MeteorJs "loginWIthPassword" seems not to work in method - meteor

It seems that the "Meteor.loginWithPassword" function does not work when called in a method.
I want to create my login form with autoforms and so I created a callback method which get called after a user submitted the login form. The form gets called the right way but the loginWithPassword function does not seems to work.
This is my method (on Client & Server side)
autoform_test_login : function (doc) {
console.log('Called login method');
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.loginWithPassword('test', 'test', function(e) {
if (e) {
My autoforms calls this method when submitting with:
{{#autoForm schema="Schema_Login" id="form_login" type="method" meteormethod="autoform_test_login"}}
When submitting this form I get this error:
Error: No result from call to login {stack: (...), message: "No result from call to login"}
When I now open my Browser console and type in:'autoform_test_login');
I will get the same error.
But: When I type the following in my console it works (The error now is: Username not found):
Meteor.loginWithPassword('test', 'test', function(e) {
if (e) {
My method do absolutely nothing else then this snipped so I am asking myself whats going wrong here.
I know that I added the "test" as Username and "test" as password - its just to test. Even when the input is the right the error is always the same.

Okay, so I got a response and now I know why this is not working as expected.
loginWithPassord may only be executed on the client.
When you use Meteor.methods on the client, it will still run the functions you define within it on the server. That is why it won't work to have the loginWithPassword call within a Meteor.methods function.
Simply use this function anywhere else on the client. For example - directly within some template event.
Took me like forever to find out why it wasn't working.

Make sure that autoform is actually passing the correct values. If you've made a mistake in you're schema setup it will automatically clean the values (set to undefined) without throwing an error.
I'm also not entirely sure if using it with method set will work in this case, as you want to do the login call on the client not the server (I think).

Make sure your current Meteor instance has an active connection with the mongo database pointed to by variable MONGO_URL. Meteor.loginWithPassword fails to give error feedback when this connection gets closed or broken.

Related is very slow when responding back

I am facing performance problem with I have a method on server side which gets execute within a millisecond but when I seek a response in the client side, it is taking long to get the response data inside the callback function. Is anyone experience the problem before?
I was using Meteor 1.12.1 and updated to Meteor 2.1.1 hoping to solve the problem by updating but I didn't find any difference.
Update: I am facing issue on all environment (osx, linux, windows).
For eg: This is my server code
newEntry() {
//This method is executed within millisecond
This is my client code
function submitEntry(data) {
(error, res) => {
//Here I am getting the response after long wait.
Can somebody help me on this?
I found the solution. As per the Meteor docs.
Once the Method has finished running on the server, it sends a result message to the client with the Method ID generated in step 2, and the return value itself. The client stores this for later use, but doesn’t call the Method callback yet. If you pass the onResultReceived option to Meteor.apply, that callback is fired.
So if you want your call back to be triggered once the server method return the value then you can use Metor.apply method with the option onResultReceived.
onResultReceived: function() {
// Whatever you want to do after callback.

Check if username exists in Meteor

Been digging around for a solution but none for Meteor. If any, please let me know. I want to check if a username is already taken.
I understand that this only works on the server side only:
u = Accounts.findUserByUsername('foo');
console.log(u.username); #=> foo
I cant get my head around their pub/sub as I can only see information based on the current user. Is meteor saying that what I want is not possible?
When a user is filling out their details upon registration, I want them to be alerted (as they type) if the username they are using is already taken. But that logic I can easily code but need to know how to talk to the server to tell me the information.
You could write a Meteor method for that:
doesUserExist(name) {
return Accounts.findUserByUsername(name) != null;
Note that you have to define this method on the server but not on the client (e.g., by defining it in a file inside the server directory). That way Meteor won't try to simulate it on the client (which would fail because Accounts.findUserByUsername is not defined there).
Call the method as the user types:'doesUserExist', name, function(error, result) {
// `result` is true if the user exists.

How do you return from a Meteor.methods stub in Cucumber

I have just begun using Cucumber (xolvio:cucumber#0.20.2_1) with Meteor to test my project, and I am having difficulty returning a value from a Meteor.methods stub I created within a step definition.
this.When(/^he clicks the verification link in his email$/, function () {
_getUser: function() {
return Meteor.users.findOne({'emails.address': ''});
The log outputs a huge object that looks like the state of the system. I noticed elsewhere that someone suggested'aMethod').then(function(response) {
// you can use the response here
But when I do this in my project, cucumber logs Object [object Object] has no method 'then'.
I also tried Meteor.users.findOne({'emails.address':}); within the step definition, but I am receiving the error Meteor is not defined
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I realized that when I was logging a huge object, it was because the Meteor method _getUser wasn't returning anything. I then tried Meteor.users.find({}).fetch() and it returned an empty array, even though my meteor-cucumber collection had my user there, which is another issue I'm experiencing.
You don't need to use this or then, the latest version of Chimp is synchronous, so you just do this:
var user ='_getUser')
Just be sure to have registration.js as part of your Meteor app and not part of the test codebase.

How to get the array in ajax success function

I have passed array as return array($posts,$count) from my ajax file.
now in success function i wnat both this array
How to get this array in my success function
I have written as below but i dont get any this in my console :(
in my ajax_post.php
return array($posts, $count);
url: 'http://localhost/abc/wp-content/themes/directory/Templates/ajax_post.php',
data: {
'city' : city
success:function(data,count) {
// This outputs the result of the ajax request
error: function(errorThrown){
If your success function is not logging anything at all in your console, then it probably isn't getting called at all.
What do you see in your console? Do you get an error message after your ajax call? What if you try to just copy / past your jQuery.ajax call directly in the console, what happens then?
It's a bit hard to answer here without details of your function on the PHP side and without error messages, but I suggest you try to first return a simple data type from PHP (just a mock value) to make sure your function is indeed getting called and returns properly when called. If that works then you know your problem is with the data type your are returning. If it doesn't, then the problem is with your AJAX call.
You might very well be having problems with AJAX requests because you are doing them on localhost and that might be causing Cross-Domain request problems.
This question / answer actually explains the concept and the solution to that very well. I think you should at least get a reply to your request if you do that : Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery

Ajax function throwing WebServiceFailedException

I am using same page to edit and add data, only with some fields disabled and enabled accordingly. Now when I call webmethod from the add page, it's working fine, but when I call it from edit page, it is not. Though I am using the same javascript function to call the server side method. Please see the code:
function KeyCheck()
var KeyID = event.keyCode;
Now when I try to call this same method through edit, its generating following error :
Microsoft JScript runtime error:
Sys.Net.WebServiceFailedException: The
server method 'Delete_files' failed
with the following error:
If you look here they discuss a similar problem. Although the last answer wasn't selected I would still recommend doing what he says. After your first parameter you can pass two function callbacks; one for a successful Ajax call and one for a failure.
Your function should look more like this:
var onDeleteSuccess = function(result) {
//Successfully deleted files, maybe display confirmation to user.
var OnDeleteError = function(result) {
//Deleting files unsuccessful, display error to user.
PageMethods.Delete_files(, onDeleteSuccess, OnDeleteError);
Try adding the "missing" (although they should be optional) parameters to your PageMethod call and see if that solves it.
I found a closed bug at about this problem. Have you tried using the page only in IE7? If so, test it in other browsers and see if it works. If it does your only option may be to upgrade IE7 to a newer version or re-open the issue.
Edit after comments:
Try placing this code before your PageMethods.Delete_files function call:
I think the handler you're calling is confused about which server-side page method to call since it appears (to the browser and JavaScript) that you're on a different page.
