Meteor Change the sender info on reset password email - meteor

When you leave the accounts-password email template as is it shows the sender of the reset password email as Meteor Accounts.
When I try to change it like this
Accounts.emailTemplates.from = "Myself <>";
then the email never gets sent. Does anyone know what the correct way to change this is?

I've just tried to reproduce and think I know what the problem is.. first off I put that line in my client startup (didn't work) but as soon as I moved it to the server startup function the emails were being sent from the correct name/address.
See if that works for you.

Does your SMTP provider allow you to send email from that address?
If you're running from using they're default SMPT service then I doubt they'll let you set the from address to anything you like for security reasons.


Firebase Reset Password Link (Not sending/Did not receive)

I have implemented the reset password link for my app (using exactly the same firebase code provided at It works well when I tried it using a gmail account that I have registered previously on the app (I received the reset password link on gmail and able to change for a new password). However, when I tried it with other email domains (like professional work or school domains e.g or, it does not seem to receive the email (not in junk/spam too). It is very weird because I do receive the 'email verification' link (from firebase) using other domains when I registered using the app but not when I tried to reset the password? Any ideas on how to approach this problem?
As an FYI, currently in Jan 2023, Microsoft 365 business blocks these emails from ever reaching the target mailbox, even if you change the SMTP settings in firebase.
They still appear in your own SMTP sent section, they just never get delivered by MS
Open firebase console goto Authentication then click on Templates > Password Reset then copy given email address (it seems like, '') then open your Gmail account and paste that email id in search section the tap on 'view message > move to not spam'
This will surly help you
Meet Patel
If the code is the same and you don't get an error message, it is extremely likely that the email gets blocked somewhere along to the way to the target mailbox. You'd have to reach out to the system administrator and see if they can find the message somewhere in their spam filters, and ask them to modify the configuration of those to no longer block these messages.
As ganey stated, the problem is that certain email filters such as MS 365 do not accept mails that contain links that are not in pair with the sender domain.
The solution is to add a customized action url that points to the same domain as your sender domain.
Then you need to redirect from that url to the url generated by firebase.
If you do this in react or another SPA, don't forget to append the query params.

firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword is exposing my email and password

I am new to firebase and I was wondering why my email and password is being shown after signing in.
Why does it happen?
Is there any other way to hide this?
Your browser will always be able to show you the data sent by API calls before they get encrypted and sent over the network. There is not an issue at all. This can't be used to see other people's passwords or network call details.

Firebase Authentication: Emails sent but not received on special email addresses such as *

I am using Firebase Authentication in my Ionic App. Some users have reported to not receive the verification email which is sent after a user signs up, or when the resendVerificationEmail is triggered.
This works fine for email providers like or, but for those other users with special providers like it's not working. The emails are sent successfully according to firebase but they are never received.
Possibly the emails get filtered?
Has anyone else ran into this problem? The message template can not be modified but would using a custom SMTP server possibly help?
The problem is solved by using my own private SMTP server for sending the Authentication emails.
I am using a hosting service for my domain that comes with email service so I am using that one. Using other services such as Mailgun or Mailjet etc. might also solve the problem.
You can set up your custom SMTP server right in the firebase console under Authentication/Templates.
I had the same problem with others emails providers ( ...). After deeper analysis, it appeared that it is the domain address inside the (generated) link that is detected as SPAM by emails providers (maybe everything that sounds like *
I changed it to a custom one of mine (through Authentication->templates->"Customize action URL" (bottom right)):
and no more problem!
Some doc (note on blue background):

Verifying Email in Meteor Application

I am trying to send a verification email to users upon registration. I'm using Accounts.createUser to add users to the database and that works fine without any email verification system. HThen, when I try implementing email verification by using Accounts.sendVerificationEmail, it does not send any email. I have set MAIL_URL and I'm using Mailgun. When I try sending an email within terminal, it sends as expected. I have tried using the process provided here: where the method is server-side and then I use to call that method but that isn't sending the verification email. I have also tried implementing Accounts.onCreateUser() and calling Accounts.sendVerificationEmail(user._id) from within but that is also not sending the email.
In my server code I have the following in the startup function: Accounts.config({sendVerificationEmail: true, forbidClientAccountCreation: false}); I've also noticed that when I add in any kind of email verification code server-side, createUser fails and tells me the username is not defined but works 100% as expected without any email verification.
Here are some links to various sources I have been trying to use in order to get this working:
verify email using accounts.ui package
Meteor 1.3 verify email when creating user
I've also been using the Meteor docs but I can't seem to get it working. I also have installed related packages (email, accounts, accounts-ui). Any help is appreciated!
Thank you to #PankajJatav for asking me to read through the server console more carefully! The problem for me was that I am using mailgun as my smtp service. I was using the default sandbox domain when trying to implement my email verification system but the sandbox domain is only for testing purposes. In order to actually get emails sent, I had to go to mailgun and add in the recipients as an authorized recipient. If you set up mailgun with your own domain right from the start, this shouldn't be an issue.
Once again, thank you to #PankajJatav

Meteor reset password does not send email to user for password reset

Meteor reset password does not send email to user for password reset.
There are not any errors.
In telescope app after clicking on "Email Reset Link" button it shows "Email sent", however the user does not receive an email for password reset.
The problem had been solved partially. Because, after MAIL_URL installation (+Mailgun) it is still does not work. The problem can be related to, because box doesn't support SMTP.
Does someone had installed meteor app on and have mail notifications?
Does some of the developers can suggest something?
You need to set up an SMTP service (Meteor's own hosting uses Mailgun, but others are available), and set the environment variable MAIL_URL to match the details of your service, as documented here.
Ideally do this in the environment before Meteor starts, but you can do it on startup if required as I assume it won't be required immediately:
process.env.MAIL_URL = 'smtp://'; // (or equivalent for another provider)
