Deploy ASP.NET website alongside ASP.NET MVC website -

I am working on an upgrade for a company website. It currently in production using vanilla ASP.NET. For the upgrade I switched the framework to ASP.NET MVC.
I am ready to deploy a beta version of the website. I have tested it locally by creating another website in IIS and just copying the published files there; that works. I only have access to the production web server through FTP. I tried copying those same files into a subdirectory on the root path, but it won't load the website.
How would I go about deploying the ASP.NET MVC project alongside the existing vanilla ASP.NET so that I can get to the beta site with just

I believe you would have to make the beta folder into a virtual directory so that it gets its own Application.
This has to be done through the IIS manager, and can't be done through FTP. In IIS 7.5 there is a menu option for converting a directory to an application ("Convert to Application") when right clicking on a directory. That would work great in this case.
I would suggest that you ask for a subdomain instead, e.g., that way it will have its own application to run in.


ASP.NET Web Forms Application Folder not deployed to AWS Elastic Beanstalk Application

The ASP.NET Web Forms Application that I've designed, contains a folder where the excel sheets that I require for the web reside. I've deployed the Web Application to AWS using the AWS Toolkit in the VS 2017, and could successfully get the application running over the Web. But, when I did something on the web (like Upload) which makes use of that folder, it resulted in exceptions and when I look at them through Log files later, I discovered that the Folders weren't even uploaded in the deploy process. Is there any way I could get the folder deployed as well?
Please ensure that the folder is included in your project before publishing. In Solution explorer, click on the Show All Files icon
And once the folder is displayed in the Solution Explorer, right click the folder and then Include in Project

Upload website to a hosting environment

I finish creating my website using Visual Studio 2010.. also I already have a domain name... My question is how do I publish/upload my website to my domain through the FTP server... I'm a total newbie at this and web tutorials are so complicated It makes my brain bleed...
I already tried using copy website but my website fails to appear on my domain... instead only my scripts/ ".aspx files" and resources appear on the page... in hyperlink format...
I also tried to publish the website but the same happened...
You are going to have 2 choices most likely. One is going to be some sort of ftp (or secure ftp). The other would be web deploy if the host offers it. What you want to do is publish your project to your local file system and then copy THAT output to the ftp (www) root (most likely). If you have web deploy you can also set that up in the publish settings in visual studio. Your web host should be able to provide the info you need in that case.
you need to publish your project to iis. make sure your iis is activated first in your machine, and initialize your asp framework with the iis. after all the setup are complete, then you can publish your project.

Deploying ASP.NET MVC to windows server 2003?

Short Version
I am a beginner program and my experience with launching programs is essentially hitting f5 in visual studio. How do I deploy an ASP.NET MVC app on a windows 2k3 server? When deployed, how would I access/run the site?
Long Version:
I am attempting to launch a simple ASP.NET MVC application to my company's win 2k3 server. I have included the binaries (for the MVC architecture, System.Web.Mvc, etc.) in my project as I am unsure if sp1 for ASP.NET 3.5 is installed.
I have absolutely no experience with server deployment, outside of deploying a simple ASP classic site on my localhost, so far I've been coding with the development server.
What is the process? When I click publish from Visual Studio, I select disk path and place it on my desktop, and then I transfer that folder to the server directory I want. The directory currently works with classic ASP pages, so I am placing my mvc app in a folder in that directory.
How do I access my site? I've tried \server\directory\MyMVCAppFolder\Home and several variations. (I changed my routing in Global.asax to account for .aspx extension, which is a nessecary evil dealing with win 2k3's IIS6)
In summation, how do I deploy a ASP.NET MVC site just having access to the server directory I wish to publish it, and how do I access it as an end user?
Read through this:

Deploying on IIS in windows 7

I've never actually used IIS, and I'm pretty new to the whole thing too.
Basically, I've created a RESTful service using a VS2010 project.
I'm not sure how you get that application (which runs great on Visual Studio) to run on an IIS server.
It's pretty easy with a Java dynamic web project and Tomcat, but here I'm not sure how to begin.
Do I simply deploy the binaries to a directory?
ther are some possibilities
the easy one
create under c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ a new directory for your app
in the iis manager, configure this directory (create an application, set the right .net version, ... ). than everything you need is to copy all your files into that directory and thats it.
but you can also create a msi file, if you don't have the direct access to the server.
For best testing you application use IIS 7.5 express on you development machine and set this:
project->Properties->Web->Use Local IIS Web Server
After testing under local IIS you can deploy you project to real IIS by using Build->Publish 'Your project'
Simplest way is deploying to File System in some folder and copy its content to created site folder, associated with IIS Virtual directory. To create Sites and virtual directories, see this: website deploymnet on client

I have completed building a website for a client.Now i want to deploy this website on the server, So that client can access the website like a normal website. what is the best way to do it.
I am using C#, 3.5, Ms Access.
Do you want to protect the source code as well?
Install the Web Deployment Project for Visual Studio (there is on for VS2008 and other for VS2010)
Add that project to your solution
Add a Web Setup project to your solution
Tell the Web Setup project that to load the Deploy project as source
Build the Solution
You will have in the Web Setup folder a setup.exe and Website.msi ready to be installed in any client machine (client needs to have IIS)
Add a Web Setup project to your solution
Tell the Web Setup project that to load the Web Site project as source
Build the Solution
You will have in the Web Setup folder a setup.exe and Website.msi ready to be installed in any client machine (client needs to have IIS)
All 3 projects, Web Site + Deploy project + Setup Project
