.Split("//") is also picking up "/" - asp.net

I am delimiting my data with the "//" as I am passing it up to my webservice. My webservice is splitting the data into an array like so:
myArray = al(i).ToString.Split("//")
Everything works great, however, if I pass in some data like this: 100/100 then that also gets split. Is there a way to make sure that only the "//" gets split?

The VB.Net compiler is converting your string into a Char array and calling this overload.
Thus, it's splitting on either / or /.
You need to call the overload that takes a string array, like this:
"100/100".Split(New String() { "//" }, StringSplitOptions.None)

Always, always use Option Strict.
With Option Strict the original code produces an error, rather than choosing the unhelpful overload:
Error 1 Option Strict On disallows
implicit conversions from 'String' to


Fo-dicom: How to add "empty, if unknown" integer string type 2 attribute

There is a tag which is of type 2 ("required, empty if unknown"), with value representation Integer String which I would like to leave empty. I have tried creating the attribute like so:
var attribute = new DicomIntegerString(DicomTag.SeriesNumber, string.Empty);
The storing of the file works. When I read the file again, the result of the following call returns null:
var result = dicomDataset.GetString(DicomTag.SeriesNumber); // <-- this is null
How can I set the element to be correctly "zero-length", or "empty, if unknown"?
As already mentioned in the comments, the code to set an empty string in the dataset is correct:
dataset.AddOrUpdate(new DicomIntegerString(DicomTag.SeriesNumber, string.Empty));
Note that you could also write a null value:
dataset.AddOrUpdate(new DicomIntegerString(DicomTag.SeriesNumber, (string)null));
Writing out the dataset will create an empty tag for SeriesNumber in exactly the same way in both cases, as both cases are equivalent in DICOM.
The code to read the tag back is also correct, and the fact that it returns null is due to this equivalence, which creates an ambiguity in the interpretation of an empty string tag in DICOM. As the number of values in a DICOM string tag is defined only by the string itself (and the number of backslashes it contains), there is no difference between a tag with no values (which usually is represented by a null value), and a tag with an empty string (which would be represented by a "" value). For consistence with other tags it makes sense to return null for a tag with VM 0 - for non-string VRs there is no ambiguity here, as the length of a value is defined. For string values it could also make sense to return an empty string instead - both approaches have pros and cons, so in the end it is a design decision of the library creators.
In fo-dicom, it is probably best to handle both cases (e.g. using something like string.IsNullOrEmpty). If you read the value from a file dataset, you always get null, but if you are writing an empty string to a tag in a dataset (first version shown above) and read it back, you will get the same empty string back.
As an aside: in pydicom (the common Python DICOM library) there was a discussion about this same design decision, and in the end a configuration entry was added that defines the behavior (e.g. return None or an empty string for such values).

Passing String with Double Quotes from Window.Parent

There are some instances in which a user will have double quote in their name. this unfortunately is a downstream system and I have no control over that.
I am calling a method in VBScript
Call window.parent.CompletedCallBack("FOUND","EXAMPLE""D.TS200")
The ASP.Net method that the above code calls changes the second parameter to
what is happening to cause this? there is no other code between the call and the method that could be doing this. Is there something inherent in window.parent that would do this?
You should use '\"' instead of """. \ is a scape character in javascript.
So your code becomes
Edit 1.
You can use regular expression to replace text "" to corresponding
.replace(/["']/g, "")
More about scape character in javascirpt

