project from IIS deployed site -

I have a site deployed on iis however I can't seem to edit any of the backend code when I export it from IIS as a zip file. Is there any way to do this?
This is a mvc3 application as far as I can tell

all you code-behind becomes in a dll after compile application and you can find its in the BIN folder.


How to re-build deployed website?

I'm connected to a customer's site. There is a bug in an MVC site i'm trying to solve.
As i make changes in the various .cs files, the web-server is not changing it's behavior. It seems that the web-site is determined to use the pre-compiled .dll files in the Bin folder.
How can i instruct IIS to recompile the web-site from scratch, in order to pick up the live changes?
I tried deleting my own .dll file:
But then the web-site crashes.
Note: i am asking how to do this without access to Visual Studio; otherwise i would have changed the web-application into a web-site and redeployed.
You will need to recompile the dll with your changes from your development machine and deploy them. MVC ( I mean application) uses dll not source code. In short , what you are asking is not possible.

Deploying a mvc4 application to godaddy

I created an ASP.NET MVC4 application using C# on Visual Studio 2012. But facing a hard time deploying it. I uploaded all the folders of my project onto my server (godaddy). But still cant view my website running.
My question: Is this enough to deploy my site ? Or anything else needed?
You can bin deploy an MVC4 app to GoDaddy.
Just copy the relevant MVC4 related DLLs that you need to your production bin directory.
Alternatively, you can set "Copy Local" equal to "true" in the Properties window for any of your MVC4 related project references as described in this blog post. Then when you do a Publish of your application, all of the needed assemblies will be included automatically.
You probably won't need all of these, but in an MVC4 app I currently manage on GoDaddy, I needed to manually include the correct versions of DLLs for:
sure, you can deploy your MVC 4 application. Godaddy supports MVC 4.
What I have done to deploy my MVC 4 application is:
1. I included DLLs such as:
2. I edited web.config file. I put next strings:
<trust level="Medium"/>
3. Then I used the File System publish method and then I used FileZilla to transfer the files to the GoDaddy. I copied all files to httpdocs directory. You must copy just to *httpdocs directory.*
That's all. Good luck.

How to host an ASP.NET MVC project in IIS?

I have an ASP.NET MVC solution with multiple project under it, it works fine locally after uploading the site on the server I get the System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException error
I am also trying to run the solution on IIS and the error I am getting is Not Found
The requested URL / was not found on this server.
I have also copied all the DLL to the output folder, what could be the issue is the problem most likely from a missing DLL, is it from the remote hosting security level or am I missing something else in the project please advise.
After calling the hostgator (where the site is hosted) and addressing the issue, I was told that custom DLL is not allowed in our hosting as you may see I have taken screenshots of the DLLs I wonder what are the customs DLL in my project as hostgator technician put it
I assume you're running v3 of ASP.NET MVC. In which case, have you set the Application Pool .NET Framework version in IIS to C# 4.0? Indeed, is ASP.NET MVC and .NET Framework 4.0 installed on your server?
Does your application rely on any external libraries which were not included in the deployed application?
Are you able to debug your application at all? Ie the Application_Start. It's possible that something is going awry during that which is causing this.
Basically, more information would help!

Deploying ASP.NET MVC to windows server 2003?

Short Version
I am a beginner program and my experience with launching programs is essentially hitting f5 in visual studio. How do I deploy an ASP.NET MVC app on a windows 2k3 server? When deployed, how would I access/run the site?
Long Version:
I am attempting to launch a simple ASP.NET MVC application to my company's win 2k3 server. I have included the binaries (for the MVC architecture, System.Web.Mvc, etc.) in my project as I am unsure if sp1 for ASP.NET 3.5 is installed.
I have absolutely no experience with server deployment, outside of deploying a simple ASP classic site on my localhost, so far I've been coding with the development server.
What is the process? When I click publish from Visual Studio, I select disk path and place it on my desktop, and then I transfer that folder to the server directory I want. The directory currently works with classic ASP pages, so I am placing my mvc app in a folder in that directory.
How do I access my site? I've tried \server\directory\MyMVCAppFolder\Home and several variations. (I changed my routing in Global.asax to account for .aspx extension, which is a nessecary evil dealing with win 2k3's IIS6)
In summation, how do I deploy a ASP.NET MVC site just having access to the server directory I wish to publish it, and how do I access it as an end user?
Read through this:

Deploy ASP.NET website alongside ASP.NET MVC website

I am working on an upgrade for a company website. It currently in production using vanilla ASP.NET. For the upgrade I switched the framework to ASP.NET MVC.
I am ready to deploy a beta version of the website. I have tested it locally by creating another website in IIS and just copying the published files there; that works. I only have access to the production web server through FTP. I tried copying those same files into a subdirectory on the root path, but it won't load the website.
How would I go about deploying the ASP.NET MVC project alongside the existing vanilla ASP.NET so that I can get to the beta site with just
I believe you would have to make the beta folder into a virtual directory so that it gets its own Application.
This has to be done through the IIS manager, and can't be done through FTP. In IIS 7.5 there is a menu option for converting a directory to an application ("Convert to Application") when right clicking on a directory. That would work great in this case.
I would suggest that you ask for a subdomain instead, e.g., that way it will have its own application to run in.
