How to get Android TV app listed in Entertainment Apps on home screen? - android-tv

I had my first Android TV app go live last night, but it has to be searched for in Google Play. How do you get your app listed in the Entertainment Apps section of the Home screen (and in the Google Play Store on Android TV) so people can actually find it?

It turns out that the Entertainment Apps section does not include all Android TV apps like I had thought. It is a curated list. So unfortunately that means Android TV apps have the same likelihood to be discovered as regular Android apps, and it makes the Andoid TV ecosystem look much smaller to the user than it (presumably) is. I guess I was expecting something more like Roku's channel store.


How can you make an IOS Screesaver like app that launches automatically and comes back after idle?

I saw this working in a phone shop. Its like a perfect screensaver app with information. How can this work on a non jailbroken phone?

What protocol or api does the android tv remote control app use?

google tv used anymote protocol for remote control but the case with android tv does not looks the same. No official docs clearify if they still use the same.
I want to develop an app just like the app by google but with some changes and additions mostly on gamepad part. Additionally if anyone knew how apps like cetus play and droid mote for android tv work?
almost similar questions have been asked before as well but never properly answered. Any information and suggestions will be helpul

Android Management API (COSU) on AndroidTV?

Android Management APIs are supposed to be "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed." I really want that to be true, but am having trouble with Android TVs. (Specifically, a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini I'm testing with.)
My stumbling point is how to enter the enrollment token into the device when provisioning it? I had no problem with a Samsung tablet. But, the Android TVs don't use the same startup wizard after hardware reset, so there doesn't seem to be an opportunity to trigger a QR reader, or manually enter the token. I've tried entering the enrollment token into Google Play app (in lieu of the email or phone number to log in), but no luck.
Any ideas or insight how to make this work? If anyone knows a definitive reason why this can't be made to work (e.g. Management APIs don't work on AOSP) that'd be helpful information too.
Clarification (Updated 26 Dec 2017)
Here's a minimal, complete, and verifiable example of the Google Management APIs. The Quickstart exercise from Google, themselves.
Problem: The Quickstart exercise doesn't seem to work with Android TV (tested on a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini). The blocker appears on this step: (Provision A Device). The Android TVs have their own setup wizards that do not accept an Android For Work enrollment token. (I have completed the Quickstart on a Samsung tablet without problem.)
Google's documentation says the Management APIs are "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed" so it seems these Android TVs should qualify.
Has anyone found a workaround to do complete the Management API Quickstart on an Android TV?
As far as I know the Android Management API doesn't supports Android-based OS's like Android TV, Android Wear, Android Auto or Android Things. It just supports standard Android for phones and tablets.

How much is PlayN supported by Google?

When you access PlayN's site you see that PlayN's logo uses Google colors:
Also, Lilli Thompson talked about PlayN at New Game Conference in 2011 as a Google game developer advocate. (I haven't watched the video.)
But she's not at Google anymore ( and
However, When you visit > Web games or > Mobile Games, there's no reference to PlayN. You find Android development, which links to There's a Google Play Game Services (GPGS) too, that offers social features (achievements, multiplayer, leaderboard) for game development for Android, iOS and Web ( There are "Getting started" tutorials for GPGS for each platform (Android, iOS, Web). No PlayN, which compiles to these three platforms plus Java desktop.
So, is PlayN really supported by Google? Or was it once, and now the community is by itself?
Playn is a community supported project, and i suspect always will remain such. Google had a hand in making it, but their contribution recently has been waning. But it doesn't mean the project is dying or anything.

Accessing phone contacts within Flex for mobile

I would like to create an app for Blackberry, iPhone and Android using Adobe Flex. But I need to access the phone's contacts and I can't seem to find a way to achieve this.
This information is not exposed via AIR for Mobile APIs.
You can't access them on all platforms; and the ones where you can require complicated work arounds.
The next version of AIR should address this. I expect we'll find out more at Adobe Max in October.
