Visual Studio Express 2013 Web Site Administration Tool (WSAT) -

I am trying to access the Web Site Administration Tool (WSAT) so I can manage the users and roles established by an earlier version of VS. Apparently Microsoft took it away. I have Googled a solution, but I am not successful.
In the command prompt I entered...
iisexpress.exe /path:C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\ASP.NETWebAdminFiles /vpath:/WebAdmin /port:12345 /clr:4.0 /ntlm
I get an error...
c:\Program Files\IIS Express\iisexpress.exe is not a valid Win32 application.
What could be wrong?

I repaired the IIS Express installation and it fixed the issue. The file had a size of zero when I looked at it before the repair.


"An operation is not legal in the current state" error when trying to launch ASP.NET project in VS2013?

I have an ASP.NET web site created with WebMatrix 3. I do have the option in VS2013 checked to use the 64-bit version of IIS Express since I am running on 64-bit Windows 8.1. When I try to launch the project I get the error "An operation is not legal in the current state". Does anybody know how to fix this?
I got this same error "An operation is not legal in the current state" when running a project on Google Chrome, Stopping the project then closing all chrome instances fixed the problem.
I think it's related to visual studio not being able to attach to chrome instance for debugging.
Closing Chrome and restarting IIS (e.g. in IIS Manager) should solve the issue. It helped in my case.
Just had the same issue on VS (Visual Studio) 2017 this morning.
The steps that will resolve this are:
Stop project that runs in VS
Clean all IIS instances that VS temporarily created
Compile project and start that service again

MSDEPLOY: How can I access the command generated by Visual Studio

How can I access the MSDEPLOY command line generated by Visual Studio 2010.
I am asking because when I manually run MSDEPLOY I can easly deploy on a remote server and when I run it throught Visual Studio, I get this error
Web deployment task failed.(Remote Agent (url https://x.x.x.x:8172/msdeply.axd?site=Default Web Site) could not be contacted
Make sure the remote agent service is installed and started on the target computer.
An unsupported response was received. The response header 'MSDeploy.Response' was '' but 'v1' was expected
The remote server returned an error:(404) not found
If you follow this guys instructions you can see more verbose output:
FYI, I tested this myself because MSDeploy.exe from the command line was working but the Publish form Visual Studio 2010 wasn't working (using Web Deploy). MSBuild gave me the error messages I needed to fix my issues.
My issues were specifically that the web server I was deploying to did not have .NET 4 installed, and therefore the App Pools were set to 2.0. Visual Studio in all it's greatness says nothing about this, but MSBuild did. After that, I had an ACL issue and had to add another delegation rule in addition to the ones they tell you to add in the intro guides.

Visual Studio can't create web site in IIS

After installing service pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010 cannot create web site in IIS. Here is error message:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Configuring Web http://localhost/MyWebSite for ASP.NET 3.5 failed.
You must manuallyconfigure this site for ASP.NET 3.5 in order for
the site to run correctly. Visual Studio cannot detect whether this
virtual root has been configured for use with ASP.NET 2.0. The likely
cause is that you do not have sufficient priviledges to access the
IIS metabase. You may need to manually configure this site for
ASP.NET 2.0 in order for your site to run correctly.
OK Help
Does anybody know how to fix it ? Thanks!
P.S. I'm using windows7 x64.
Have you tried run Visual Studio with "Run As Administrator" from right click?
This happened to me when I deleted the default application pool.
Thanks to a Microsoft Connect report, I was able to solve this by choosing a new default application pool under the "Web Site Defaults" properties of the Sites node in the IIS 7 Manager tree.
Try changing the .Net version your Application Pool is using.
Open IIS Manager from Administrative Tools.
Select Application Pools on the left.
On the right, double click 'DefaultAppPool' (or whichever you may have created)
Under .Net Framework Version select v3.5.
Click OK and restart IIS.
I don't know if you have to restart IIS or not, but it won't hurt.
I found the answer here:
Visual Studio 2013. You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine
IIS stores a config file on your personal drive. At my company our shared drive was down for maintenance and I was getting this error. Once the drive came back online VS.NET started working again.

IIS6 Metabase Compatiblity not installing correctly for Vista IIS7

I've been bashing my head against this one for a few days, and haven't had any luck with it. I'm unable to get my VS2010 ASP.NET project to deploy to IIS. I receive the error
"Unable to create the virtual directory. To access local IIS Web sites, you must install the following IIS Components
IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility
In addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an Administrator Account"
I've most certainly installed the metabase option, but it still shows up. I'm also not sure why it's telling me to install ASP.NET.
Google is being entirely unhelpful, I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions. I'm running Vista Ultimate 64Bit
You've started VS2010 with 'run as Administrator', otherwise you might not have enough rights to do such a thing.
Also, the virtual dir doesn't already exist within the default IIS website?
This article describes "Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7" but the principles likely apply to VS2010 and Vista also. [][1]
I am using both VS2005 & VS2010 to develop websites that use a deployment project, which creates a setup.exe and project.msi files. I wanted to know why IIS 6 Metabase compatibility is required, but still do not really understand it. If absent, the installer quits very early with a message that the installation was 'not installed correctly', nothing more. It seems like a kludge between existing MS development tools and IIS 7.

Failed to Map Path '/doc'. path

If I run the site using the internal Visual Studio web server, I get the failed to map path error.
It seems to be a security problem.
I assume you use Vistual Studio 2008 and Vista or Windows Seven.
Launch Visual Studio with the administrator right, and the problem should disappear.