ASP.Net - Function output shown before function called

I have the following line of code in ASP.Net (VB)
Response.Write("<td class=""tblRow""><strong>" & ITServiceRow.NAME & " </strong><br>" & funcRAGColour(ITServiceRow.RAGSTATUS) & Environment.NewLine)
This should output the Name from ITServiceRow.NAME followed by the result of the function funcRAGColour.
However this is not the case. ASP.Net is outputting the value of the function funcRAGColour. first followed by the value of ITServiceRow.NAME.
Just trying to understand why this might be happening? If I replace the function with static text it executes fine, but when I put the function in it outputs the function result immediately before the name.
The image here, in yellow shows the full output that comes from the function, it is shown before everything else?
Am I missing something obvious here?
Try using String.Format instead to guarantee placement.
Response.Write(string.Format("<td class=""tblRow""><strong>{0}</strong><br />{1}{2}</td>",funcRAGColour(ITServiceRow.RAGSTATUS),Environment.NewLine))
Always do whatever you can to avoid string concatenation. String concatenation is tough on a system and uses much more memory and resources to be garbage collected than you think because it's actually far more complicated. String.Format and StringBuilder help get around this.
I am very suspect of the function funcRAGColour() itself though and think that is the problem. My guess is the function is not returning the output as a string, but instead is using Response.Write() to output it's result. That would cause it's value to appear first since it is called while the string is being assembled.
Keep in mind, Response.Write is NOT the way to do things in ASP.Net. It was need in classic ASP, but ASP.Net has HtmlTextWriters that can be used during the rendering process, controls for result placement, etc.. It's the old school, non object-oriented way of doing things that can get into trouble.

Parameter separator in URLs, the case of misused question mark

What I don't really understand is the benefit of using '?' instead of '&' in urls:
It makes nobody's life easier if we use a different character as the first separator character.
Can you come up with a reasonable explanation?
EDIT: after more research I found that "&" can be a part of file name (terms&conditions.html) so "?" is a good separator. But still I think using "?" for separators makes lives easier (from url generators and parsers point of view):
Is there any advantage in using "&" which is not clear at the first glance?
From the URI spec's (RFC 3986) point of view, the only separator here is "?". the format of the query is opaque; the ampersands just are something that HTML happens to use for form submissions.
The answer's pretty much in this article - http://www.skorks.com/2010/05/what-every-developer-should-know-about-urls/ . To highlight it, here goes :
Query is the preferred way to send some parameters to a resource on
the server. These are key=value pairs and are separated from the rest
of the URL by a ? (question mark) character and are normally separated
from each other by & (ampersand) characters. What you may not know is
the fact that it is legal to separate them from each other by the ;
(semi-colon) character as well. The following URLs are equivalent:
The RFC 3896 (https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt) defines general and sub delimiters ... '?' is a general, '&' and ';' are sub. The spec is pretty clear about that.
In this case the latter '?' chars would be treated as part of the query. If the query parser follows the spec strictly, it would then pass the whole query on to the app-destination. If the app-destination could choose to further process the query string in a manner which treats the ? as a param name-value pairs delimiter, that is up to the app's designers.
My guess is that this often 'just works' because code that splits query strings and the original uri uses all delimiters for matching: 1) first query is split on '?' then 2) query string is parsed using char match list that includes '?' (convenience only).... This could be occurring in ubiquitous parsing libraries already.

regular expression for physical path

can someone tell me the javascript regular expression for physical path like
1) User Should enter something like this in the textbox( c://Folder1/) . Maybe in d: or e:
2) But after that acceptable
a) (c://Folder1/Folder2/)
b) (d://Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/abc.txt)
e) (c://Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/abc.txt)
From the examples you've given, something like this should work:
[a-zA-Z] = a single letter (upper or lower case)
followed by
:// = the characters "://"
followed by:
(\w+/)+ = at least one "something/".
"something/" defined as :
\w+ = at least one word character (ie any alphanumeric), followed by
/ = literal character "/"
Hope this helps - my syntax may be a little off as I'm not fully up to speed on the javascript variant for regex.
Edit: put regex in code tags so it is visible! And tidy up explanation.
This problem is actually trickier than you think. You're trying to validate a path, but paths can be surprisingly hard to properly validate. Are you properly handling UNC network paths, e.g.?
This is known as the canonicalization problem and is part of writing secure code. I suggest checking out some guidance from Microsoft for properly canonicalizing and validating the path in your application. The advantage of canonicalizing your path is that you also implicitly validate its format because the canonical form will be returned from a library call that will only return paths that are potentially valid (properly formatted). This means that you don't have to do any sort of regex validation at all. Just throw your string at the method that canonicalizes the path (Path.GetFullPath() probably) and handle the exception for an invalid path.
