How to turn off syntax highlighting in R-studio - r

I am very new to R-Studio. I was used to RGui, where there was no syntax highlight and the letters were very contrasty:
In R-Studio, the letters seem to be very dim, even the "black ones" doesn't seem as black as in RGui:
I don't have a clue how to change the colors (do you?) so I decided to turn off the syntax highlight completely. But I haven't found any way to do it. I tried Tools / Global Options, Appearance and Code Editing, but haven't found anything to change colors or turn off syntax highlighting.

I don't know of a way to turn off syntax highlighting completely. But it is possible to choose a different theme. Go to Tools - Global Options - Appearance and try the various settings for Editor theme. Maybe changing the font or font size could also improve readability.
Another option is to turn off syntax highlighting in a open file. In the lower right corner of the editor window, you should see R Script (or something else, if you are not currently editing an R Script) with two little arrows next to it:
When you click it, you can choose the language to use for syntax highlighting. If you pick Text File, there should be no highlighting at all. But you will have to redo this step whenever you load a file. At least, when you keep a file open in the editor and close RStudio, the setting will be kept when you start RStudio the next time.

I'm afraid you can't turn off syntax highlighting. There is only option to show syntax highlighting in console input. But you can still change the colors :)
Tools -> Global Options -> Appearance -> Editor Theme


Ride Robot Framework IDE - Mac Interface Trouble

I've just installed Ride editor on my Mac and I'm new to this. My python version is 3.9.4 on BigSur 11.4 and I'm using the dark mode theme.
I have trouble with the colors because I can barely see anything, only when something is selected. I've tried to change colors in the preferences but no luck.
I can't see the names of my files only when they are selected.
My project structure
I can't even write simple text case because I can't see what I am typing because of that yellow background and characters are white. Only after enter or when it is selected you can see what is in the field.
Test case fields
I can't make dictionary nor the list variables. I can only define them and add them values directly in the script because that window with the fields on the left is to small and I can't stretch it.
Dictionary Variables
If someone has facing the same thing or has an idea or solution at least for part of it would be great because I am out of the ideas. Thanks.
If you installed latest development from master (you probably did, so you can use with Python 3.9), you have options to change colors (and save and restore), from Tools->Preferences->General and for the Grid, Editor and Run tabs.
It would be nice to have those color settings files shared with the community. Please go to the project page and create an issue with those settings, or communicate on our Slack.

Moving to matching braces in RStudio

I have several R functions which I am scripting in RStudio. These functions are quite long. Is there a keyboard shortcut to skip from an opening brace to a closing brace in RStudio so I can more efficiently run these functions without having to scroll the script file?
One can use Ctrl+p to navigate to the closing brace/parenthesis.
You can also check the keyboard shortcuts in the Menu bar -> Tools -> Modify Keyboard Shortcuts.
Or from
Jump to Matching Brace/Paren Ctrl+P
In the RStudio v1.4 preview there is matching parentheses, braces, and brackets in a series of colors. This is customizable in the theme CSS. It can also be turned on/off dynamically per document through the Code -> Rainbow parentheses option. See here.

Use of variables like %{buildDir} in QtCreator kit settings in Qt5

In this documentation (under section "Specifying a Custom Executable to Run") I noticed that there is mention of what looks like a variable %{buildDir} in the field "Working directory".
I have struggled for a while now to find documentation for this feature. I would like to know first of all is there documentation for this somewhere?.
Secondary questions:
What other variables are available?
In which fields can they be used?
Can I access variables that I created in my project's .pro file?
Are there any other eval features or is this mechanism limited to variables?
As mentioned in the comments there is a "variables" button... supposedly for use all over the qt environment. However I have only found it available in obscure places that are not very useful!
However, you can at least get the list of vars from these places and use them where you actually need them. To find this, navigate to:
Tools (menu) --> Options --> Environment (tab) --> External Tools
Click "Update Translations..."
Click inside "Working Directory.." and you should see a "AB->" icon in colour to the right.
Click the icon for your list of vars.
You will notice that the style is a little different then %{BuildDir} but I believe the equivalent is %{CurrentProject:BuildPath} - You can see on the second screen shot I have right clicked and it asks you what you want to insert (the variable, or the value of the variable).
Annoyingly I could not figure out how to copy / paste the whole list as it is single line click only... maybe someone more clever can figure that out and we can stick that list in some Qt wiki :o
Here are the screen shots... Notice in screen shot 1 the little icon at the right side of "Working Directory" text-edit box.
In text edit widgets within Qt Creator (v5.14.0 and possibly earlier), there is an icon at the right end. Click on it, and a dialog of all the possibilities comes up. Make sure that the caret is at the proper position in the text edit widget.

Eclipse matching bracket margin mark - What is it properly called, and how to change its appearance

The question is basically just the title. In the above image, Eclipse is highlighting the function scope/block with the blue dotted pattern on the left margin. While helpful, I find the pattern visually distracting, especially using Moonrise or the Dark theme. What is this feature called, and where would I find its appearance settings/controls?
This is eclipse 4.4 with PyDev and StatET installed, though I see the same behavior with basic Java files as well.
I assume you are using Linux OS.
What is this feature called, and where would I find its appearance settings/controls?
This is called as Range indicator.You can switch off the range indicator.
Click Windows > Preferences. Navigate to General > Editors > Text Editors. De select Show Range indicator option.
If you want to change the colour then refer this answer

Github syntax highlight style scheme for Gedit?

I like the syntax highlight style scheme used for R scripts in github and I would like to get it to my gedit editor. Where could I get it?
The easiest way to get R syntax highlighting in Gedit is the RGedit add-on:
RGedit also allows executing R code from within Gedit, which is very handy.
Here's a screenshot of how I have my RGedit set up. I use a custom color pallet but you could alter the color scheme to look more like Github:
The lower pane is the R session (black on white) and the upper pane is the text editor (color on black).
gedit doesn't seem to have much in "syntax highlighting plugins":
Smart Highlighting gedit
Both doesn't support easily any language definition.
Maybe another editor (like bluefish for instance) would be more appropriate.
It seems that both existing answers are outdated, although the RGedit plugin JD Long mentioned still works. It looks like the last update was from almost a year ago, and there might be some problems with the latest version of gedit; however, I installed the plugin and it seemed to work without following the instructions in the forum (I'm running on Xubuntu 14.04).
However, for syntax highlighting (like the OP requested) - you don't have to do anything special. Today Gedit comes with syntax highlighting for many languages out-of-the-box, and one of them is R. If it doesn't detect R automatically (based on mime type or extension) then you can manually set the syntax highlighting scheme by clicking on the file type on the bottom right of the screen, where it says plain text or by choosing View -> Highlight Mode from the menu.
