Meteor package incorrect folder name - meteor

I just ran the following meteor command:
sudo meteor create --package blah:my-package
and meteor has created a folder called TECM60~2 ... I thought it was supposed to create a folder with the package name - any ideas?
Note: I am running Ubuntu on Virtualbox (developing on Windows) and accessing the package folder via a Samba share to Windows Explorer. I suspect this problem is because Windows does not allow colons in folder names (?)

As per Ethaan's comment, it is possible to create packages without the username: in front of it. I did raise this with the Meteor team and they said they will address this in a fuuture release.


Does uninstall of meteor remove .meteor directory items?

I started to get "the system cannot find the path specified" running meteor in a project directory thats been ok for months, reboot etc not resolving it.
So I uninstalled meteor via control panel (windows 10) downloaded latest version for site and reinstalled.
back in project directory I then got error "your not in meteor project directory" a bit of SO tells me the .meteor/release number could be incorrect. When I look in the .meteor director everything has disappeared apart from the local directory. This is the same in two separate project directories. It looks like the packages, releases ,version files etc have been removed - could or would the uninstall of meteor do this?
All seems a bit fragile....

Using WP-CLI on Windows to Manage Remote WordPress Installation?

I'm trying to manage my remote shared hosting WordPress installation via WP-CLI installed on my local Windows machine. So far I have managed to install WP-CLI (The "WP" command is available to run).
But when I try and connect to a remote URL with "wp --http", I get the following messsage:
RESTful WP-CLI needs to be installed. Try 'wp package install wp-cli/restful'
So I run the suggested command and I get:
Composer directory for packages couldn't be created.
I hadn't installed via composer. Instead, I manually instaled PHP and then downloaded the "wp-cli.phar" file. So I tried to install composer on Windows, but couldn't make head or tail of what downloads where. I "think" I managed to install wp-cli, but couldn't see where it had installed the files...and it just didn't work out.
Do you guys know of a more straightforward way to do this?
Concerning the error: Composer directory for packages couldn't be created.
If you did not set the environment variable WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR the default is ~/.wp-cli/packages/ which works for Linux but not for Windows.
I set this variable and the command 'wp package install wp-cli/restful' now successfully creates the directory for packages and the composer.json file but still doesn't install wp-cli/restful.
So I used composer directly and it successfully installs wp-cli/restful.
If I use the parameter (which matches example in the documentation) I get the error "Couldn't auto-discover WP REST API endpoint from' However, if I change this to it works. The actual command I used is:
wp rest post list

Nexus3 OSS: Installing Multiple Instances on Windows

This is actually an informational post to show some undocumented abilities of the windows nexus.exe. If anyone wants to provide some other useful information about Nexus3 OSS installation and/or configuration on Windows that is not readily available in the online books/documentation, that would be great!
I needed to install Nexus3 along side our current Nexus2.x to take advantage of the new repository formats, but Nexus2.x is already running under the default service name of "nexus". How can I provide the service name that Nexus3 will run under on Windows?
Nexus 3 Documentation as of 2017/09/12
The documentation now includes instructions to clarify how to install multiple instances for Nexus 3:
Nexus 2 Documentation as of 2017/09/12
In order to install Nexus3 under a different service name on windows, you will need to use the archive(zip file) download for windows instead of the windows executable installer. Then you simply provide the name you want the service to have as the last parameter of the normal install command.
More specific instructions:
Unpack the zip file into the desired location.
Open a command prompt with elevated permissions (run as administrator) and navigate to the bin directory of the unpacked nexus3 folder.
To create the service:
nexus.exe /install YourUniqueServiceName
To remove the service:
nexus.exe /uninstall YourUniqueServiceName
Note: Creating/Removing the service this way will not delete the nexus installation nor data files; they only affect the windows service. Conversely the windows installer provides an uninstaller executable that will delete the installation files and optionally will also delete the data directory.
Here is some other useful configuration options for changing the port and the data directory location, which you will want to do when installing multiple instances (as in the use case above). Be sure to stop the service if you've already installed it.
To change the port:
Navigate to the "etc" directory under the nexus installation location, and open the "" configuration properties file.
Change the "application-port" property to the desired port value.
To change the Data Directory and/or the temporary directory:
Add or modify the following commandline arguments to the "nexus.vmoptions" file in the bin directory:

Meteor doesn't work in Windows 10

I downloaded the Meteor's official Download from here: Meteor 1.2.1
and the installer is just 1.2mb
Now, after running it: Nothing happens. No permission. Nothing. This page is shown:
And then when I hit Skip this step, this is shown:
Even after restarting, there is no .meteor folder in AppData\Local directory, and Meteor command is still not recognised.
Also, I think, how can a 1.2mbinstall something like Meteor which is like 53mb when installed via curl on OSX or Linux.
Are the Meteor fooling windows? I dont know why the installer doesn't work. The point is: How can it?
Downloaded file is installer not setup.
First install the meteor in your machine.
Then set it in environment variable.

Meteor changing package name with colon to suit Windows

I used to develop meteor app using Mac. I have written package for app with name foo:bar and package is under packages/foo:bar
This week meteor team has officially released metero.js for Windows. Cloning the the git repo to windows is failing because of colon : in the directory name.
Is there any official way to migrate/rename package directory name in Mac so that it works properly across all operating system.
You can name the package folder anything you want. In the package.js file under the Package.describe method, use foo:bar as the name instead.
Meteor will use this as the name of the package instead of the name of the directory containing the package thereon.
