How to handle doctrine migrations in bundles - symfony

I'm developing an application, using Symfony 2.3, which will have to be installed for different customers. We will offer different features so the idea is to have the features/bundles separate from the main app and load the into the project using composer. As we are using Doctrine Migrations to maintain DB changes across versions I'm unsure on how to go about using them from a bundle. We're using Capifony to deploy the app to the live server.
So my question is... how can I automatize the execution of migrations from composer loaded bundles?

I ended up creating a command that will copy all migration files from predefined directories in bundles to the default location and then executing doctrine:migrations:migrate from within the command.

For a complex deployment, I used phing. He easily integrate with the Symfony console. But in the end I use of a simple code on the Synfony console.
Composer can easily call Symfony app commands as "post-install-cmd"

I don't think "composer loaded bundles" is the issue here. For instance, you could have several bundles in src/ (part of the app or submoduled) and have the exact same problem. The issue is having multiple entity managers and databases for your different bundles. Where they actually reside is trivial.
Anyway, I'm having the exact same problem. After some searching, I discovered there is actually an open pull request to fix this:
I'm hoping it gets fixed soon!


Bundles don't automatically create their .yaml files

I've been trying to create and setup a project under Symfony 4.4 for a few hours now but it seems like i'm getting a problem when i'm downloading bundles or installing things (For example, Doctrine or FOSrest).
Multiple times in tutorials I've seen that all the people seemed to have files such as "Doctrine.yaml" which are supposed to be stored in config/packages. And it seems like these configuration files are automatically created upon downloading the files associated to it.
But in my case there's simply... nothing, I have to create manually all the files, and i'm not sure if that's normal and if not, how can I resolve this problem ?
And it seems like these configuration files are automatically created upon downloading the files associated to it.
You're looking for the Symfony recipes which allow composer packages via Symfony/flex to automate common tasks when you install a new bundle.
A more detailed explanation regarding how does flex work you'll find in the official documentation here when it was first introduced in Symfony 3.4, but note that is not maintained anymore for this version.
I corrected it. I simply was being too dumb. When I created the git repository, I did the installation wrong and I didn't immediatly notice that I was downloading things into the wrong repository.
Thanks for all the answers!

Automatic deploy of some bundles in Symfony2 project

I'm working with Symfony2 and need your help.
The project contains many bundles, each one handle some functionality. My need is to deploy the project after choosing which bundle I want to include.
For example, I have three bundles, the first manage the contacts, the second manage the stores and the third manage the products. I want to deploy the project with only the bundle that handle the products.
Any idea or suggestions?
This is a job that composer was developed for. You separate your bundles from your project and put them in their own repositories. What you can do then is add these repositories as sources via your composer file. The only thing you'd have to worry about when deploying a new application is which bundles you add to your composer dependencies.
If you run into issues like deployment or production server's inability to access your private repositories without a need for a private key or a password (which you obviously do not want to store in the composer file), you can deploy something called "Satis":
Satis is a private Packagist-like tool that you host yourself so you can keep it on an internal network. When satis is up and running it's just as if you're installing dependencies from Packagist.

What is symfony in the vendor folder?

When I create an app using composer, or install another app created using composer, there is a vendor/symfony folder included.
For example, I installed Laravel using composer. The folder vendor/symfony is present. I am not specifically referencing this in my Laravel app at all.
What is this folder, and it needed? Does the app use it, or composer use it? So if I am using an app created using Composer and dont use composer myself, can it safely be deleted and the app still run? Or could the app be using it?
Answer is quite simple: Laravel uses Symfony components.
Check this article:
Improved Routing Engine
Laravel 4.1 features a totally re-written routing layer. The API is
the same; however, registering routes is a full 100% faster compared
to 4.0. The entire engine has been greatly simplified, and the
dependency on Symfony Routing has been minimized to the compiling of
route expressions.
The "vendor" folder is a standard in every application / framework that uses composer to manage dependencies. In the "vendor" folder you will find all dependencies (read: libraries) that your applicatication requires.
But you will also find all libraries that your libraries require. In order to minimize code duplication, and thanks to the composer system, most open source projects now reuse parts from other open source projects.
BTW, this is great.
Symfony components are excellent and well documented, so they are currently used by many other frameworks and applications.
Inside the "vendor" you may find other libraries that you did not specifically require yourself, but as long as your correctly use composer, that's not something you should worry about.

Release Symfony2 project to the web

I have almost finished the development of a project developed with Symfony2, and wish to put the project online.
However, I suppose there are a lot of things that need to be done so that everything works ok. I suppose, the dev mode needs to be disabled etc....What needs to be done and how?
What are the most important things to do on a Symfony2 project that will be available to everyone on the web?
I suggest you to use Capifony for deployment. It does a lot of stuff out of the box and you can make it run any custom commands you need. See its documentation for details.
Regarding the dev mode, unless you've removed the IP checks from app_dev.php, you don't have to worry about deploying it. Of course, if you wish, you can tell Capifony to delete it on deployment.
The best way to handle deployment is to create "build" script, which will:
Remove all folders and files with tests from your bundles and vendors.
Remove app_dev.php file
Make sure that app/cache and app/logs are fully writable/readable.
Packs your project into archive (rpm f.e.)
Then, before deployment, you should create tag in your project - so it will mean, that certain version of your application is released (I recommend to follow this git branching model).
Create tag.
Run your build script
Upload archive to host
Enjoy your project
Im currently researching the same thing.
The first thing you have to consider is "how professional" you want to deploy. There are a lot of tools you can use:
Continous Integration Server ( e.g. Hudson, Jenkins)
Build Tools (e.g. Phing, Capistrano --> Capifony, Shell scripts)
Versioning Tools (e.g. Git, SVN)
I think the simplest setup is using only a Build tool and i guess you are already using some kind of versioning.
Depending on which tool you use, the setup is different, but I think there are some things you should consider with your application (maybe not all are applicable to your application)
Creating a Tag in your Versioning
Copying the new Code in an folder on production
--> if you are in a new folder you dont need to clear the cache and logs, since these shouldnt be in your versioning the first time.
loading composer (if youre using it)
installing vendors
updating database schema
install assets from your bundles
move symlink from current version to the folder of the new site
These are the things I currently need for my application for production deployment, if you deploy to an test environment you should load fixtures and run your testscripts as well.
One other option that is very well described here is to deploy the Symfony2 application with Apache Ant. Apache Ant is a Java library and command-line tool whose mission is to drive processes described in build files as targets and extension points dependent upon each other.

Is it possible to use Feature module for deleting modules?

I faced problem that I should do modules disable/uninstall, and only then go and remove modules from repo. I'm curios if that's possible to do with feature module?
I had a task to do some clean-up, remove few node types, uninstall few modules.
Let me describe: I have two environments, test and prod. they are synced by git. if I'd disable/uninstall and then delete modules on my local env, and then push it to prod env, actually I delete only modules here, but their tables, etc still in DB - since there was no uninstall action done. Is it possible to do such things with using features? let's say I uninstall modules on local, then create feature, upload it to prod,and modules will be uninstalled as well?
Regardless of using features, you cannot properly deïnstall a module if you have removed its files.
The routines and actions to take when deïnstalling, are all in the .install file. If that one is not found by Drupal, it cannot run the deïnstallation actions inside it.
Once you have placed back the files you can simply have your features migration call drupal_uninstall_module(). That will uninstall the modules you pass along to it.
