Need help in unix find with xargs command - unix

Am trying to delete files with below find command, few files are not deleting and all those file names are like: filname.123.log.
I can't rename or can't do any thing on file name just need to delete
$ find /BASE/CODE/LOGS_BACK -type f -mtime +60 | xargs rm -f
xargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option
I googled and try with the below command but it is giving different error.
$ find /BASE/CODE/LOGS_BACK -type f -mtime +60 | xargs -0 rm -f
xargs: argument line too long
Can you please help regarding this?

using -0 option in xargs means using -print0 option in find :
find /BASE/CODE/LOGS_BACK -type f -mtime +60 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
Then all results of find will be ended with '\0' NUL char and xargs will regenerate list correctly by parsing with same char.

find can directly execute a command for each result:
$ find /BASE/CODE/LOGS_BACK -type f -mtime +60 -exec rm -f {} \;
{} is replaced with each matching filename. \; end the command.

This is the fastest way to achieve what you want:
find /BASE/CODE/LOGS_BACK -type f -mtime +60 -exec rm -f {} +
Note the ending + which does the same job as xargs.


Searching for particular files in a directory non-recursively using find. AIX

I have a script which has the following command. I am trying to edit this in such a way that it only searches the files in the directory of the path without going in the subdirectories. That is not recursive search
find {Path} -name "cor*" -type f -exec ls -l {} \;
Example: The command should give cor123.log only and not cor456.log. Currently it gives both
I tried using -maxdepth but it's not supported in AIX. -prune and -depth didn't help either.
Will appreciate any help. Thanks
You can use
find . -name . -o -prune
to find files and directories non-recursively.
So in your case this one will work:
find . -name . -o -prune -name 'cor*' -type f -exec ls -l {} \;
Do you need find for selecting files only?
When you know that all files starting with cor are regula files, you can use
ls -l ${Path}/cor*
ls -l ${Path}/cor*.log
When you need the -type f, you can try to filter the results.
The filename can not have a /, so remove everything with an / after the Path.
We do not know the last char of ${Path}. It can be /, which will make the grep -Ev "${Path}/.*/" filter useless. After the Path at least one character is needed before looking for the next /.
find "${Path}" -name "cor*" -type f 2>/dev/null| grep -Ev "${Path}..*/" | xargs -ls
Late answer but may save some. In aix
find /some/directory/* -prune -type f -name *.log
For instance make your path have the last forward slash with a wildcard then -prune
find /some/directory/* -prune -name "cor*" -type f -exec ls -l {} \

unix find command in terminal does not work

I need to place a command that will search for all files in the current directory as well as in its sub-directories - ending by ~, and/or all files that start or end by #. The command line will show and erase all files found. Only one command is allowed: no ’;’ or ’&&’ or other shenanigans.
here is my command:
find . -name "#*" -o -name "*#" -o -name "*~" -print -delete
but it erases only the files ending in ~
You forgot to enclose the conditions with parenthesis (). This means that only the last condition will trigger the actions -print and -delete.
The default is and -a, which would not require the parenthesis, that's why most find commands such as find -type f -name "pattern" -print works without parenthesis.
You should try:
find . \( -name "#*" -o -name "*#" -o -name "*~" \) -print -delete
How about -print0 primary in conjunction with xargs -0'' like this .
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm
za:temp za$ ls
file.txt file.txt~
za:temp za$ find . -name "*~" -print0 | xargs -0 rm
za:temp za$ ls
Or with xargs -I {} plus your comand which does the same thing .
# xargs -I {} to capture the value of find
find . -iname *something* | xargs -I {} rm {}
edit : if you can't see the files that start with # using find . then the files have spaces within the name of the file(s) like # file.txt. you will need to find files with spaces with something like find . -name "* *" and then remove the spaces.

