HTML5 Boilerplate + Twitter Bootstrap: print style issue - css

I did here a HTML5 Boilerplate + Twitter Bootstrap integration, just calling the bootstrap.css and HTML5BP style.css (in that order).
So far, so good, but I have a issue here: in the Boilerplate stylesheet, in the print section, the rules I put there are ineffectives... For example:
#media print {
aside { display:none; }
When I preview the print, the dawn aside still in there... I'm not sure if this is a HTML5BP+TB combo issue or only with the HTML5BP; anyway, I'll thank some help with this!

Apparently the print stylesheets you put in .less files are ignored, if you use less.js to compile the css on page load. Try compiling your files with recess or lessc.


Laravel overriding bootstrap template

So I got my custom app.css in my project and I'm using bootstrap template. Now when I create new button style for example in app.css it's accessible everywhere (on every page since I got master template and other pages are extending it) but when I override bootstrap theme in app.css it's not working. When I use same code to override bootstrap on top of the page using <style> tags it's working. app.css is included properly and after bootstrap.css so any idea what I'm doing wrong ?
Try a cache refresh, for me in Chrome, I use Ctrl+Shift+R.
If this doesn't produce any results, use the inbuilt inspectors on Chrome or Firefox to view the attached properties to the element you are editing. If the app.css is overriding the bootstrap.css, you will see something like the below image, showing the app.css is above the skin-purple.min.css meaning the app.css was the latest to be loaded.
I would say that there is a hierarchy, try to include the bootstrap.css after the app.css, you could also give those css attribute an !important like so:
#bla {
display:none !important
But that is not a good practice I think, it may be ok if you do not override alot of the bootstrap.css
You could also try this:
to customize your bootstrap.
It most probably is a style precedence issue. I found this article very useful to at least understand what goes on with style precedence and what specificity is.
In your very case it may be helpful to simply use a class selector such as
.mybutton button{
color: blue;
font-size: inherit;
and give your buttons the attribute class="mybutton". In the class definition you may freely override whatever you want and also let other properties be inherited from Bootstrap.
There is also the !important rule. However, it is usually referred to as a bad practice, since it breaks the normal cascading rules and makes debugging an incredibly painful task.

Why I'm missing Bootstrap glyphicons in XPages?

I'm using the latest Extension Library 11 at time of this posting. Some glyphicons are available while others are. When inspecting the bootstrap.min.css file with Firebug, I noticed the glyphicons I can render on my page are visible in this file, while the icons I cannot get to display shows up as a empty box in the css file.
.glyphicon-cloud:before {
content: "☁";
.glyphicon-envelope:before {
content: "✉";
.glyphicon-pencil:before {
content: "✏";
.glyphicon-glass:before {
content: "";
FYI: I do not have any loading errors on the page.
I suspect this blog post contains the answer.
I reported this earlier to GitHub. Follow the link for how to fix
You will run into the same problem when using a Bootstrap theme beside the one in Extlib / BS4XPages plugin. In that case I don't use the minified CSS and edit it, commenting out the part where the glyphicons generally are defined (references to the font resources). As the icons are the same in every theme you can get this won't do any harm and the icons keep working.
Some themes don't have the Glyphicon stuff in it and contain just additional CSS information for colors etc. In that case there is no problem with icons.

What is needed for using nested elements in CSS file?

Somewhere I saw this structure of CSS document:
header {
.navigation {
a {
text-decoration: none;
If I will try it in my CSS file, it doesn't work.
What is needed for ability to write this code?
Thank you
This looks like LESS CSS
You have to import javascript file less.js into your page.
Now compile your css file and than apply Mr #ozkanozlu is right way
just do this
header {.navigation{a{text-decoration: none;}}}
The code you've quoted is not actually CSS, it is a language called LESS, which compiles to CSS; it is a CSS pre-processor. It is designed to make CSS easier to work with, but it needs to be converted to pure CSS before it will actually work in a browser.
LESS can be compiled to CSS before deployment -- ie so you work on LESS code, but the user sees standard CSS -- or provided to the browser as LESS, but with the less.js also compiler included in the page. For performance reasons, I would always prefer the first of those options.
Other similar languages also exist -- see SASS for example. You can see a comparison of SASS vs LESS here:

Applying CSS styles only to certain elements

I have an existing website with lots of old pages and forms laid out with tables which I am trying to gradually transition to CSS. I want to use the Twitter Bootstrap stylesheets - particularly the styles for forms - but only on sections of pages where I have explicitly requested them. For example, I might surround the whole form in a div like so:
<div class="bootstrap">
<!-- everything in here should have the Bootstrap CSS applied -->
<p><label for="text_input">Label</label><input type="text" id="text_input" /></p>
I want all other forms to remain the same as they are now, because I won't be able to change them all at the same time. Is there a simple way to do this? I could go through every single style in the Bootstrap CSS and add a parent selector (e.g. 'p' would become 'div.bootstrap p'), but that would take a long time and it would be easy to miss styles.
Edit: If such a thing isn't possible, is there a free tool which can extract all the styles from a file, add a prefix and then save them back again?
For Bootstrap 3, it's easier if you use less:
Download the Bootstrap source code and make a style.less file like this:
.bootstrap {
#import "/path-to-bootstrap-less.less";
#import "/path-to-bootstrap-responsive-less.less";
Finally, you have to compile the less file; there are many alternatives
Or use npm to install less then compile the style.less file to style.css:
npm install -g less
lessc style.less style.css
The final fix was to use SASS (recommended by someone off-site), as that allows you to nest elements and then automatically produce the final CSS. Step by step the process is:
Concatenate the two Bootstrap files (bootstrap.css and bootstrap-responsive.css) into bootstrap-all.css.
Create a new SASS file, bootstrap-all.scss, with the content div.bootstrap {.
Append bootstrap-all.css to bootstrap-all.scss.
Close the div.bootstrap selector by appending } to bootstrap-all.scss.
Run SASS on bootstrap-all.scss to produce a final CSS file.
Run YUI Compressor on the final file to produce a minimised version.
Add minimised version to head element and wrap everything I want the styles to apply to in <div class="bootstrap"></div>.
I came up with a CSS solution if you can't use LESS/SASS because of work/other reasons.
I used this site,, and copy/pasted bootstrap.min.css into there. I set prefix ='.bootstrap' and spacer =' '. It will prefix everything with .bootstrap except not perfectly.
If you do a grep for '.bootstrap #media', you will find that the first class to the right of the opening bracket doesn't have .bootstrap as the parent. Add .bootstrap to all these occurrences, about 68 for me.
Then replace all '.bootstrap #media' with '#media'.
Final step is to replace all '.bootstrap #' with '#' (should be about 5 occurrences).
.bootstrap #media (min-width:768px){.lead{font-size:21px}}
needs to be replaced to
#media (min-width:768px){.bootstrap .lead{font-size:21px}}
Kind of a brute force method, so definitely try the LESS/SASS method above first.
No Bootstrap
<div class="bootstrap">
Yes Bootstrap
I have an easy solution.
Copy bootstrap css content to this ( online css to scss/sass converter.
Add your tag information (e.g. div.bootstrap{ ) to the start of scss content and close the tag at the end.
Copy the whole scss content to this scss to css converter ( and convert it :)
I wasn't satisfied with any of these answers. Using Less to scope the rules created all sorts of defects. Clearfix, for example was all messed up. And rules like button.close became button.bootstrap close instead of what I really wanted: .bootstrap button.close.
I took a different approach. I'm using PostCSS to process the out-of-the-box CSS that is delivered with Bootstrap. I'm using the Scopify plugin to scope every rule with .bootstrap.
This mostly gets there. Of course, there are the html and body rules that become .bootstrap html and .bootstrap body which become non-sensical. No worries... I can just write a PostCSS transform to clean them up:
var elevateGlobalsPlugin = postcss.plugin('elevateGlobals', function(opts) {
return function(css, result) {
css.walkRules(function(rule) {
rule.selector = rule.selector.replace('.bootstrap html', '.bootstrap');
rule.selector = rule.selector.replace('.bootstrap body', '.bootstrap');
Now, I can isolate all Bootstrap styling by adding a class="bootstrap" at the top level.
That's tough. You can't Apply different css stylesheet for different parts of the same web page.
I suspect the only way to do this is to make a separate file for your content to take the bootstrap styles, and i-frame it into the page like this:
<iframe src="/content-to-take-bootstrap-styles.html" ></iframe>
then in content-to-take-bootstrap-styles.html
reference the bootstrap style-sheet in the header. But then you have all the complications of iframes -- e.g.: the iframe element won't grow to accommodate the length of your content.
You can use ready to use isolated css for Bootstrap 4.1 (compiled with LESS) -
It have isolated css for themes -
bootstrapcustom.min.css - default bootstrap 4.1 isolated style darkly.min.css - isolated css flatly.min.css - isolated css litera.min.css - isolated css lux.min.css - isolated css minty.min.css - isolated css
To use Bootstrap CSS, simply wrap your HTML in a div with the class bootstrapiso, like so:
<div class="bootstrapiso">
<!-- Any HTML here will be styled with Bootstrap CSS -->
And use any css style from folder css4.1 like so:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css4.1/bootstrapcustom.min.css" crossorigin="anonymous">

