How to load 35 GB data into R? - r

I have a data set with the dimension of 20 million records and 50 columns. Now I want to load this data set into R. My machine RAM size is 8 GB and my data set size is 35 GB. I have to run my R code on complete data. So far I tried data.table(fread), bigmemory(read.big.matrix) packages to read that data but not succeeded.Is it possible to load 35 GB data into my machine(8 GB)?
If possible please guide me how to overcome this issue?
Thanks in advance.

By buying more RAM. Even if you manage to load all your data (seems like it's textual), there won't be any room left in memory to do whatever you want to do with the data afterwards.
It's actually probably the only correct answer if you HAVE TO load everything into RAM at once. You probably don't have to, but even so, buying more RAM might be easier.
Look at the cloud computing options, like Azure or AWS or Google Compute Engine.


R - Creating new file takes up too much memory

I'm relatively new and poor at R, and am trying to do something that appears to be giving me trouble.
I have several large spatialpolygonsdataframes that I am trying to combine into 1 spatialpolygonsdataframe. There are 7 and they combine to about 5 GB total. My mac only has 8GB of RAM.
When I try and create the aggregate spatialpolygonsdataframe R takes an incredibly long time to run and I have to quit out. I presume it is because I do not have sufficient RAM.
my code is simple: aggregate <-rbind(file1,file2,....). Is there a smarter/better way to do this?
Thank you.
I would disagree, a major component of reading large datasets isn't RAM capacity (although I would suggest that you upgrade if you can). But rather read/write speeds. Hardware, a HDD at 7200RPM is substantially slower vs. SSD. If you are able to install a SSD and have that as your working directory, I would recommend it.

What are the minimum system requirements for analysing large datasets (30gb) in R?

I tried running Apriori algorithm on 30GB CSV file in which each row is a basket upto 34 items(columns) in it. So R studio died just after execution. I want to know what are the minimum system requirements like how much RAM and CPU config I need to run algorithms on large data sets?
This question cannot be answered as such. It highly depends on what you want to do with the data.
If you are able to process all lines 1 by 1, you just need a tiny bit of ram (for example if you want to count them, I believe this also holds for the most trivial use of Apriori)
If you want to calculate the distance between all points efficiently, you will want a ton of ram, and another few GB to store the output (I believe this is even less intense than the most extreme use of Apriori).
As such I would recommend:
Use whatever hardware you have to process a subset of the data. Check your memory and CPU usage, as you increase the data size (or other parameters) and extrapolate your results to see what you probably need.

Handling huge simulations in R

I have written R program that generates a random vector of length 1 million. I need to simulate it 1 million times. Out of the 1 million simulations, I will be using 50K observed vectors (chosen in some random manner) as samples. So, 50K cross 1M is the sample size. Is there way to deal it in R?
There are few problems and some not so good solutions.
First R cannot store such huge matrix in my machine. It exceeds RAM memory. I looked into packages like bigmemory, ffbase etc that uses hard disk space. But such a huge data can have size in TB. I have 200GB hard disk available in my machine.
Even if storing is possible, there is a problem of running time. The code may take more than 100Hrs of running time!
Can anyone please suggest a way out! Thanks
This answer really stands as something in between a comment and an answer. The easy way out of your dilemma is to not work with such massive data sets. You can most likely take a reasonably-sized representative subset of that data (say requiring no more than a few hundred MB) and train your model this way.
If you have to use the model in production on actual data sets with millions of observations, then the problem would no longer be related to R.
If possible use sparse matrix techniques
If possible try leveraging storage memory and chunking the object into parts
If possible try to use Big Data tools such as H2O
Leverage multicore and HPC computing with pbdR, parallel, etc
Consider using a spot instance of a Big Data / HPC cloud VPS instance on AWS, Azure, DigitalOcean, etc. Most offer distributions with R preinstalled and with a high RAM multicore instance you can "spin up" (start) and down (stop) quickly and cheaply
Use sampling and statistical solutions when possible
Consider doing some of your simulations or pre-simulation steps in a relational database, or something like Spark + Scala; some have R integration nowadays, actually

