Ajax function throwing WebServiceFailedException - asp.net

I am using same asp.net page to edit and add data, only with some fields disabled and enabled accordingly. Now when I call webmethod from the add page, it's working fine, but when I call it from edit page, it is not. Though I am using the same javascript function to call the server side method. Please see the code:
function KeyCheck()
var KeyID = event.keyCode;
Now when I try to call this same method through edit, its generating following error :
Microsoft JScript runtime error:
Sys.Net.WebServiceFailedException: The
server method 'Delete_files' failed
with the following error:

If you look here they discuss a similar problem. Although the last answer wasn't selected I would still recommend doing what he says. After your first parameter you can pass two function callbacks; one for a successful Ajax call and one for a failure.
Your function should look more like this:
var onDeleteSuccess = function(result) {
//Successfully deleted files, maybe display confirmation to user.
var OnDeleteError = function(result) {
//Deleting files unsuccessful, display error to user.
PageMethods.Delete_files(CurrentObj.id, onDeleteSuccess, OnDeleteError);
Try adding the "missing" (although they should be optional) parameters to your PageMethod call and see if that solves it.
I found a closed bug at connect.microsoft.com about this problem. Have you tried using the page only in IE7? If so, test it in other browsers and see if it works. If it does your only option may be to upgrade IE7 to a newer version or re-open the issue.
Edit after comments:
Try placing this code before your PageMethods.Delete_files function call:
I think the handler you're calling is confused about which server-side page method to call since it appears (to the browser and JavaScript) that you're on a different page.


MeteorJs "loginWIthPassword" seems not to work in method

It seems that the "Meteor.loginWithPassword" function does not work when called in a method.
I want to create my login form with autoforms and so I created a callback method which get called after a user submitted the login form. The form gets called the right way but the loginWithPassword function does not seems to work.
This is my method (on Client & Server side)
autoform_test_login : function (doc) {
console.log('Called login method');
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.loginWithPassword('test', 'test', function(e) {
if (e) {
My autoforms calls this method when submitting with:
{{#autoForm schema="Schema_Login" id="form_login" type="method" meteormethod="autoform_test_login"}}
When submitting this form I get this error:
Error: No result from call to login {stack: (...), message: "No result from call to login"}
When I now open my Browser console and type in:
I will get the same error.
But: When I type the following in my console it works (The error now is: Username not found):
Meteor.loginWithPassword('test', 'test', function(e) {
if (e) {
My method do absolutely nothing else then this snipped so I am asking myself whats going wrong here.
I know that I added the "test" as Username and "test" as password - its just to test. Even when the input is the right the error is always the same.
Okay, so I got a response and now I know why this is not working as expected.
loginWithPassord may only be executed on the client.
When you use Meteor.methods on the client, it will still run the functions you define within it on the server. That is why it won't work to have the loginWithPassword call within a Meteor.methods function.
Simply use this function anywhere else on the client. For example - directly within some template event.
Took me like forever to find out why it wasn't working.
Make sure that autoform is actually passing the correct values. If you've made a mistake in you're schema setup it will automatically clean the values (set to undefined) without throwing an error.
I'm also not entirely sure if using it with method set will work in this case, as you want to do the login call on the client not the server (I think).
Make sure your current Meteor instance has an active connection with the mongo database pointed to by variable MONGO_URL. Meteor.loginWithPassword fails to give error feedback when this connection gets closed or broken.

Recaptcha - Invalid Operation Exception: Http request context does not exist

Well, recaptcha is used twice on site (both in process of registration). First time it works perfect, but second i got exception above (When GetCaptchaVerificatoinHelper method is called).
Also: first time recaptcha is located in form (page) which is loaded synchronously, second time recaptcha is located in PartialView, which is updated via ajax. How to fix this? Also, it would be nice if anybody gave me a reasons this happening. Thanks in advance.
This is problem method:
public Task<ActionResult> SendSmsAgain(CaptchaStubViewModel viewmodel)
viewmodel.NotificationMessage = null;
return Task<ActionResult>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
if (!HttpContext.Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return null;
var val = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings["recaptchaPrivateKey"];
RecaptchaVerificationHelper helper = this.GetRecaptchaVerificationHelper(val);
viewmodel.CaptchaValue = helper.Response;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(helper.Response))
{ ModelState.AddModelError("CaptchaValue", "You should insert Captcha value to get an SMS");}...}
Has rewritten logic without ajax verification, but this doesn't still work.
Btw: Second captcha is used after redirection. Can anybody help me? I still get the same error.
According to recaptcha.codeplex, recaptcha hasn't supported verification through ajax yet.

