My WordPress Site Shows 404 Error When I Try To Post. - wordpress

For more than 4 days now, i cannot publish my WordPress website.
It shows: 404 Error when i try to publish a post in the website or do anything that will load to another page.
Also i cannot work on the widget area because it's not saving any work there.
I have tried re-saving the permalinks and also even deleted the .htaccess file and upload another one and yet no sign of working.
What is the main problem please?

404 Errors are usually URL related. Make sure Wordpress and all of your plugins are up to date. I would also change your permalink settings and see what happens.


Wordpress Preview returns 404

Site has been fine but suddenly if I edit a post and try to save or preview the post/page I'm redirected to a 404 page?
I've tried saving the permalinks but it has not helped. Any idea what might cause this and how I can fix it? There was a file called .htaccess.preinstall which I have deleted.

wordpress .htaccess & .htpasswd issue

I have a strange issue here. My client site is suspended due to spam messages by After deleting the comments, the technical support guy told me to generate .htaccess and .htpasswd file by using's support page and upload it into root. Deleted old files and uploaded the new files a per the supporting guy. But site shown an internal error, then the technical guy said 'delete' both files and try. Then the home page is loading but inner pages showing 404 error.
Anyone here have a solution for this? this is the site
Thanks in Advance
This is a problem with permalinks. Try the one of the following three solutions.
1: Set your Permalinks back to default, if things start working as expected then try re-setting Permalinks back to what you want.
2: Try going in your Dashboard to Settings > Permalinks. You don't need to change anything on the Permalinks page, but just click Save Changes at the bottom. Then check your site to see if that fixed it.
3: Try changing options on the Permalinks page if you want to change the way the URL looks from p=### to the /date/page format or others.
Reset your permalink to default and then again set it your required permalink structure so that WordPress creates a new required .htaccess file for it.
And if you have backup of your project then try to use the old .htaccess file.

404 on taxonomy links on Wordpress site

I've read a lot of different posts online on this, but nothing seems to be working.
I'm working on a Wordpress site. Despite individual post links working exactly as intended, (e.g., the main taxonomy pages,, etc. redirect to 404.
I have tried modifying .htaccess, deleting .htaccess, disabling plugins, but nothing seems to work. I have also tried rolling back the contents of wp-content to way before this error started occurring, to no effect.
Upon trying to "Edit Page" the 404ing link above, I get an error about how "post 422" is in the trash. There are no posts in the trash, however. I'm not sure why it's specifically post 422.
Could there be something wrong on the server side? If so, what could I do? I have access to the kettle server, but I'm not sure where to begin looking.
Try savings your permalinks again, sometimes this works for me.

wordpress permalinks not working 500 error

i made a mess of some kind my website was running perfectly but i did some changes to wpconfig i cant seem to remember and the result is that if i dont use permalinks and use simple page id the whole website works and if i try to use permalinks all the individual links break but home page as well as admin panel keeps working .
It always gives 500 internal server error
Any one got any ideas what could have gone wrong .
P.S.> I have deleted .htaccess and created a new one and copied the code given by wordpress but its still not working.
my website is NewsKase
I had the same problem. My WordPress site was running perfectly until I changed my permalinks. All my individual links break but the main page as well as admin panel keeps working. When I use simple page id as permalink the whole website works.
The are several thing that can cause this problem. The following post lists some possibilities you can go through to find the root of your permalink problem.
Try the following:
Get a fresh copy of wp-config.php and enter in your DB details
(username, pw, name, table prefix).
Delete htaccess file
Regenerate permalinks (admin - settings - permalinks)
Ensure server has mod-rewrite on

simple press permalink 404 error

I'm trying to use the Simple:Press forum plugin for WordPress. If i go into my sites Settings/Permalinks and select anything other than Default, I get a 404 error whenever I try to access any of the forums or user profile.
Does anyone have a workaround for this?
Edit: I should add this is on a Windows machine and I have added the Web.config file which seems to work fine for other pages
Is the proper .htaccess file being created when permalinks are enabled? Could be a directory not writable issue.
Depending on which version of Wordpress you have, this might be the fix. It's a mod rewrite error.
Right click on the Bookmarklet, and change
A quick work around is to delete part of the URL in the pop. Delete after
after the u=, up through the beginning of the domain for the website.
