Meteor Dropdown list get and set - meteor

What is the best way to get and select values from a dropdown list (and also in radio) in Meteor.
I have created a helper:
categories: ["facebook", "news", "tv", "tweets"]
and in html
<select class="form-control" id="category">
{{> categories}}
<template name="categories">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
{{#each categories}}
<option value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
In case of edit, I would like to evaluate it with value coming from database (e.g. news) to be selected.
Thanks in advance.

Template HTML:
<select id="category-select">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
{{#each categories}}
<option value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
Template js:
categories: function(){
return ["facebook", "news", "tv", "tweets"]
"change #category-select": function (event, template) {
var category = $(event.currentTarget).val();
console.log("category : " + category);
// additional code to do what you want with the category

categories: function(){
return ["facebook", "news", "tv", "tweets"]
And you should consider changing template name and helper, they shouldn't be the same.


Meteor Dropdown #each over a collection

I've been around this all day and i can't figure why my each cycle is not working. I'm trying to create a dropdown with some countries.
countries: function(){
return Country.find({ });
View, template register
<select id="country-select">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected">Please Select</option>
{{#each countries}}
<option value={{ name }}>{{ name }}</option>
I have records in the country collection
meteor:PRIMARY>{ }).count() ->
The only options that the dropwdown displays is the placeholder.
I'm using mongol this is a country record
Try this...
<option disabled selected>Please select</option>
{{#each countries}}
It works here
return Country.find().fetch()
in the helper
Hope it helps
"The solution that worked for me is by calling the 'material_select' function after the options data has been loaded.
Template.[name].rendered = function() { this.autorun(function() { var optionsCursor = OptionsList.find().count(); if(optionsCursor > 0){ $('select').material_select(); } }); };"

How can I use autoform to populate a select element with #each?

Here is part of my form that I'd like to convert to using autoform.
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4">
<label for="pay_with" id="pay_with_label">Pay With</label>
<select name="pay_with" id="pay_with" class="form-control select select-primary mbl" required data-placeholder="Select an Option">
<option value="Card">New Card</option>
<option value="Check">New Bank</option>
{{#each device}}
<option value="{{card_id}}" selected {{selected}}>{{brand}} - {{last4}}</option>
In autoform, how do I translate this part?
{{#each device}}
<option value="{{card_id}}" selected {{selected}}>{{brand}} - {{last4}}</option>
Create a template helper function that returns the options array for your select menu, by mapping your devices array and adding in the extra options in order to get the proper schema for autoform, like so:
deviceOptions: function() {
var deviceOpts = {
return { label: device.brand+' - '+device.last4, value: device.card_id }
deviceOpts.unshift({ label: 'New bank', value: 'Check' });
deviceOpts.unshift({ label: 'New card', value: 'Card' });
return deviceOpts;
Then, you can call the helper in your template directive:
{{> afFieldInput name="payWith" type="select" options=deviceOptions }}

filter collection on dropdownlist change

i'm trying to filter my collection on dropdownlist change , here's my code in the template manager{
"change .typeselection": function(e, t){
console.log("drop changed");
return Session.set("type", $("[name=type]").val());
here's my template code :
<template name="postsList">
<select name="type" id="type" value="" placeholder="type the adress" class="form-control typeselection">
<option value="Restaurant">Restaurant</option>
<option value="Hotel">Hotel</option>
<option value="Shop">Shop</option>
<div class="posts">
{{#each postsWithRank}}
{{> postItem}}
{{#if nextPath}}
<a class="load-more" href="{{nextPath}}">Load more</a>
{{#unless ready}}
{{> spinner}}
From my understanding,this code works for you
//on dropdown change we are setting the new value in session{
"change .typeselection": function(e, t){
console.log("drop changed");
Session.set("type", $("[name=type]").val());//no need to return anything here
//whenever the session variabe changes this code will re run
"postsWithRank": function(){
//assuming you have type field in your collection and you want filter on that field
return Posts.find({"type":Session.get("type")});
//so this code will display the selected relative data
{{#each postsWithRank}}
{{> postItem}}

