Wordpress Preview returns 404 - wordpress

Site has been fine but suddenly if I edit a post and try to save or preview the post/page I'm redirected to a 404 page?
I've tried saving the permalinks but it has not helped. Any idea what might cause this and how I can fix it? There was a file called .htaccess.preinstall which I have deleted.


How to fix wp-admin not coming in the url issue in wordpress?

I am working on wordpress website https://www.iskconujjain.com suddenly some issues are coming although I have not done any major change in the website.
wp-admin are not coming in any admin url.
I am trying to change the Permalinks setting but it is not saving.
All pages are redirecting to home page although in the url having another page path.
for solve this problem you must regenerate permalink-
For solve it go to Settings > Permalink and save it.
Let me know.

Wordpress WP Admin showing 404 error while other pages working fine

My blog is working fine and all pages are loaded properly. The only issue is with wp-admin page. It is showing 404 error.
Tried checking the permission but that did not worked.
you remove .htaccess file from folder
Type in example.com/wp-login.php
And admin login. Then,
Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks -> Save. (just automatically recreates your .htaccess again).
If the problem persists. Try disabling plugins. Enable plugins 1 by 1 until the problem occurs again. That will narrow down the faulty plugin.

Changed name of subdirectory - creating pages doesn't work

I tried to change my WP subdirectory from www.example.com/test to www.example.com/live, and frontpage and login works as it should. But when I try to access former articles or pages, or create new I just get a 404 error.
E.g www.example.com/live/my-first-article gives 404, then redirects to frontpage (www.example.com).
I've defined the site URL and home URL in wp-config, changed the name of the folder, and changed "test" to "live" everywhere in the database.
Anyone have an idea or encountered this problem before?
It is most likely your .htaccess file which isnt updated. You can update it by going to
Settings > Permalinks > Save Changes

My WordPress Site Shows 404 Error When I Try To Post.

For more than 4 days now, i cannot publish my WordPress website.
It shows: 404 Error when i try to publish a post in the website or do anything that will load to another page.
Also i cannot work on the widget area because it's not saving any work there.
I have tried re-saving the permalinks and also even deleted the .htaccess file and upload another one and yet no sign of working.
What is the main problem please?
404 Errors are usually URL related. Make sure Wordpress and all of your plugins are up to date. I would also change your permalink settings and see what happens.

404 on taxonomy links on Wordpress site

I've read a lot of different posts online on this, but nothing seems to be working.
I'm working on a Wordpress site. Despite individual post links working exactly as intended, (e.g. http://ubicomplab.org/people/jwu), the main taxonomy pages, http://ubicomplab.org/people, etc. redirect to 404.
I have tried modifying .htaccess, deleting .htaccess, disabling plugins, but nothing seems to work. I have also tried rolling back the contents of wp-content to way before this error started occurring, to no effect.
Upon trying to "Edit Page" the 404ing link above, I get an error about how "post 422" is in the trash. There are no posts in the trash, however. I'm not sure why it's specifically post 422.
Could there be something wrong on the server side? If so, what could I do? I have access to the kettle server, but I'm not sure where to begin looking.
Try savings your permalinks again, sometimes this works for me.
