upload image to servlet: IllegalArgumentException !UFT8 error - servlets

I want to upload an image from IOS device to Google datastore.
This is how I did it:
On client side, I use cocos2d to get image raw data. image->getData(), which returns an (unsigned char*) type. I guess it's in base64.
I set, std::string postdata = "image=" + (char *)(image->getData());.
I use cocos2d HttpClient to send the postdata to a servlet.
On the servlet, I use request.getParameter("image"); to get the image data. But I got an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: !utf8 ERROR!
However, if I just set postdata = "image=XXXX", the servlet is able to return me "XXXX", which is what I want. So I guess the problem is:
"image=" is in UTF8, but image data is in base64.
Then servlet does not know how to decode the string and returns me !UTF8 error.
I don't know if my understanding is correct?
All I want is to let servlet receive image data and send it back to client.
Is any one know how to do it?
Thanks in advance.

I solved the problem. It's just I need to encode the image data to base64, then post it to the servlet. Thanks any way.


Cannot download with right format an excel file F#

I have the following part of code:
let client = new WebClient()
let url = "https://..."
client.DownloadFile(Url, filename)
In which code i am performing a HttpGet method in which method i get a file excel with some data.
The method is executed correctly because i get my excel file.
The problem is that the content of my file excel is like this:
I think its because i don't pass ContentType:"application/vnd.ms-excel"
So anyone can help how can I pass that ContentType in my Client in F# ?
If you want to add HTTP headers to a request made using WebClient, use the Headers property:
let client = new WebClient()
let url = "https://..."
client.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Accept, "application/vnd.ms-excel")
client.DownloadFile(Url, filename)
In your case, I think you need the Accept header (Content-Type is what the response should contain to tell you what you got).
That said, I'm not sure if this is the problem you are actually having - as noted in the comments, your screenshot shows a different file, so it is hard to tell what's wrong with the file you get from the download (maybe it's just somewhere else? or maybe the encoding is wrong?)

Posting binary buffer payload using Node-RED

I am trying to send a byte array through POST using Node-RED. I can successfully create the buffer using this module and storing it in msg.payload. However I can't figure out how to add it as a parameter in a http request node.
The receiving application requires enclosing quotes. So I use the payload in the following url: localhost:port/path?var=\"{{payload}}\", but it gives
"Error converting http params to args: invalid character '\' looking for beginning of value"
If using it in the request url without quotes: localhost:port/path?var={{payload}} nothing gets through (I can see on the other end).
I am using Protobuf due to the application on the other side, but I've also tried creating a buffer, as described here. However, nothing changes.
POSTs should not have arguments in the URL. The data should all be in the body.
Do you need to make the msg.payload an object with keys matching the arg names.
msg.payload = {
var = [buffer]
You will probably have to play around with the content-type header as by default I believe Node-RED will send a JSON body and you probably want application/x-www-form-urlencoded
You can set the headers by adding a msg.headers object

convert response in pdf MULE

I need help for reaching my object's task target. I have got a BufferInputStream in a http component response and i need to convert these object in a pdf file. Can someone help me using component "File"? Thank you.
The HTTP Listener and Requester both will return an InputStrem...That InputStream will need to be read and converted into whatever is required downstream.
What is being received in that InputStream?
BTW - If the InputStream does not contain the PDF binary then you will need to use a third-party lib to assemble your data into a PDF format.

Accessing the exact data sent using WebClient.UploadData on the server

Newbie question: I'm sending a large text string in the form of a byte array using the WebClient.UploadData method to a web site but I'm not sure exactly where to retrieve that data from on the server. I've read posts that say it is in the request object which I already know but how exactly do I retrieve the specific byte array I sent like in the following c# pseudo code:
byte[] dataSent = request.GettheByteArrayISentFromWebClientUploadDataMethod;
I understand that it may not be as simple as this and that I may need to do some other processing but can anyone post a code snippet that shows how I can get at the byte array that was sent?
Mucho Thank-you
Try reading it from the request stream Request.InputStream:
var bytes = new byte[request.InputStream.Length];
Request.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
If you are sending key/value pairs then you could use the UploadValues method and read them simply as request paraneters:
string value = Request["someKey"];

How do we pass parameters when doing HTTP Post?

I am working on an app where we have to pass specific web api parameters to a web app using HTTP POST.
apimethod name
parameter1 value
parameter2 value
So do I use a string or URLEncodedPostData to send that data?
It would be good if u help me with a code eg.
I am using something like this but it doesnt post the data to the server.
Though the response code is ok/200 and I also get get a parsed html response when i read the httpresponse input stream. But the code doesnt post anything. So unable to get the expected response.
_postData.append("method", "session.getToken");
_postData.append( "developerKey", "value");
_postData.append( "clientID", "value");
_httpConnection = (HttpConnection) Connector.open(URL, Connector.READ_WRITE);
String encodedData = _postData.toString();
_httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "BlackBerry/3.2.1");
_httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Language", "en-US");
_httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Content-Length",(new Integer(encodedData.length())).toString());
os = _httpConnection.openOutputStream();
The code you posted above looks correct - although you'll want to do a few more things (maybe you did this already but didn't include it in your code):
Close the outputstream once you've written all the bytes to it
Call getResponseCode() on the connection so that it actually sends the request
POSTed parameters are usually sent in the response BODY, which means URL-encoding them is inappropriate. Quote from the HTTP/1.1 protocol:
Note: The "multipart/form-data" type has been specifically defined
for carrying form data suitable for processing via the POST
request method, as described in RFC 1867 [15].
The post method allows you to use pretty arbitrary message bodies — so it is whatever format the server wants.
