Passing String with Double Quotes from Window.Parent -

There are some instances in which a user will have double quote in their name. this unfortunately is a downstream system and I have no control over that.
I am calling a method in VBScript
Call window.parent.CompletedCallBack("FOUND","EXAMPLE""D.TS200")
The ASP.Net method that the above code calls changes the second parameter to
what is happening to cause this? there is no other code between the call and the method that could be doing this. Is there something inherent in window.parent that would do this?

You should use '\"' instead of """. \ is a scape character in javascript.
So your code becomes
Edit 1.
You can use regular expression to replace text "" to corresponding
.replace(/["']/g, "")
More about scape character in javascirpt


.Split("//") is also picking up "/"

I am delimiting my data with the "//" as I am passing it up to my webservice. My webservice is splitting the data into an array like so:
myArray = al(i).ToString.Split("//")
Everything works great, however, if I pass in some data like this: 100/100 then that also gets split. Is there a way to make sure that only the "//" gets split?
The VB.Net compiler is converting your string into a Char array and calling this overload.
Thus, it's splitting on either / or /.
You need to call the overload that takes a string array, like this:
"100/100".Split(New String() { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None)
Always, always use Option Strict.
With Option Strict the original code produces an error, rather than choosing the unhelpful overload:
Error 1 Option Strict On disallows
implicit conversions from 'String' to

ASP.NET - Reading quoted text from local resource file

i'm using a little javascript in my website for my navigation bar, which is made up of a few ImageButton controls. in the code behind i have this:
Dim homeImage As String = GetLocalResourceObject("HomeImage")
imgBtnHome.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", HomeImage)
and in the resx file, i've tried these, but they don't work: (note the single and double quotes)
key: HomeImage value: "this.src='images/HomeImage.gif'"
key: HomeImage value: "this.src='images/HomeImage.gif'"
can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong? is it even possible to read "quoted" text from a local resource file?
Yes, you can store quotes in a resx string value. If you look at the XML that's generated for a resource file, you'll see that the quotes are in the value entries.
However, your script isn't going to work with quotes around it. Think of it this way - say you wanted to pop up an alert box. You would do:
imgBtnHome.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", "alert('hi')")
imgBtnHome.Attributes.Add("OnMouseOver", """alert('hi')""");
You're passing in a string value for the script, not a quoted string value. Try removing the double quotes altogether, and leave the single quotes.

Regex to limit string length for strings with new line characters

Looks like a simple task - get a regex that tests a string for particular length:
But if a string has "\r\n" than the above match always fails!
How should the correct regex look like to accept new line characters as part of the string?
I have a <asp:TextBox TextMode="Multiline"> and use a RegularExpressionValidator to check the length of what user types in.
Thank you,
You could use the RegexOptions.Singleline option when validating input. This treats the input as a single line statement, and parses it as such.
Otherwise you could give the following expression a try:
This should work in multiline inputs.
Can you strip the line breaks before checking the length of the string? That'd be easy to do when validating server-side. (In .net you could use a custom validator for that)
From a UX perspective, though, I'd implement a client-side 'character counter' as well. There's plenty to be found. jQuery has a few options. Then you can implement the custom validator to only run server-side, and then use the character counter as your client-side validation. Much nicer for the user to see how many characters they have left WHILE they are typing.
The inability to set the RegexOptions is screwing you up here. Since this is in a RegularExpressionValidator, you could try setting the options in the regular expression itself.
I think this should work:
The (?s) part turns on the Singleline option which will allow the dot to match every character including line feeds. For what it's worth, the article here also lists the other RegexOptions and the notation needed to set them as an inline statement.

Help with a regular expression to validate a series of n email addresses seperated by semicolons

I'm using an Web Forms RegularExpressionValidator Control to validate a text field to ensure it contains a series of email addresses separated by semicolons.
What is the proper regex for this task?
I think this one will work:
[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+#[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]{2,4} : valid email (from
(;|$) : either semicolon or end of string
(...)+ : repeat all one or more times
Make sure you are using case-insensitive matching. Also, this pattern does not allow whitespace between emails or at the start or end of the string.
The 'proper' (aka RFC2822) regex is too complicated. Try something like (\S+#[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+(\s*;\s*|\s*\Z))+
Not perfect but should be there 90% (haven't tried it, so it might need some alteration)
Note: Not too sure about \Z it might be a Perl only thing. Try $ as well if it doesn't work.

How does one pass string contains '\' from from server side to Javascript function?

How does one pass string contains '\' from from
server side to javascript function?
After checking parameters at client side, all '\' replaced with '' even,
replacing '\' with '%5C' at server side doesn't work.
Any idea?
\ is a special character - basically it "escapes" the character after it. Try passing \\ instead. BTW - if you're using C# you can use the # character before a string to avoid needing to pass it as a double slash, e.g.
string path = #"c:\documents\mydocuments";
I got solution for that.
parameter.Replace("\\", "\\\\") solve it.
Are you using ASP.NET to write a JavaScript string literal? ie. something like:
"<script type='text/javascript'>"+
" var bar= '"+myBarValue+"';"+
If so, then you are embedding text inside a delimited JavaScript string literal and you must use an escaping scheme that follows the syntax for string literals. In particular any \ character inside the text must be escaped with \\, and any ' character must be replaced by \', since that's the delimiter being used in this case (JavaScript can use either type of quote to delimit strings).
What's more if you're using an inline <script> block like in the above example, you're actually embedding text in a string literal in an HTML element, so you have to do some HTML escapes too. In particular you have to break up any </ sequences in the text, because that would end the script block. Also, in XHTML, there are no CDATA elements, so you'd also have to ampersand-escape any < or & characters in the text, except that would make it incompatible with legacy-HTML parsers. So to solve all these problems it is better to use JavaScript string literal escapes for that too, replacing < with \x3C and & with \x26.
Ideally what you would do would be to pass the simple string to a JSON encoder library, which would take care of escaping it appropriately for JavaScript. However I don't know of one for .NET that will escape the HTML for you as above, so you'd still need some replaces.