Meteor ignoring 'selected' attribute on <option> on <select multi>

I am trying to use a multi select box in meteor and have some of the options be marked with selected based on info from the db for use with slectize.js. however it seems like meteor when building its DOM tree ignores the selected property.
<select id="customer_user_id" name="user_id" class="form-control input-sm" multiple>
{{#each users}}
{{#if inList _id ../customer_user_id}}
<option value="{{_id}}" selected>{{full_name}}</option>
<option value="{{_id}}">{{full_name}}</option>
and the helper
Handlebars.registerHelper("inList", function (val, list) {
console.log(list.indexOf(val) > -1)
return list.indexOf(val) > -1;
i see that the condition is true but there is no options with the selected property
I have been breaking my head on this for more then 24 hours now
I have also tried this method with the same result
<select id="customer_user_id" name="user_id" class="form-control input-sm" multiple>
{{#each users}}
<option value="{{_id}}" {{selected _id ../customer_user_id "selected"}}>{{full_name}}</option>
with this helper
Handlebars.registerHelper("selected", function (val1, val2, string) {
if (val1 === val2) {
return string;
Try using selected="selected" instead of just selected:
<option value="{{_id}}" selected="selected">{{full_name}}</option>

How do I indicate 'checked' or 'selected' state for input controls in Meteor (with spacebars templates)?

So I'm trying to be efficient and clean in my Spacebars templates as I work with Meteor. But I'm stumped by the way in which checkboxes and select options are to be dealt with. Suppose I want to have a checkbox set as checked or not depending on a flag that is in a document in one of my collections. I don't appear to be able to do the following:
<input type='checkbox' id='item-{{this.item_id}}' {{#if checked}}checked{{/if}} />
When I try this, I get the following error:
A template tag of type BLOCKOPEN is not allowed here.
If I try the following options, though, they all result in the checkbox being checked even when the flag is false:
<input type='checkbox' id='item-{{this.item_id}}' checked='{{#if checked}}true{{/if}}' />
<input type='checkbox' id='item-{{this.item_id}}' checked='{{#if checked}}true{{else}}false{{/if}}' />
I have the same trouble with selected in my select options, so I end up doing something like the following to get around it, which seems verbose and error-prone:
<select id='option-{{this.item_id}}'>
{{#if option_60}}
<option value='60' selected>1 hour</option>
<option value='60'>1 hour</option>
{{#if option_90}}
<option value='90' selected>90 mins</option>
<option value='90'>90 mins</option>
{{#if option_120}}
<option value='120' selected>2 hours</option>
<option value='120'>2 hours</option>
You can use non-block helpers for placing such arguments:
UI.registerHelper('checkedIf', function(val) {
return val ? 'checked' : '';
<input type="checkbox" {{checkedIf checked}}>
Here is an example of the code I use to solve this problem, this should be pretty straightforward.
// assumes that this.checked is the flag in your collection
return this.checked?"checked":"";
// store options in a helper to iterate over in the template
// could even use in this case ?
return [{
text:"1 hour"
text:"90 mins"
text:"2 hours"
// compare the current option value (this.value) with the parameter
// the parameter is the value from the collection in this case
return this.value==value?"selected":"";
// dummy data, should come from a collection in a real application
return {
<template name="myTemplate">
<input type="checkbox" {{checked}}>
{{#each options}}
{{! ../ syntax is used to access the parent data context which is the collection}}
<option value="{{value}}" {{selected ../value}}>{{text}}</option>
<template name="parent">
{{> myTemplate dataContext}}
EDIT : using universal helpers as Hubert OG hinted at :
return value?"checked":"";
return left==right?"selected":"";
<template name="myTemplate">
<input type="checkbox" {{checkedIf checked}}>
{{#each options}}
<option value="{{value}}" {{selectedIfEquals value ../value}}>{{text}}</option>
The best, most efficient and effective way to accomplish this is to setup global template helpers, one each for determining checked and selected values. For documentation on creating global template helpers, see this documentation.
For checked, I suggest implementing it in this way:
Template.registerHelper('isChecked', function(someValue) {
return someValue ? 'checked' : '';
For selected, I suggest implementing it in this way:
Template.registerHelper('isSelected', function(someValue) {
return someValue ? 'selected' : '';
With these two global template helpers implemented, you can use them in any of your templates within your application like this:
<template name="someTemplate">
<input type="checkbox" {{isChecked someValue}}>
{{#each someOptions}}
<option {{isSelected someValue}}>{{someDisplayValue}}</option>
