumbnails = jQuery("a:has(img)").not(".nolightbox").filter( function() { return /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)$/i.test(jQuery(this).attr('href')) });
I think I found the link you mean and it has a fancybox class on it, so I presume it is trying to open a fancybox javascript plugin popout for your link.. which is a redirect and failing to do so, since I can right click the link and go to open in new tab and it works.

How to make a target link to an iframe also scroll to it?

Is there a way to open a web in my iframe and also make it auto scroll to it?
In other words...
I want to know how to combine this:
<a href="/example" target="myframe">
With this:
<a href="#myframe">
Thank you!
I dont want it to scroll within the iframe to an anoche within the target html. as a matter of fact the iframe doesnt have scrolling allowed. I want to scroll in the parent (root web) to the iframe
I found this solution. Works perfectly.
Class Name
<script type="text/javascript">
function IFrameScroll(link){
Yes, you do that by putting the document fragment identifier (the thing starting with the # sign) after the URL, like this:
<a href="/example#myframe" target="myframe">
To have this work, your page (example in this case) must have a named anchor like this:
<a name="myframe">...

Hide Alt text when Hover

I have a DIV tag. Inside the DIV, I have a Table and in a row, I have placed a script code which displays random images which on a click leads to a url.
This is how the script renders inside the Div Tag
<script />
<a href="some random url">
When the user hovers over these images, the anchor url shows as a message on browser status bar. This is very misleading for users. I want to know how to use CSS to hide this status message - Cross Browser and display a custom message instead. On the Div, I have given onmouseout and onmouseover, however it does not help.
Can this be done?
See :
This property does not work in default configuration of Firefox and some other browsers: setting window.status has no effect on the text displayed in the status bar. To allow scripts change the the status bar text, the user must set the dom.disable_window_status_change preference to false in the about:config screen.
This is a security feature that you can't realistically bypass.
common users dont know that they should look at that place in the browser window.
but you can hide that message... you can maybe just redirect with javascript
something like this:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="someredirectfunction('someurl');return false;" >
<img />
onmouseout and onmouse over are used for events for client side scripting. Those are used "mostly" for a language called ecmascript(javascript). You unfortunately will not be able to do what you are asking with CSS, css is desinged to represent the appearance of a site, HTML the form, and javascript (other scripting sources) the function.