css framework for an app with existing stylesheet

I am building a chrome extension that attaches a widget sort of thing to gmail message. It appears below every email (something like a gmail contextual gadget) when the user is on site.
I looked at few css frameworks like twitter bootstrap to use in my app. When I used it in mywidget, it messed with the existing gmail styles because of css class name clash. Is there any other framework that I can use where there would be no name clash? I came across jquery-ui framework. All the classnames here start with .ui-* thereby causing no name clash. Are there any other css frameworks like this with unique class names?
Update 2: Here is a gist of v3.1.1 provided by #GFoley83
Update: The pastebin joined below is the Twitter Bootstrap version 2.0.4
You should definitively use the up-to-date version and compile it yourself.
Here is what I did with the bootstrap less files :
.tw-bs {
#import "less/bootstrap.less";
And this is the result :
Demo (jsfiddle)
If you don't like tw-bs you can easily do a find/replace, there shouldn't be any conflict.
I used #Sherbrow solution but had to add the responsive file too.
.my-bootstrap-container {
#import "less/bootstrap.less";
#import "less/responsive.less";
and then run
node_modules/less/bin/lessc demo.less -x > demo.css
If somebody needs the complete step by step tutorial how to compile bootstrap for your own namespaced container I made a blog post about it
The last part is for Joomla but the beginning can be used globally. It has also a link to the latest compiled bootstrap version 2.3.2. Just make a search and replace for .dp-container.
2016 Update: A future way to mitigate this issue (rather than having to recompile bootstrap) is to take advantage of web components, specifically shadow DOM. This allows your app to be self contained (almost like an iFrame) without the web browser having to open a separate page / losing the ability to communicate between pages.
say your component is contained in <div id='plugin'>...</div>
You can move what's inside that div to a tag in your head, eg.
<template id="template"><!--Your Code Here--></template>
Your template can include all the bootstrap link tags and js you want. Then in your javascript/bookmarklet, you can write
var pluginRoot = document.querySelector('plugin').createShadowRoot();
var template = document.querySelector('#template');
var clone = document.importNode(template.content, true);
You can read a lot more about Web Components (along with Shadow DOM) here:
I started off using jquery ui - because it has its own css classes which don't clash with gmail. YUI is another such framework that I found. But Sherbrow showed how I can use bootstrap css with our own unique css style names.
The currently accepted answer did not render forms correctly (using SASS and bootstrap 4 beta). The following works for me:
.bootstrap {
#import 'bootstrap-4.0.0-beta/scss/bootstrap.scss';
box-sizing: border-box;
The box-sizing is important, because, when compiling your SASS stylesheet, the following will be generated.
.bootstrap html {
box-sizing: border-box;
I.e. the box-sizing property will be placed on an html element inside an element with class="bootstrap" - which of course will not exist. There may be other styles on html and body that you may want to manually add to your styles.
And now you can place content styled using bootstrap inside a bootstrap class:
<div class="bootstrap">
<div class="container">
