Examples for reading text files in FreeBSD kernel module - unix

Could anyone give some simple examples (function names are good) for reading text files line by line (binary is OK if text is really hard) in a FreeBSD kernel module, from a given directory?
Really appreciate your kind help.

Here's a sample kernel module that'll cat your /etc/motd on load:
// kernel module motd catter.
// Doug Luce doug#forephypodia.con.com
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/module.h>
#include <sys/kernel.h>
#include <sys/namei.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <sys/sbuf.h>
static int catfile(const char *filename) {
struct sbuf *sb;
static char buf[128];
struct nameidata nd;
off_t ofs;
ssize_t resid;
int error, flags, len;
NDINIT(&nd, LOOKUP, FOLLOW, UIO_SYSSPACE, filename, curthread);
flags = FREAD;
error = vn_open(&nd, &flags, 0, NULL);
if (error)
return (error);
ofs = 0;
len = sizeof(buf) - 1;
sb = sbuf_new_auto();
while (1) {
error = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, nd.ni_vp, buf, len, ofs,
UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED, curthread->td_ucred,
NOCRED, &resid, curthread);
if (error)
if (resid == len)
buf[len - resid] = 0;
sbuf_printf(sb, "%s", buf);
ofs += len - resid;
VOP_UNLOCK(nd.ni_vp, 0);
vn_close(nd.ni_vp, FREAD, curthread->td_ucred, curthread);
uprintf("%s", sbuf_data(sb));
return 0;
static int EventHandler(struct module *inModule, int inEvent, void *inArg) {
switch (inEvent) {
case MOD_LOAD:
uprintf("MOTD module loading.\n");
if (catfile("/etc/motd") != 0)
uprintf("Error reading MOTD.\n");
return 0;
uprintf("MOTD module unloading.\n");
return 0;
static moduledata_t moduleData = {
This was cobbled together mostly from bits of https://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/release/10.1.0/sys/kern/vfs_mountroot.c?revision=274417&view=markup
There's no nice scanning/parsing facilities native kernel-side, so
that's usually done the hard way.


confusing pointer error while implementing linked list

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MALLOC(p,s) {\
if (!((p) = malloc(s))) { \
fprintf(stderr, "insufficient memory");\
#define IS_EMPTY(first) (!first)
typedef struct listNode* listPointer;
typedef struct listNode {
int data;
listPointer link;
void printList(listPointer first);
int main(void)
int x;
int tmpData;
listPointer first = NULL;
listPointer tmpLink = NULL;
FILE* fp = NULL;
if (!(fp = fopen("in.txt", "r"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "cannot open the file");
while (!feof(fp)) {
fscanf(fp, "%d", &tmpData);
MALLOC(tmpLink, sizeof(listNode));
if (IS_EMPTY(first)) {
MALLOC(first, sizeof(listNode));
*tmpLink = *first;
tmpLink->data = tmpData;
tmpLink = tmpLink->link;
void printList(listPointer first)
for (; first; first = first->link) {
printf("%d ", first->data);
We know that we can implement the insert function.
But I'm really curious about why this doesn't work.
What "first" refers to and what "tmpLink" refers to is the same
After implementing the link list while updating tmpLink,
I'm going to use "first" to print later.
I've spent almost a day just thinking about this, and I've tried debugging it, but I don't know why.

Trouble with creating an empty file using C programming language in UNIX environment

I have recently started programming in UNIX environment. I need to write a program which creates an empty file with name and size given in the terminal using this commands
gcc foo.c -o foo.o
./foo.o result.txt 1000
Here result.txt means the name of the newly created file, and 1000 means the size of the file in bytes.
I know for sure that lseek function moves the file offset, but the trouble is that whenever I run the program it creates a file with a given name, however the size of the file is 0.
Here is the code of my small program.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int fd;
char *file_name;
off_t bytes;
mode_t mode;
if (argc < 3)
perror("There is not enough command-line arguments.");
//return 1;
file_name = argv[1];
bytes = atoi(argv[2]);
if ((fd = creat(file_name, mode)) < 0)
perror("File creation error.");
//return 1;
if (lseek(fd, bytes, SEEK_SET) == -1)
perror("Lseek function error.");
//return 1;
return 0;
If you aren't allowed to use any other functions to assist in creating a "blank" text file, why not change your file mode on creat() then loop-and-write:
int fd = creat(file_name, 0666);
for (int i=0; i < bytes; i++) {
int wbytes = write(fd, " ", 1);
if (wbytes < 0) {
perror("write error")
return 1;
You'll want to have some additional checks here but, that would be the general idea.
I don't know whats acceptable in your situation but, possibly adding just the write() call after lseek() even:
// XXX edit to include write
if ((fd = creat(file_name, 0666)) < 0) {
perror("File creation error");
//return 1;
// XXX seek to bytes - 1
if (lseek(fd, bytes - 1, SEEK_SET) == -1) {
perror("lseek() error");
//return 1;
// add this call to write a single byte # position set by lseek
if (write(fd, " ", 1) == -1) {
perror("write() error");
//return 1;
return 0;

How to use char* with SD library with Arduino?

