Hide Alt text when Hover - css

I have a DIV tag. Inside the DIV, I have a Table and in a row, I have placed a script code which displays random images which on a click leads to a url.
This is how the script renders inside the Div Tag
<script />
<a href="some random url">
When the user hovers over these images, the anchor url shows as a message on browser status bar. This is very misleading for users. I want to know how to use CSS to hide this status message - Cross Browser and display a custom message instead. On the Div, I have given onmouseout and onmouseover, however it does not help.
Can this be done?

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/window.status :
This property does not work in default configuration of Firefox and some other browsers: setting window.status has no effect on the text displayed in the status bar. To allow scripts change the the status bar text, the user must set the dom.disable_window_status_change preference to false in the about:config screen.
This is a security feature that you can't realistically bypass.

common users dont know that they should look at that place in the browser window.
but you can hide that message... you can maybe just redirect with javascript
something like this:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="someredirectfunction('someurl');return false;" >
<img />

onmouseout and onmouse over are used for events for client side scripting. Those are used "mostly" for a language called ecmascript(javascript). You unfortunately will not be able to do what you are asking with CSS, css is desinged to represent the appearance of a site, HTML the form, and javascript (other scripting sources) the function.


Dead link in an absolutely positioned div

I'm trying desperately to make the link on a linked image work but whenever I click on the link, my browsers (Chrome & Firefox) just tell me they are connecting to the page and I get a continuous spinning image as if the browser were doing something. The link works perfectly if I open in another tab.
The div in question is coded and styled in a Wordpress page. I am making changes to another developer's work for a customer.
Here's the div:
<div style="position: absolute; top: 645px; left: 80px; width: 150px;">
<a href="http://themoneycouple.com/?p=4681" target="_top" style="display:inline-block">
<img src="http://themoneycouple.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/kit-history.png" alt="Toolkit History Link" width="150" height="170" style="position:relative; display:block; z-index:999999999999;" />
And here's the page it's on: http://themoneycouple.com/resources/love-and-money-kit/
I've tried changing the z-index on every element in multiple ways, tried changing the link target in every way possible, changed display settings, etc.
One last note, there are lots of iframes on this page and I'm not sure if those are messing things up somehow. Massive thanks for any help.
It looks like the URL for that HREF is trying to load a page as a modal using the fancybox protocol. Is this what is expected?
Does that page ID exist? It looks URL looks different from the other page URLs on the site.
There is a jQuery function that targets every IMG tag w/ an A tag and applies a class of "fancybox". Modify the specificity of this function to exclude the last item in the gallery. Better yet, create a new class and add it to the elements that should have the fancybox functionality. The same issue happens on other pages where the HREF goes to a page instead of opening an image.
Current jQuery function:
var thumbnails = jQuery("a:has(img)").not(".nolightbox").filter( function() { return /\.(jpe?g|png|gif|bmp)$/i.test(jQuery(this).attr('href')) });
I think I found the link you mean and it has a fancybox class on it, so I presume it is trying to open a fancybox javascript plugin popout for your link.. which is a redirect and failing to do so, since I can right click the link and go to open in new tab and it works.

make style on html5 audio player timeline

I want to make a style on html5 audio player.
<audio id="player" controls="controls">
<source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<!-- using mozilla firefox -->
Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Please upgrade your browser.
Is it possible to put css style on the html5 generic audio player timeline?
The following code, when pasted into Chrome's developer console, reveals a document fragment that describes the audio element's structure:
var aud = document.createElement('audio');
aud.controls = true;
Going to the chrome debugger's elements tab reveals this document fragment:
<input type="button">
<input type="range" precision="float" max="0">
<div style="display: none;">0:00</div>
<input type="button">
<input type="range" precision="float" max="1" style="display: none;">
<input type="button" style="display: none;">
<input type="button" style="display: none;">
If there was a way to change the style of the time display or the play/pause button without redefining the inner structure(i.e. shadow DOM), it would be through that document fragment. There is neither a function nor an attribute that suggests the ability to access said document fragment.
Youtube does their own HTML5 video timeline in case someone wants to "try something new"(or just hack an easy way to download some of their ad-free WebM videos), so I know it is possible. I'm guessing you would need to do it like this:
<audio id="player" ><!--notice how you get rid of the controls -->
<source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /> <!-- using mozilla firefox -->
Your browser does not support HTML5 audio. Please upgrade your browser.
If you have the audio player hidden, you can add Event Listeners to update the status/progress. You will definitely want to use at least onTimeUpdate
Meanwhile, you can make your own DOM controller with a square tags with border-radius = (width/2) for a circle, or just use a . I suggest you look into the Shadow DOM for a way to hide functionality from both users and other scripts.
If you want to just show the user how far the music has played and not allow the user to seek, use a tag or a tag. Otherwise, you can use an tag and stylize that. Don't forget to add an onInput handler to skip through the track.
I did not see that image. You must have uploaded it while I was answering. I would suggest you use a filter, but that might not work on anything but images. Try making a div transparent over it and allowing the user to click through it
edit #2
It turns out that background-color kinda tints the player in Chrome(only the audio player) depending on the background color, but the play time color does not change color with either background-color or color. You can get full control and uniformity over your style with a custom player, but that would mean extra work for you. I hope that my answers were helpful.

Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up box?

I'd like to disable the Comment box that pops up when a user clicks the Facebook Like button ,
I followed the post Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up? and changed the CSS But it didnt work any other suggestions please
I cant use IFRAME otherwise i would not be able to use FB.Event.subscribe('edge.create',
From http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/:
When will users have the option to add a comment to the like?
If you are using the XFBML version of the Like button, users will always have the option to add a comment. > If you are using the Iframe version of the button, users will have the option to comments if you are using > the 'standard' layout with a width of at least 400 pixels. If users do add a comment, the story published > back to Facebook is given more prominence.
Just use the iframe version of the button and set the width to less than 400 pixels.
Just add a style attribute with overflow: hidden
<div style="overflow: hidden !important;" class="fb-like" data-href="<?php echo $url; ?>" data-layout="button_count" data-action="like" data-show-faces="false" data-share="true"></div>
Place the iframe within a div and use overflow hidden with a width and height that hides anything except for the button.
I tried to change the css from within the iframe but that didn't work for me.
create a custom css class like,
overflow: hidden !important;
mention the class into facebook DIV
That's it...

How do I bind a dynamic set of jQuery Mobile buttons using Knockout.js?

I'm using jQuery Mobile (jQM) and Knockout.js (ko) to develop an application. In this application, I need to generate a variable number of buttons that are defined by a constantly updating web service.
So, in my markup, I have:
<div id="answerPage-buttons" data-bind="foreach: buttonsLabels">
<button data-role="button" data-inline="true" data-theme="b" data-bind="text: text, click: $root.submitAnswer" />
buttonLabels is a list of short strings returned from the web service. It's defined as:
self.buttonLabels = ko.observableArray();
This all works fine when the buttons are not "jQM styled". However, when I style them using:
problems arise during the update.
The issue seems to be that jQM wraps the buttons in a div (with a sibling span) to make them all nice and mobile looking. However, when the ko applies the updates via the bindings, it only removes the tags, leaving the surrounding stuff, and adds new button tags - which are then also styled by the jQM trigger call.
So, I end up with an ever-growing list of buttons - with only the last set being operational (as the previous ones are gutted by the removal of their button element, but all the styling remains).
I've managed to address this, I think, by placing the following call immediately after the observable is updated:
$("#answerPage-buttons div.ui-btn").remove();
However, my feeling is that there's probably a better approach. Is there?
I found a solution.
If I surround the buttons with a div, it seems to work - e.g.
<div id="answerPage-buttons" data-bind="foreach: buttonsLabels">
<button data-role="button" data-inline="true" data-theme="b" data-bind="text: text, click: $root.submitAnswer" />
I'm guessing this is because the markup added by jQM remains "inside" the markup replicated by ko. Without the div, jQM wraps the button tag, which was the immediate child of the tag that contains the ko foreach binding.

Creating Valid XHTML Clickable Block Region

I'm trying to make a "clickable" region.
style="display: block"
A is an inline element but the CSS made it a block.
If the above is valid, then the following should be valid too:
style="display: block"
<div>Some DIV that links to StackOverflow</div>
But validator.w3.org shouldn't be flagging it as invalid (which it is right now).
If it is invalid, what would be the most proper way to make a block element "clickable" and redirects to an arbitrary page. I'm aware I can use JS onclick to achieve this behaviour, but how will Google see this?
The validator is correct - you can't put <div> inside <a>, no matter what you do afterwards with CSS.
The proper thing to do is what you did in your first code block - <a style="display: block;">
If you want something inside that you can do <a style="display: block;"><span style="display: block;">
Don't confuse valid HTML with valid CSS. It is valid to use the display css property to make inline elements block. It is not valid to put block HTML elements within inline ones.
It doesn't follow that the one being valid implies the other has to be. There are nesting rules for HTML, and div-within-anchor doesn't fit them, which is why validator.w3.org is giving you a hard time.
If you truly must have a div, rather than text, images or <span style="display: block">s, that's clickable, then yes, you will have to use an onclick event. Google will not understand or acknowledge the existence of the link. (You may be able to cope with this by having an anchor on something that anchors can apply to, in addition to the onclick div.)
Something I've done in the past with this sort of problem is invoke the click on the parent element (My example uses jQuery):
<div class="link">
Visit Google
document.location = $(this).find("a:first").attr("href");
With styles you could make the entire area appear to be the link by setting the cursor, a roll-over state, etc.
First you need to know whether you want to use strict or transitional XHTML (frameset is not useful here). Then you look into the DTD (link) and you'll see that A cannot have a DIV inside.
Why don't you use an area tag for this? It is supposed to define the clickable area in an imagemap.
Google bots now follow simple javascript links, so using JS on the onClick event of your div is an option. Other search engine bots don't do that, but sooner or later they will.
More info in this article.
