Use flyway on JSE project - flyway

I need to use flywaydb in my JSE project, so it's possible to configure the flaway to get the sql files from package inside my .jar file??
if it's possible how i do this?

Follow the official first steps tutorial for the Flyway API and you should be up and running in no time.


Unable to use SQLite in VS2017 universal windows platform project

I try to use the SQLite in the VS2017 in a universal windows platform project. I follow the guidance to download the SQLite extension for VS2015 although my local machine environment is VS2017, maybe this is the root cause? Then I add the reference with SQLIte. After that I installed the SQLitePCL with nuget.
After the SQLite installed, I wanted to try to run a demo to see if it can work right. But I found I can't using the namespace (using SQLite.Net.Attributes;) which it necessary for my demo.
I did some search about the SQLite and VS2017, But didn't found too much about such circumstances. So I want to know if anyone ever met such problem and How can your fix that?
Or it just unavailable to using SQLite in VS2017? If yes, can I complier a newest version about this?
Thanks everyone who can give me some reply or suggestion about this issue.
But I found I can't using the namespace (using SQLite.Net.Attributes;)
It seems like SQLite.Net.Attributes is belong to the Nuget package SQLite.Net-PCL, not SQLitePCL, the one you are using. SQLitePCL does't contain SQLite.Net.Attributes. You may obtain the package that is not you attempt to use.
There're many Nuget packages for SQLite, some of them are older with long time no updating. For UWP app, I'd recommend you to follow this tutorial to use a SQLite database in a UWP app.

Drupal update modules and core strategy

I would like to know where can i find or whats the official process to consider when you have to update both the modules and the core in a Drupal 7 site at same time.
I mean, what do i have to update first?
Modules then Core, Core then modules or it doesn't matter at all or it depends of each module documentation?
Also i would like to know if this process changed in Drupal 8.
I have found the process to update each one but not together.
I always do modules then core, but if you have a good reference or any article with a justification for this will be better to understand why.
Thanks in advance
Firstly I would suggest you to use drush commands to upgrade core version. It will take care of the rest. But if you want to do manually then you can continue reading below answer.
In my opinion you have to update the core first ( if there is latest core and the core required modules available ) and then you can update other modules i.e contrib modules. At the end custom modules based on compatibility.
After placing the latest code you can use drush updb or {your domain}/update.php to update your database.
Or else you can do it in the following way:
Download latest drupal code, place your custom code inside it and use the old database and then run update. This is not the correct way but sometimes it works.
Note: Before doing any of the steps above always work in local environment and keep a backup. Never try it on production.

How to handle doctrine migrations in bundles

I'm developing an application, using Symfony 2.3, which will have to be installed for different customers. We will offer different features so the idea is to have the features/bundles separate from the main app and load the into the project using composer. As we are using Doctrine Migrations to maintain DB changes across versions I'm unsure on how to go about using them from a bundle. We're using Capifony to deploy the app to the live server.
So my question is... how can I automatize the execution of migrations from composer loaded bundles?
I ended up creating a command that will copy all migration files from predefined directories in bundles to the default location and then executing doctrine:migrations:migrate from within the command.
For a complex deployment, I used phing. He easily integrate with the Symfony console. But in the end I use of a simple code on the Synfony console.
Composer can easily call Symfony app commands as "post-install-cmd"
I don't think "composer loaded bundles" is the issue here. For instance, you could have several bundles in src/ (part of the app or submoduled) and have the exact same problem. The issue is having multiple entity managers and databases for your different bundles. Where they actually reside is trivial.
Anyway, I'm having the exact same problem. After some searching, I discovered there is actually an open pull request to fix this:
I'm hoping it gets fixed soon!

Flyway: Unable to find path for sql migrations

While running flyway migrate I am getting following error:
Unable to find path for sql migrations: /path to migration folder/
I am trying to following command:
java -cp com.googlecode.flyway.commandline.Main migrate
I also added the migration folder in the classpath and specified the baseDir directory. But nothing seems to help. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It looks like this is an open bug. I've submitted a question asking for workarounds here, but in the meantime please star the issue in the bug tracker.
If you are looking for an alternative migrations framework, try Mite. I've had good success with it. It's Sql based so you don't have to learn a new framework and language agnostic because it's just a utility.

How to integrate Sqlite to Visual Studio?

I'm planning to use Sqlite but I don't know how to integrate it to visual studio or use it. Any help please... thanks.
I really recommend using System.Data.Sqlite (
Have been using it for quite some time and it works great every time! You can create tables using the designer, similar to for MSSQL etc. Recommended++
Depends on how you want to use it. The easiest is to get the amalgamation version - this version "contains all preprocessed C code combined into a single source file", meaning you have a single .h and .c file to add to your project. This is the officially recommended practice.
If you want to build a "proper" library or link against SQLite dynamically, you have a bit more work ahead, since there's no VS project/solution files included with SQLite. You'll have to set up your own library project, add the correct files from the file, and set this project as a dependency on your main project. Doing this is actually officially discouraged.
Forgot to mention that the above solution is assuming C/C++, as OP didn't specify language.
use System.Data.Sqlite
System.Data.SQLite is an ADO.NET provider for SQLite.
