WP theme works on one server, but caused White Screen on another - wordpress

I have a custom theme (http://aspenwebsites.com/echo/) that works fine on a server here in US.
Today I attempted installing that theme to a server in Kazakhstan and got a White Screen - http://domstroy.kz/
Unfortunately I won't be able to access their database in order to change a selected theme or to their restore options for next 6-8 hours. I'm hoping to find the solution in the meantime while I only FTP access.
My custom theme was built as a modification to WP's Twenty-thirteen. I noticed their WP did not have Twenty-Thirteen WP theme present in the list of themes. So I was hoping by bringing Twenty-Thirteen theme files over via FTP I might rescue the situation. It didn't seem to make any difference.
What else might it be or should I look for or try, since the very same theme works fine on a server here in US.

Remove your theme from the theme folder using ftp. This should force WordPress to choose another one.
Are you running an up-to-date version of WordPress? If TwentyThirteen is missing, was it deleted or is the version of WordPress so old that it does not support TwentyThirteen? If the latter then your child theme won't work until you update WordPress and then put TwentyThirteen on, and then your theme.


Can't edit fonts in WordPress Theme

I am using the X-Theme with Cornerstone, and it's up-to-date. The website is kelseycopywriter.com
For about a month, the fonts on my website have not been rendering correctly. The sizes are wrong, the font-family is incorrect, and so is the color. The settings in the theme haven't changed, and I've tried overwriting it with CSS. Nothing is working.
I believe this had to do with the Hummingbird optimization app after the most recent WordPress update. For a while, my images were not showing up. Somehow I fixed that, but now the fonts are having issues. I tried un-minifying everything and deleting hummingbird, but nothing is working.
when you use a plugin cache probably you have to clear the cache to see changes. If that not works try to disable each plugin one by one until problem is solved. To do that you can disable plugin from wordpress or if you have FTP access, you cane rename the plugin folder like _hummingbird and wordpress will not load the plugin. Keep me updated

WordPress: Theme Migration

I'm trying to help move a website, and I copied a clean version of the twentyfourteen themes from spot A into spot B, but it did not take effect.
Our site (as mentioned earlier) had been injected, so we're relocating our site with a fresh install. On the original WordPress site export did not work properly for the pages, so I do not think it would work for a theme.
Does anyone had any tricks they'd like to share?
Thank you!
The original theme seems to be stuck as the active theme in your database. Do you have any plugins running yet? ...More specifically a plugin that can cache your site?
If there aren't any plugins running, it's probably stuck in your server's cache and needs a bit of time to roll over.

Wordpress - Migrate Theme In New Wordpress

I wondering how to migrate custom theme from another wordpress to another without copying the whole wordpress...
I already tried copy the folder theme to new wordpress, but it has a lot of problem, because in the new wordpress, there is no Page as in origin wordpress.
Create some pages and see if it works.
Some themes uses plugins also, you must copy them too.
By the way, there's a dedicated stackexchange site for wordpress : https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/
You can never expect the 100% same experience on another install since there may not be the same plugins, pages, images, server settings and so on and so on. You can not even be sure your theme work on the new wordpress if the WP version is diffrent from the one you made the theme on.

WordPress theme de-activated

I am working on a WordPress multisite and I create some themes for the sites will be hosted on that installation.
Suddenly, while I worked on the theme, and I refresh my code to see my changes, the WordPress de-activated my theme, and replace it by "Twenty Fourteen", and after that, I cannot find my theme in my Themes list.
The code I applied was not something special, just some HTML and some php echo.
Can somebody provide me with a solution to this problem ?
You've not given a lot to go on so I'll give some very generic advice.
WordPress no longer sees your them as a valid theme.
Check this Theme Development Guide and pay special attention to the header that has to go in style.css. Make sure it is exactly as required.

is it possible for wordpress theme to work without wordpress?

I have bought this Wordpress theme:
but I was stupid enough to forget that Wordpress will need to be installed in order to customize and work on it. Is it possible to run it on some server without Wordpress being include, to consider it as "done" template?
No, not in any practical way. Themes operate inside WordPress the way FireFox addons work inside Firefox or the way an Android App needs Android (to a lesser extent).
You must have WordPress to use a WordPress theme. There are too many class and function dependencies to run the theme without WordPress. It would be near impossible to even a load a theme and get all the templates to work without the WordPress core managing things.
You are better off starting from scratch than you are trying to edit the "WordPress" out of a WordPress theme.
