With angular-ui google maps how do you re-load new map data or center? - angular-ui

I haven't been able to find a tutorials yet with angular google map that shows how to re-load either map data or re-center the map with new data.
My controller:
vm.territories = []; //this gets loaded with the polylines
vm.center = {
latitude: 40.7450,
longitude: -99.3965
<ui-gmap-google-map center="vm.center" zoom="vm.zoomLevel">
<ui-gmap-polygon ng-repeat="ct in vm.territories" path="ct.territoryData" stroke="ct.mapStroke" visible="vm.polygon.visible"
geodesic="vm.polygon.geodesic" fill="ct.mapFill" editable="vm.polygon.editable">
So question is, if I change the vm.center values or want to add/remove/change vm.territories after the map has already loaded with that data, how do I re-load it after the fact? I was hoping I could bind the data to the ui and change it on the fly but not sure that's possible.

as you can see in this example, you can simply bind your center values to input fields, or use it in other controller functions.
if you add a function to your controller like this:
$scope.setCenter = function(lat, lng)
$scope.map.center = {latitude: lat, longitude: lng };
and call this function from a button like:
<button ng-click="setCenter(20, 30)">Set Center</button>
you'll notice how the map is centered at the new values.
if you extend the example a little bit more, you'll see, that the same applies for the polygon.
$scope.addPoint = function(lat, lng){
$scope.polygons[0].path.push({latitude: lat, longitude: lng});
and the button:
<button ng-click="addPoint(20, 30)">AddPoint</button>


How to dynamically alter point radius and style of JSON path in d3?

I need help in dynamically "highlighting" cities on a world map, created using D3 and geoJSON.
I'm working on a spinning globe with 295 city-markers on it. Every 300 millisec, one of these cities need to "be highlighted", meaning 1) change its color and 2) increase its radius (and then stay that way). This gist shows the visual so far: gist example
Steps taken so far:
1) I started with "circle" elements in d3: highlighting was easily done by changing their class (and using CSS styles) and radius. However: the circles remained visible on the "backside" of the globe...
2) To solve the "no circles on back of earth" problem, this post showed me that JSON paths would help: http://bl.ocks.org/PatrickStotz/1f19b3e4cb848100ffd7.
I have now rewritten the code with these paths, and there is correct clipping of the markers on the back of the earth, but now I am stuck in dynamically accessing the radius and style of each city...
Question about changing the radius:
I understand that using path.pointRadius() I can alter the radius of the city markers. However, I want to do this dynamically (every 300msec), and only on a subselection of the markers each time. And that's where I get stuck...
Question about changing the style:
Also I would like to change the color, but assigning styles to the paths confuses me about how to access the JSON "Point" and "path" elements...
Code snippet showing my failed CSS styles attempt:
.data(data,function(d,i){ return d.id })
.datum(function(d) {
return {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [d.lon, d.lat],
class: "nohighlight" //MY ATTEMPT AT CHANGING CLASS... Not working...
}; })
.attr("class","city") //this class is assigned to the "correct" paths. Can I access them individually??
.attr("d", pathproj);
Code snippet showing the time loop in which the highlighting needs to happen:
//Highlighting the cities one by one:
var city_idx = 0; //data.id starts at 1
//Every 300 msec: highlight a new city:
var city_play = setInterval(function() {
var filtered = data.filter(function(d) {
return d.id === city_idx;
//Stop when all cities are highlighted
clearInterval(city_play) //terminates calls to update function within setInterval function.
}, 300); // end timer city play setInterval
Full code in block builder:
blockbuilder - globe and city markers
Please do let me know if I can clarify further!
We can do it this way:
To all path belonging to cities give a class
.data(data,function(d,i){ return d.id })
.classed("city", true) <--- so all cities point will have class city
Next in the timer block change radius and class dynamically like this:
var city_play = setInterval(function() {
// Control the radius of ALL circles!
pathproj.pointRadius(function(d,i) {
//your biz logic
if (i < city_idx){
return 4
} else
return 2
//select all elements with class city
function(d, i){
if (i < city_idx){
return "city highlight"
} else
return "city"
}).attr("d", pathproj)
var len = d3.selectAll(".city").data().length;
console.log(city_idx, len)
//Stop when all cities are highlighted
clearInterval(city_play) //terminates calls to update function within setInterval function.
}, 300);
working code here

add a tooltip to 2graph vis.js library

I am using a 2d line graph of vis.js (http://visjs.org/graph2d_examples.html ). Is there any way to add a tooltip to the data points so that when you mouse over or click you see the value in a pop up or somewhere else?
This is a feature they plan on adding.. the closest thing I see is this comment on trying to tackle the issue themselves:
This solution is rather simpe:
Add label to points, eg.
var point = {
x: ...,
y: ...,
label: {
content: POINT_LABEL
var dataset = new vis.DataSet(points);