Removing Files with specific ending. Need something more specific

I'm trying to purge all thumbnails created by Wordpress because of a CMS switchover that I'm planning.
find -name \*-*x*.* | xargs rm -f
But I dont know bash or regex well enough to figure out how to add a bit more specifity such as only the following will be removed
All generated files have the syntax of
<img-name>-<width:integer>x<height:integer>.<file-ext> syntax
You didn't quote or escape all your wildcards, so the shell will try to expand them before find executes.
Quoting it should work
find -name '*-*x*.*'| xargs echo rm -f
Remove the echo when you're satisfied it works. You could also check that two of the fields are numbers by switching to -regex, but not sure if you need/want that here.
regex soultion
find -regex '^.*/[A-Za-z]+-[0-9]+x[0-9]+\.[A-Za-z]+$' | xargs echo rm -f
Note: I'm assuming img-name and file-ext can only contain letters
You can try this:
find -type f | grep -P '\w+-\d+x\d+\.\w+$' | xargs rm
If you have spaces in the path:
find -type f | grep -P '\w+-\d+x\d+\.\w+$' | sed -re 's/(\s)/\\\1/g' | xargs rm
find -type f | grep -P '\w+-\d+x\d+\.\w+$' | sed -re 's/(\s)/\\\1/g' | xargs ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tiago tiago 0 Jun 22 15:14 ./image-800x600.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tiago tiago 0 Jun 22 15:17 ./test 2/test 3/image-800x600.png
The below GNU find command will remove all the files which contain this <img-name>-<width:integer>x<height:integer>.<file-ext> syntax string. And also i assumed that the corresponding files has . in their file-names.
find . -name "*.*" -type f -exec grep -l '<img-name>-<width:integer>x<height:integer>.<file-ext> syntax' {} \; | xargs rm -f
. Directory in which find operation is going to takeplace.(. represnts your current directory)
-name "*.*" File must have dot in their file-names.
-type f Only files.
-exec grep -l '<img-name>-<width:integer>x<height:integer>.<file-ext> syntax' {} print the file names which contain the above mentioned pattern.
xargs rm -f For each founded files, the filename was fed into xargs and it got removed.

How to I search for a text string and copy those files to another directory

I need to find a text string within some files. This will give me a list:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -il "google"
then I need to copy those files to a folder and rename them. So I think I need to pipe them again to something like this
| xargs -0 -n1 -I '{}' cp '{}' ../testTarget/{}_RECOVERED
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -il "google" |
xargs -0 -n1 -I '{}' cp '{}' ../testTarget/{}_RECOVERED
Results: cp: {}: No such file or directory
Please advise
the filenames have space and commas in them (Dovecot)
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -lh "google" | xargs -I % cp % ../testTarget/%_RECOVERED
find SOURCE/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 grep -lh "SEARCH_STRING" | xargs -I % cp % TARGET_DIR/%_RECOVERED
for i in `ls -1tr`
SEARCH_STRING_LINE_NO=`grep -n SEARCH_STRING i | cut -d: -f1`;
if [ SEARCH_STRING_LINE_NO > 0 ] then
cp i folder_path_where_u_want_to_copy
Replace SEARCH_STRING with the text string you want to find.
Replace folder_path_where_u_want_to_copy with the folder path where u want to move the files containing SEARCH_STRING
This should copy the files containing SEARCH_STRING to the folder folder_path_where_u_want_to_copy
I have not tested this code as I dont have a unix box with me right now, but atleast it should give u an idea to approach
The following command will grep for pattern and copy the files to your desired location.
find /path/to/search -type f -exec grep -q "pattern" '{}' ';' -exec cp '{}' /path/to/copy ';'
Once the files are copied over you can use rename command to rename them accordingly.

How to move or copy files listed by 'find' command in unix?

I have a list of certain files that I see using the command below, but how can I copy those files listed into another folder, say ~/test?
find . -mtime 1 -exec du -hc {} +
Adding to Eric Jablow's answer, here is a possible solution (it worked for me - linux mint 14 /nadia)
find /path/to/search/ -type f -name "glob-to-find-files" | xargs cp -t /target/path/
You can refer to "How can I use xargs to copy files that have spaces and quotes in their names?" as well.
Actually, you can process the find command output in a copy command in two ways:
If the find command's output doesn't contain any space, i.e if the filename doesn't contain a space in it, then you can use:
find <Path> <Conditions> | xargs cp -t <copy file path>
find -mtime -1 -type f | xargs cp -t inner/
But our production data files might contain spaces, so most of time this command is effective:
find <path> <condition> -exec cp '{}' <copy path> \;
find -mtime -1 -type f -exec cp '{}' inner/ \;
In the second example, the last part, the semi-colon is also considered as part of the find command, and should be escaped before pressing Enter. Otherwise you will get an error something like:
find: missing argument to `-exec'
find /PATH/TO/YOUR/FILES -name NAME.EXT -exec cp -rfp {} /DST_DIR \;
If you're using GNU find,
find . -mtime 1 -exec cp -t ~/test/ {} +
This works as well as piping the output into xargs while avoiding the pitfalls of doing so (it handles embedded spaces and newlines without having to use find ... -print0 | xargs -0 ...).
This is the best way for me:
cat filename.tsv |
while read FILENAME
sudo find /PATH_FROM/ -name "$FILENAME" -maxdepth 4 -exec cp '{}' /PATH_TO/ \; ;