I am writing a data logger and would like to keep the files limited to a specific number of entries. I am trying to write this bit of code in the setup, so that when the Arduino powers on, it will write to a new file just to keep things simple. However, when I try to open the file I can't, although I am not sure why. Can anyone offer any explanation?
char *fileName; //global name
File logFile; //global file
//everything else is in setup()
char * topPart = "/Data/Data"; //first part of every file
char * lowerPart = ".txt"; // jus the extention
char * itter; //used to hold the char of i later
fileName = "/Data/Data.txt"; //start with the first file possible.
for(int i=0; i<=100;i++) {
if(!SD.exists(fileName)) {
Serial.print("opening file: ");
logFile = SD.open(fileName, FILE_WRITE);
if(logFile) {
logFile.println("I made it");
Serial.println("in the file");
if(!logFile) {
Serial.println("somthing bad");
} else {
itter = (char *)(i+48);
Lots of problems.
the construction of itter is wrong.
strcpy doesn't append just cpy.
Here is a code example to build your filename. This a basic C program. Remove the #include and main for Arduino, this allows to test on your computer whether the program is ok.
#include <string.h>
#define TOPPART "/Data/Data"
#define LOWERPART ".txt"
int main(void) {
char buf[64];
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", TOPPART, LOWERPART);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
/* here your stuff to check if the filename froml buf exists*/
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%d%s", TOPPART, i, LOWERPART);
return 0;

dlopen/dlsym: error getting function pointer

I am attempting to get the function pointer by using dlopen and dlsym, however I have been unable to get it working correctly. It fails when trying to doing the dlsym call. Following is my code.
Any help please?
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int test() {
printf("%s", "test()");
return 123;
int main() {
char * functionname = "test";
void* handle = dlopen(NULL,RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL);
if (!handle) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open handle: %s\n",
int (*fun)() = (int (*)())dlsym(handle, functionname);
if (fun == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find function: %s\n",functionname);
int a = fun();
printf("result: %d \n", a);
Probably you need to specify to the linker to export the symbols as dynamic. With gcc you have to use -rdynamic.
You can check the exported dynamic symbols with objdump -T.

Error writing and reading a structure from PIPE

I have a client server program where client writes a command on PIPE for server. While reading the command from Server it reads only first char of command and throws error. Can anyone help me with this?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <mqueue.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "Functions.h"
#define MSGBUFFER_SIZE 50000
pid_t serverPid;
pid_t clientPid;
typedef struct msgbuf {
int messageLength;
int messageType;
char messageText[MSGBUFFER_SIZE];
} Message_buf;
int writePIPE(int fd, Message_buf *inputMessage){
printf("\n In write pipe message length :%d",inputMessage->messageLength);
printf("\n In write pipe message Data :%s",inputMessage->messageText);
ssize_t n=write(fd,inputMessage,inputMessage->messageLength);
printf("\n Size :%d", n);
return n;
ssize_t readPIPE(int fd, Message_buf *outputMessage)
ssize_t len;
ssize_t n;
printf("\n Error");
return 0;
printf("\n Length ---->:%d",len);
printf("\n ERRRRROR expected %d got %d",len,n);
//printf("\n In Read PIPE: %s",outputMessage->messageText);
return len;
void Server(int readfd,int writefd)
Message_buf server_MessageBuf;
ssize_t length;
printf("\n End of file while reading pathname");
printf("\n LENGTH :%d",server_MessageBuf.messageLength);
printf("\n Printing in server: %s\n",server_MessageBuf.messageText);
void Client(int readfd,int writefd)
char inputFileName[MAX_SIZE];
char inputOperation[MAX_SIZE];
char *cCommandInput = NULL;
char *fileOperation = NULL;
char *operation = (char *) malloc(MAX_SIZE);
int commandValidateStatus = 0;
int commandInterpretationStatus=0;
Message_buf client_MessageBuf;
cCommandInput = acceptInput();
fileOperation = (char *) malloc(sizeof(cCommandInput));
/**Function call to determine operation read/delete/exit/invalid choice and filename*****/
commandInterpretationStatus = interpretCommand(cCommandInput,
inputOperation, inputFileName);
operation = inputOperation;
/**Function call to validate the input command******/
commandValidateStatus = validateCommand(
commandInterpretationStatus, inputOperation, inputFileName);
printf("\n Invalid Operation");
/*Exit command entered***/
if (commandValidateStatus == 1)
/*Code to clear resources */
/***Read or Delete****/
if (commandValidateStatus == 2 || commandValidateStatus == 3)
printf("\n Read or Delete\n");
printf("\n Error writing on client side ");
//printf("\n Reding server responsed");
int main()
int pipe1[2],pipe2[2];
pid_t pid;
/*Call Server*/
Server(pipe1[0], pipe2[1]);
return 0;
It looks like the code writes and reads struct msgbuf incorrectly:
typedef struct msgbuf {
int messageLength;
int messageType;
char messageText[MSGBUFFER_SIZE];
} Message_buf;
// ...
// ....
int writePIPE(int fd, Message_buf *inputMessage){
printf("\n In write pipe message length :%d",inputMessage->messageLength);
printf("\n In write pipe message Data :%s",inputMessage->messageText);
ssize_t n=write(fd,inputMessage,inputMessage->messageLength);
printf("\n Size :%d", n);
return n;
The above pieces that write struct msgbuf only write the first messageLength bytes of the structure which doesn't include the length of messageLength and messageType members, i.e. it truncates the object.
When reading:
ssize_t readPIPE(int fd, Message_buf *outputMessage)
// ...
It reads only sizeof(outputMessage) bytes, which is the size of the pointer, not the object. Even if you fix it by changing it to sizeof(*outputMessage) that won't do enough, since that would expect to read the complete object whereas the writing piece truncates the object.
A good start to fix it would be to split the message into two parts: header and payload. The header is a structure of a fixed size, e.g.:
typedef struct {
int messageType;
int payloadLength;
} MessageHeader;
The payload is a variable-length part following the header. This way it would first write the entire header object into the pipe followed by payloadLength bytes of payload. When reading it would first read again the entire header and then read exactly payloadLength bytes.
Also note, that read() and write() calls may read or write less then asked, so that case needs to be explicitly handled by keeping reading or writing until the exact number of bytes has been processed.