Multiple marker selection within a box in leaflet

I need to select multiple markers in a map. Something like this: Box/Rectangle Draw Selection in Google Maps but with Leaflet and OSM.
I think it could be done by modifying the zoom box that appears when you shift click and drag in an OSM map, but I don't know how to do it.
I rewrote the _onMouseUp function, as L. Sanna suggested and ended up with something like this:
_onMouseUp: function (e) {
var map = this._map,
layerPoint = map.mouseEventToLayerPoint(e);
if (this._startLayerPoint.equals(layerPoint)) { return; }
var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(
var t=0;
var selected = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < addressPoints.length; i++) {
var a = addressPoints[i];
pt = new L.LatLng(a[0], a[1]);
if (bounds.contains(pt) == true) {
selected[t] = a[2];
I think it could be easy modificating the zoom box that appears when
you shift clic and drag in an osm map, but I don't know how to do it
Good idea. The zoom Box is actually a functionality of leaflet.
Here is the code.
Just rewrite the _onMouseUp function to fit your needs.
Have you tried something like this?
markers is an array of L.latLng() coordinates
map.on("boxzoomend", function(e) {
for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
if (e.boxZoomBounds.contains(markers[i].getLatLng())) {
Not enough points to comment, but in order to override the _onMouseUp function like OP posted in their edit, the leaflet tutorial gives a good explanation. Additionally, this post was very helpful and walks you through every step.
A bit late to the party but it's also possible to achieve this using the leaflet-editable plugin.
// start drawing a rectangle
function startSelection() {
const rect = new L.Draw.Rectangle(this.map);
this.map.on('draw:created', (e) => {
// the rectangle will not be added to the map unless you
// explicitly add it as a layer
// get the bounds of the rect and check if your points
// are contained in it
Benefits of using this method
Allow selection with any shape (polygon, circle, path, etc.)
Allow selection using a button/programmatically (does not require holding down the shift key, which may be unknown to some users).
Does not change the zoom box functionality

Populating google map with array of circle objects created from Fusion Table data

I know I am overlooking/not considering something elementary, but I don't know what I don't know...
Trying to use Fusion Tables to populate an array of Google Maps API circle objects and place them on a map.
Currently I am able to hard-code the array like so:
citymap['Dane'] = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(43.10599621690524, -89.38682556152344),
population: 5000000
...and place them on a map.
And I am able to return JSON from the Fusion Tables, loop through and create what I think is an array and display it, but I can't make the circle objects appear.
Any advice on what I need to google/learn would be appreciated.
Here's an example using the new Trusted Tester API to generate Polygons to display on the map:
The logic should be similar, but instead of a Polygon, you would create a Circle:
new google.maps.Circle({
center: new google.maps.LatLng(<lat>, <lng>),
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 0.8,
strokeWeight: 2,
fillColor: "#FF0000",
fillOpacity: 0.35,
map: map,
radius: <radius>
You want to check out the Circle class; it provides a simple way to create circular shapes and place them on the map. Ok, so I see you've already found the shape class, so you are good there.
I think your problem is that you are turning everything into strings in your processing loop:
citymap = {};
for (var i = 0; i < data.table.rows.length; i++) {
citymap += 'citymap[\'' + data.table.rows[i][0] + '\'] = {' +
'center: new google.maps.LatLng(' + data.table.rows[i][1] + '),' +
'population: 2842518};';
I think you want code that looks more like this:
citymap = new Array();
for ( var i = 0; i < data.table.rows.length; i++ ) {
var circleData = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng( data.table.rows[i][1] );
position: 2842518
citymap.push( circleData );
I realize I have left some other bit of data out, but you get the idea. I believe your primary problem was that you were stringifying the code.

Marker in Polygon path

I managed to center a marker inside a polygon path by extending the getBounds method:
google.maps.Polyline.prototype.getBounds = function() {
var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
this.getPath().forEach(function(e) {
return bounds;
All I have to do is this:
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: flight_path.getBounds().getCenter()
Now I want the marker to be at 10%, 25% or 95% of the path.
How can I achieve that?
You can use the Geometry library to work this out. Add libraries=geometry to the Google Maps JS URL.
Then use the interpolate function to work out what percentage along your polyline you place your marker.
var inBetween = google.maps.geometry.spherical.interpolate(startLatlng, endLatLng, 0.5); // 50%
This is simple on one polyline, but if you have multiple lines forming one path, it might be a bit trickier! You could then maybe use computeLength to calculate the overall path length, do the maths yourself for where 95% is, and then I'm not sure...