How to quickly read a large txt data file (5GB) into R(RStudio) (Centrino 2 P8600, 4Gb RAM)

I have a large data set, one of the files is 5GB. Can someone suggest me how to quickly read it into R (RStudio)? Thanks
If you only have 4 GBs of RAM you cannot put 5 GBs of data 'into R'. You can alternatively look at the 'Large memory and out-of-memory data' section of the High Perfomance Computing task view in R. Packages designed for out-of-memory processes such as ff may help you. Otherwise you can use Amazon AWS services to buy computing time on a larger computer.
My package filematrix is made for working with matrices while storing them in files in binary format. The function fm.create.from.text.file reads a matrix from a text file and stores it in a binary file without loading the whole matrix in memory. It can then be accessed by parts using usual subscripting fm[1:4,1:3] or loaded quickly in memory as a whole fm[].

Work in R with very large data set

I am working with a very large data set which I am downloading from an Oracle data base. The Data frame has about 21 millions rows and 15 columns.
My OS is windows xp (32-bit), I have 2GB RAM. Short-term I cannot upgrade my RAM or my OS (it is at work, it will take months before I get a decent pc).
sqlQuery(Channel1,"Select * from table1",stringsAsFactor=FALSE)
I get here already stuck with the usual "Cannot allocate xMb to vector".
I found some suggestion about using the ff package. I would appreciate to know if anybody familiar with the ff package can tell me if it would help in my case.
Do you know another way to get around the memory problem?
Would a 64-bit solution help?
Thanks for your suggestions.
If you are working with package ff and have your data in SQL, you can easily get them in ff using package ETLUtils, see the documentation for an example when using ROracle.
In my experience, ff is perfectly suited for the type of dataset you are working with (21 Mio rows and 15 columns) - in fact your setup is kind of small to ff unless your columns contain a lot of character data which will be converted to factors (meaning all your factor levels should be able to fit in your RAM).
Packages ETLUtils, ff and the package ffbase allow you to get your data in R using ff and do some basic statistics on it. Depending on what you will do with your data, your hardware, you might have to consider sampling when you build models. I prefer having my data in R, building a model based on a sample and score using the tools in ff (like chunking) or from package ffbase.
The drawback is that you have to get used to the fact that your data are ffdf objects and that might take some time - especially if you are new to R.
In my experience, processing your data in chunks can almost always help greatly in processing big data. For example, if you calculate a temporal mean only one timestep needs to be in memory at any given time. You already have your data in a database, so obtaining the subset is easy. Alternatively, if you cannot easily process in chunks, you could always try and take a subset of your data. Repeat the analysis a few times to see if your results are sensitive to which subset you take. The bottomline is that some smart thinking can get you a long way with 2 Gb of RAM. If you need more specific advice, you need to ask more specific questions.
Sorry I can't help with ff, but on the topic of the RAM: I'm not familiar with the memory usage of R data frames, but for sake of argument let's say each cell takes 8 bytes (e.g. a double-precision float or long integer).
21 million * 15 * 8 bytes = about 2.5 GB.
Update and see the comments below; this figure is probably an underestimate!
So you could really do with more RAM, and a 64-bit machine would help a lot as 32-bit machines are limited to 4GB (and can't use that fully).
Might be worth trying a subset of the dataset so you know how much you can load with your existing RAM, then extrapolate to estimate how much you actually need. If you can subdivide the data and process it in chunks, that would be great, but lots of problems don't submit to that approach easily.
Also, I have been assuming that you need all the columns! Obviously, if you can filter the data in any way to reduce the size (e.g. removing any irrelevant columns) than that may help greatly!
There's another very similar question. In particular, one way to to handle your data is to write it to the file and then map memory region to it (see, for example, mmap package).
