Why I'm missing Bootstrap glyphicons in XPages? - css

I'm using the latest Extension Library 11 at time of this posting. Some glyphicons are available while others are. When inspecting the bootstrap.min.css file with Firebug, I noticed the glyphicons I can render on my page are visible in this file, while the icons I cannot get to display shows up as a empty box in the css file.
.glyphicon-cloud:before {
content: "☁";
.glyphicon-envelope:before {
content: "✉";
.glyphicon-pencil:before {
content: "✏";
.glyphicon-glass:before {
content: "";
FYI: I do not have any loading errors on the page.

I suspect this blog post contains the answer.

I reported this earlier to GitHub. Follow the link for how to fix https://github.com/OpenNTF/XPagesExtensionLibrary/issues/11

You will run into the same problem when using a Bootstrap theme beside the one in Extlib / BS4XPages plugin. In that case I don't use the minified CSS and edit it, commenting out the part where the glyphicons generally are defined (references to the font resources). As the icons are the same in every theme you can get this won't do any harm and the icons keep working.
Some themes don't have the Glyphicon stuff in it and contain just additional CSS information for colors etc. In that case there is no problem with icons.


Missing random icons in Wordpress

I was working on my page, when random icons on my page went missing, while others are displaying fine.
The icons that are missing are both some of Wordpress standard, some of Font Awesome and some from different plugins. Same services got some showing as well, even on same pages as showing here:
Screenshot that shows some missing and some showing icons.
The link for my website
The issue came after i saved a edit on the index page, but the mistake are going on all pages from here.
What have i done wrong and what can i do for avoid the issue?
Add this style in your active theme style.css
.fa {
font-family: 'FontAwesome' !important;
font-family is overwrite in your theme.
Try adding Font Awesome on you header this may solve that
I check the tag and it should an if statement for IE9

anomaly when overriding bootstrap in django

For the past two hours I've been trying to figure out a strange behavior when trying to override bootstrap in Django.
At the beginning, without any custom css file, the result was this:
Then I created a custom css file: my_site/css/master.css
.index-jumbotron {
background-color: #006DB0;
#main-title {
text-align: center;
color: white;
It resulted in this:
So far, so good.
But now, if I change anything on that same file (even when putting !important and taking good care of the specificity system), the result is always the same as the image immediately above.
However, when I indicate my template to point to another file my_site/css/master2.css or css/master.css, indeed the result is as I would have expected:
I can't get my head around this. Do you have any idea? Do you know if the package django-bootstrap3 could have anything to do with that? I installed it in between my two different version of the custom css file.
Looks like a browser caching issue - did you say 'disable cache' in the developer toolbar (network tab) of your browser? This is usually the easiest solution.
Another option is to open the styles file in your browser and hit 'ctrl+r' to force reload of the css file.

Ignore a CSS rule from a stylesheet

I am using Telerik Reporting with an MVC 3 site. I followed this tutorial to set up my report viewer page and have the CSS conflict issue mentioned at the end of the tutorial. They recommend just removing the rules from Site.css so their styles will apply properly.
I don't really like that solution. I want to be free to use the Site.css styles on all my non Telerik report pages and still have Telerik work properly. Is there a way (css or javascript) to remove the offending rules from my stylesheet on the report page only?
Put a class on the body of your report page
<body class="report">
And then in your style sheet:
.report .someelement {
// The styles that fix the problem, e.g.
position: static;

css framework for an app with existing stylesheet

I am building a chrome extension that attaches a widget sort of thing to gmail message. It appears below every email (something like a gmail contextual gadget) when the user is on gmail.com site.
I looked at few css frameworks like twitter bootstrap to use in my app. When I used it in mywidget, it messed with the existing gmail styles because of css class name clash. Is there any other framework that I can use where there would be no name clash? I came across jquery-ui framework. All the classnames here start with .ui-* thereby causing no name clash. Are there any other css frameworks like this with unique class names?
Update 2: Here is a gist of v3.1.1 provided by #GFoley83
Update: The pastebin joined below is the Twitter Bootstrap version 2.0.4
You should definitively use the up-to-date version and compile it yourself.
Here is what I did with the bootstrap less files :
.tw-bs {
#import "less/bootstrap.less";
And this is the result : http://pastebin.com/vXgRNDSZ
Demo (jsfiddle)
If you don't like tw-bs you can easily do a find/replace, there shouldn't be any conflict.
I used #Sherbrow solution but had to add the responsive file too.
.my-bootstrap-container {
#import "less/bootstrap.less";
#import "less/responsive.less";
and then run
node_modules/less/bin/lessc demo.less -x > demo.css
If somebody needs the complete step by step tutorial how to compile bootstrap for your own namespaced container I made a blog post about it http://joomla.digital-peak.com/blog/151-how-to-add-bootstrap-to-your-joomla-2-5-extension
The last part is for Joomla but the beginning can be used globally. It has also a link to the latest compiled bootstrap version 2.3.2. Just make a search and replace for .dp-container.
2016 Update: A future way to mitigate this issue (rather than having to recompile bootstrap) is to take advantage of web components, specifically shadow DOM. This allows your app to be self contained (almost like an iFrame) without the web browser having to open a separate page / losing the ability to communicate between pages.
say your component is contained in <div id='plugin'>...</div>
You can move what's inside that div to a tag in your head, eg.
<template id="template"><!--Your Code Here--></template>
Your template can include all the bootstrap link tags and js you want. Then in your javascript/bookmarklet, you can write
var pluginRoot = document.querySelector('plugin').createShadowRoot();
var template = document.querySelector('#template');
var clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);
You can read a lot more about Web Components (along with Shadow DOM) here: http://webcomponents.org/articles/introduction-to-shadow-dom/
I started off using jquery ui - http://jqueryui.com/ because it has its own css classes which don't clash with gmail. YUI is another such framework that I found. But Sherbrow showed how I can use bootstrap css with our own unique css style names.
The currently accepted answer did not render forms correctly (using SASS and bootstrap 4 beta). The following works for me:
.bootstrap {
#import 'bootstrap-4.0.0-beta/scss/bootstrap.scss';
box-sizing: border-box;
The box-sizing is important, because, when compiling your SASS stylesheet, the following will be generated.
.bootstrap html {
box-sizing: border-box;
I.e. the box-sizing property will be placed on an html element inside an element with class="bootstrap" - which of course will not exist. There may be other styles on html and body that you may want to manually add to your styles.
And now you can place content styled using bootstrap inside a bootstrap class:
<div class="bootstrap">
<div class="container">

HTML5 Boilerplate + Twitter Bootstrap: print style issue

I did here a HTML5 Boilerplate + Twitter Bootstrap integration, just calling the bootstrap.css and HTML5BP style.css (in that order).
So far, so good, but I have a issue here: in the Boilerplate stylesheet, in the print section, the rules I put there are ineffectives... For example:
#media print {
aside { display:none; }
When I preview the print, the dawn aside still in there... I'm not sure if this is a HTML5BP+TB combo issue or only with the HTML5BP; anyway, I'll thank some help with this!
Apparently the print stylesheets you put in .less files are ignored, if you use less.js to compile the css on page load. Try compiling your files with recess or lessc.
