I need some help for my website - button

i'm new to this website, so this is my first post!
Anyways, I came to ask something about a website i'm making for my Webcomic(i'm using Weebly, BTW). how can you be able to us the buttons when wanting to see another page of a comic.
And i'm talking about navigation buttons, BTW. Not to mention that Weebly can only allow me to use 10 pages until I can upgrade. :p
So yeah, that's all I have for now, I hope you can help. Please and Thank you.

With the 10 page limit I think your best option may be adding a slideshow or gallery if you want to remain a free user.


Display Optional Content for AdBlock Users on WordPress

I am trying to set up some sort of conditional, non-intrusive text box that shows up only for people using AdBlock. I am adamantly and emphatically opposed to popups or locking the content of my website to AdBlock users. I simply want to have a small section of plain text show up that says, “Hey, you! Before you read on, we ask that you consider whitelisting us on AdBlock. (etc. etc. etc.)”. I want people to be able to scroll past it without issue and not have their experience with my website be impacted if they choose not to whitelist me; I'm not out to coerce anyone or annoy anyone, I just want to make my case, in brief, that I don't run obstructive, malware-filled ads and it would be great if they supported me. And I don't want it to show up if someone doesn't have Adblock enabled.
I'm not very savvy with HTML, but if someone can clearly instruct me where exactly to put some code in to my website, I would be open to an option that involves editing my website's code. Otherwise, a plugin that I've overlooked would be really helpful. I've looked around but most of what I've found is something that puts a giant sticky on the page to obstruct peoples' view until they whitelist. Again, I don't want that. That is exactly the reason people got AdBlock to begin with. People who use such countermeasures are fundamentally missing the point. (/rant)
Thanks in advance!
Use this plugin.
Read this article:- https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-detect-and-stop-adblock-in-wordpress/
Hope its working for you. try this and let me know

Moving blog info in nav bar mobile in WP-Forge

I'm using the WP-Forge theme for Wordpress and I would like to move the blog title on mobile into the menu bar. I've done this loads of times in plain Foundation but am struggling like nobody's business to work out how to do it.
If anyone has any experience or advice on how to do this, I'd be very grateful. I'm using the default WP-Forge theme, which is running on Foundation
I've uploaded an exact copy of the theme here http://ppgdev.com/ross/imagepress/
If you need anything else please do not hesitate to ask - something I can normally do in five minutes is driving me nuts. Already spent a full day at work on this :(
Thanks in advance,

Wordpress comments on a separate page

I have a wordpress website which contains many controversial topics. The problem is that the comments become really so long that the scroll bar becomes really small, which is annoying for the reader and gives the impression that the page requires endless reading, which is not attractive.
Is there a way to show comments on a separate page, or at least have the comments show up after clicking on some button. And must this be theme-dependent? I currently use twenty-fourteen theme, but a general solution would be nice. I'm wishing there's a plugin that would do the job, but I couldn't find any. Please assist.
Thank you.
Take a look at https://disqus.com/ and https://wordpress.org/plugins/disqus-comment-system/
You can get a button that loads more comments, offload comments to their server to reduce the load on your host, require a login to comment, and more.
The solution I found is a plugin called "Hide Show Comment". It simply adds the magic, with which you can press a simple button and show the comments.
The only annoying thing I found with it is that you have to purchase it in order to change the number of comments you show per click. However, I don't think 5$ is too much. It's very convenient.

Trying to Use mediaelement.js alongside infinite-scroll plugin for Wordpress

I'm using Paul Irish's Infinite-Scroll plugin with Wordpress, and I'm also trying to use John Dyer's mediaelement.js plugin with it. Works great on the individual posts, and, oddly enough, no problems on iPhone, but when viewing in Firefox, the audio defaults to a placeholder image of the player, that when you click on it, then turns to an "X" like i'm missing a flashplayer plugin or something. Like I said, I don't have the issue on the individual post pages, just on the index, so I know Firefox can handle the files properly.
I'm sure this has to do with needing to add some javascript in the settings of inifinite scroll to re-initialize mediaelement.js for each new page that is brought in, but I'm at a loss as to what I should add. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
John Dyer was awesome enough to answer this one for me.

WordPress theme blog not displaying well in FireFox-how to fix?

I have recently made a new WordPress theme (named {cssgroundup}) which I am using on my blog at www.richard-dickinson.com
It is only a basic WP theme for my personal use as I am quite new to the WordPress platform (?). It is a work in progress (as is the blog content!) however it displays alright in IE browser but not so well in FireFox.
Can someone help me edit it so it displays properly in most browsers or advise me how I can fix this please? I have asked for help at wordpress.org forums but haven't yet had any help!
I can post stylesheet code & theme.php code here if required.
I look forward to helpful replies, many thanks
First thing to do is fix your code errors: Markup Validation of richard-dickinson.com - W3C Markup Validator. Fix the bad code on line 628, and then revaldiate and see what else is wrong.
rpd, it would be useful for those of us who want to help you if you spelled out specific problems that you are trying to find answers to. An example might look like "In IE my top level navigation is working the way I want. In Firefox, the sitemap link is on the next line. How do I fix this?"
There are a lot of cool, generous people here who are happy to share their knowledge with you, but very few people have time to just sit down and review your site from top to bottom.
