WordPress theme de-activated - wordpress

I am working on a WordPress multisite and I create some themes for the sites will be hosted on that installation.
Suddenly, while I worked on the theme, and I refresh my code to see my changes, the WordPress de-activated my theme, and replace it by "Twenty Fourteen", and after that, I cannot find my theme in my Themes list.
The code I applied was not something special, just some HTML and some php echo.
Can somebody provide me with a solution to this problem ?

You've not given a lot to go on so I'll give some very generic advice.
WordPress no longer sees your them as a valid theme.
Check this Theme Development Guide and pay special attention to the header that has to go in style.css. Make sure it is exactly as required.


Theme in WordPress

I'm trying to modify a theme in Wordpress, I'm using it in a local server, but when I modified the style page of the theme, I don't see the result in the page.
My question is if someone knows How to fix the problem or well, How to modify the theme, but with really changes.
Make sure that no caching plugin like WP super cache or WP Rocket is enabled. Finally, make sure the style.css file is writeable by the server with permission like chmod 755.
If the above does not help, you can use a custom CSS plugin (https://en-gb.wordpress.org/plugins/simple-custom-css/) and add your CSS code using its interface (cleaner and less hassle for everyday users).

Why my Wordpress website is showing nothing?

My Wordpress is only showing me the following in the picture "My First Heading" and "My First paragraph". I tried to add themes and customise it but it is not changing. Also, I have added another page and I made it as homepage of the website, but still it does not work. Besides I reset my whole website and nothing happened.
I do not have enough points to put a comment, so I will post here. It is not possible to give a straight-forward answer to this, since there may be many reasons why this is showing. Here are some general tips that may help:
Check via ftp if your root directory contains any index.html files. If yes, remove them. WordPress uses index.php to load.
Go to WP Admin and switch off all plugins.
Turn on the default WordPress theme (Twenty Twenty or Twenty One, depending on your WordPress version)
Contact your host (send a ticket)
If none of this work, create a full site backup, then reinstall WordPress (make sure there are no other files on your server that can mess with the installation)

Wrong CSS and JS paths after moving wordpress page

i moved my wordpress website from domain-a.com to domain-b.com and changed the the WP_HOME and WP_SITEURL with define and the siteurl and home with update_option. I can access the page now but the css and js-files still links to the domain-a.com. What else can i do?
Refer to codex Moving WordPress. Your database may have records that still refer to domain-a.com. There are several options listed for search/replacing safely. I usually use Better Search Replace. If you can't access the dashboard, you'll need to use a PHP script to update the database.
Hopefully you have backups in case things get really wonky!
You may also consider reviewing any theme or plugin files that you have customized (if you're using a child theme or have written a plugin yourself) to ensure that there are no hardcoded domains.

WP theme works on one server, but caused White Screen on another

I have a custom theme (http://aspenwebsites.com/echo/) that works fine on a server here in US.
Today I attempted installing that theme to a server in Kazakhstan and got a White Screen - http://domstroy.kz/
Unfortunately I won't be able to access their database in order to change a selected theme or to their restore options for next 6-8 hours. I'm hoping to find the solution in the meantime while I only FTP access.
My custom theme was built as a modification to WP's Twenty-thirteen. I noticed their WP did not have Twenty-Thirteen WP theme present in the list of themes. So I was hoping by bringing Twenty-Thirteen theme files over via FTP I might rescue the situation. It didn't seem to make any difference.
What else might it be or should I look for or try, since the very same theme works fine on a server here in US.
Remove your theme from the theme folder using ftp. This should force WordPress to choose another one.
Are you running an up-to-date version of WordPress? If TwentyThirteen is missing, was it deleted or is the version of WordPress so old that it does not support TwentyThirteen? If the latter then your child theme won't work until you update WordPress and then put TwentyThirteen on, and then your theme.

wordpress theme doesn't appear

I'm having a very basic problem: I'm trying to create a new theme for a wordpress installation locally on my computer.
I've created a styles.css and index.php file and put it in a folder in wp-content/themes. But it doesn't appear in the Wordpress themes page.
As a test, I made a change to the description of one of the existing themes (Twenty-Ten) in its style.css, and refresh the Wordpress themes page, but the old description continues to be shown. This suggests to me that I'm simply using the wrong folder, but that's not possible! Any ideas on this problem much appreciated.
UPDATE: In fact, even when I delete Twenty Ten from the Themes folder, it's still available as an option in the Wordpress backend, and I can activate it... Very strange...
I agree with your diagnosis. You are either looking at the wrong folder or in fact the wrong computer. There's no other way that you could change the theme to one that has been deleted.
I suggest that you confirm you are in the same universe you think you are in. Create a simple file localserver.txt in your WordPress directory and then confirm that you can access that file.
If you can't, you have your answer. You are somehow accessing a different location.
If you can access that text file, you need to go further and look to see if something like the site url setting is redirecting you to the live site, without you realizing it, when you access wp-admin.
Beyond that, I'd need to know more about your setup. Something like having www.example.com in your /etc/host file and not example.com can cause similar confusion...
Are you using Wordpress Multisite?
In that case you have to 'enable' that theme in the Network admin manager