How to get the array in ajax success function

I have passed array as return array($posts,$count) from my ajax file.
now in success function i wnat both this array
How to get this array in my success function
I have written as below but i dont get any this in my console :(
in my ajax_post.php
return array($posts, $count);
url: 'http://localhost/abc/wp-content/themes/directory/Templates/ajax_post.php',
data: {
'city' : city
success:function(data,count) {
// This outputs the result of the ajax request
error: function(errorThrown){
If your success function is not logging anything at all in your console, then it probably isn't getting called at all.
What do you see in your console? Do you get an error message after your ajax call? What if you try to just copy / past your jQuery.ajax call directly in the console, what happens then?
It's a bit hard to answer here without details of your function on the PHP side and without error messages, but I suggest you try to first return a simple data type from PHP (just a mock value) to make sure your function is indeed getting called and returns properly when called. If that works then you know your problem is with the data type your are returning. If it doesn't, then the problem is with your AJAX call.
You might very well be having problems with AJAX requests because you are doing them on localhost and that might be causing Cross-Domain request problems.
This question / answer actually explains the concept and the solution to that very well. I think you should at least get a reply to your request if you do that : Make cross-domain ajax JSONP request with jQuery

Get data from the ajax response

For school, i have to develop a Twitter client with ASP.NET.
In the app, i have a list of tweets with a delete link. This link is created with the helper Ajax.ActionLink() and i specified a callback function for OnSuccess event.
This link is okay : the action is performed, the callback is triggered BUT i can't access data sent in the Ajax response.
The callback receive only one argument. Here is the dump of this object :
>> Sys.Mvc.AjaxContext
$0: 0
$1: null
$2: Sys.Net.XMLHttpExecutor
$3: Sys.Net.WebRequest
$4: null
Where is my responseText ? I know that the response has a content (according to Chrome developer tools) and i really want to access it.
Bonus : can Ajax client automatically parse the response as JSON (the action returns JSON properly with the JSON method) ?
Thanks ! ;)
The deadline of this school project is over.
I used get_data on the response.
I'm quite disappointed by the lack of documentation for this trivial need. Even now i know the way, i can't find that on MSDN… Such a pity. :(
Back to my precious Ruby on Rails, i feel better.
Good day and thanks for your help anyway ! :)
Try calling get_object() on your AjaxContext to get a javascript object or get_data() to get the text. An easier method though is to have your OnSuccess function take an argument which will be the object returned.
public ActionResult ReturnJson()
return Json(new { TestMessage = "Hello, world!" }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
And the view...
<script type="text/javascript">
function AjaxSuccess(obj) {
#Ajax.ActionLink("Say Hi", "ReturnJson", new AjaxOptions() { OnSuccess = "AjaxSuccess" })
If you want to access the responseText within your code you do not want to use AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), you want to use SJAX (Synchronous JavaScript And XML).
When using AJAX your code will not wait for the responseText it will just continue to execute so if you try referencing it later in your code it may not work as it might not have processed yet.
When using SJAX your code will wait for the responseText before continuing to execute.
I don't use ASP.NET so I can't help with the code.
Here is how it is done in JavaScript: JavaScript - AJAX / SJAX - Submit Form Data to a Script

ASP.Net AJAX JavaScript Serialization Error

Ran into an “Out of Stack Space” error trying to serialize an ASP.Net AJAX Array object.
Here is the scenario with simplified code:
function getObject(){
return new Array();
function function1(obj){
var s=Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(obj);
function function2(){
var obj=getObject();
var s=Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer.serialize(obj);
function serializeObject(){
var obj=window.top.getObject();
window.top.function1(obj); // <– This works fine
obj=new Array();
window.top.function1(obj); // <– this causes an Out of Stack Space error
The code for the sample pages and JavaScript is here.
Posting the code for the aspx pages here posed a problem. So please check the above link to see the code for the aspx pages.
A web page (default.aspx) with an IFrame on that hosts a content page (content.aspx).
Clicking the “Serialize Object” button calls the JavaScript function serializeObject(). The serialization works fine for Array objects created in the top window (outside the frame). However if the array object is created in the IFrame, serialization bombs with an out of stack space error. I stepped through ASP.Net AJAX JS files and what I discovered is, the process goes into an endless loop trying to figure out the type of the array object. Endless call to Number.IsInstanceOf and pretty soon you get an out of stack error.
Any ideas?
This problem happens because Sys.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer can't serialize objects from others frames, but only those objects which where instantiated in the current window (which calls serialize() method). The only workaround which is known for me it's making clone of the object from other frame before calling serialize() method.
Example of the clone() methode you can find here (comments in Russian):
link text
I converted your example to a set of static html files, and dowloaded the standalone Microsoft Ajax Library 3.5 to test with. It didn't have issue on either Firefox 3 or IE 7, but I did notice the first alert box displayed [] (an array) and the second {} (an object).
Then, I converted your new Array() code to:
var obj = [];
and after that, I got [1] and {"0", 1} is the alert boxes. I don't think the bug is with JavaScriptSerializer, but something to do with passing objects across frames.
I have no way of testing your code right now, but it looks like a bug in JavaScriptSerializer.serialize to me. My guess is that it tries to do some kind of type checking on the array via the CLR and that it doesn't handle an empty array properly.
Have you tried to add an item of a serializable type to the array in your code? If so, what happens?

