Resizing Columns of a TableView in javaFX - javafx

How can i resize the width of a column according to the length of the data it occupies.
The table has got about 15 columns and i want to show the column heading without resizing it manually. Is there any option for autoresize?

TableView.setColumnResizePolicy() is what you are looking for.
For Example:


Vaadin 14 Grid autoWidth with wrap content

I`m working with Vaadin 14 and i have a problem with sizing cells in Grid.
I would like to set autowidth on all columns to reduce size of column with small content size, but for long i want to achive max size of column without horizontall scroll ( i want to see all columns at once) and when it would exceed size of the table then i would like to wrap conten inside this column.
When i'm setting autoWidth for all columns then my long conten is shown in one line and i must scrolling horizontally to see other columns.
When i`m setting
then my long column has this same size but with multi-line content as other columns with short content. Other columns are too long for their content.
I can`t set width separately for each column couse i dont know how many columns will be in the Grid and which column will have long or short content.
Here’s what I would try:
For all other columns than the one with long content, set autoWidth and flexGrow=0
For the column with long content, set width to what you want as max-width and set flexGrow=1

How to wrap and stack items in QML, into rows and columns

I have a series of buttons that I want to appear in columns at the bottom of my QML page. The number of columns across should depend on the width of the window, as the window width increases I want more columns to be added. (And fewer rows as a result as components are pulled up to the previous line)
This is sort of like a Flow component, but I want the items to appear in columns, evenly spaced across the page, in rows and columns (columns centered vertically, at the bottom of the page). Sort of like GridLayout.
I can't figure out what QML component(s) to use to achieve this.
I think what you're looking for is a GridView. See the layout documentation.
I'm not positive, but based on your description I think you would just need to set the flow property to GridView.FlowTopToBottom.

JavaFX code to set RIGHT alignment to few Table Columns

I've populated TableView as follow Dynamically.
I want data in last 6 columns to be RIGHT aligned.
How can I set alignment of specific columns dynamically?

Size of Qt tableview

I am dynamically adding data to my tableview, but it would not exceed 10 rows. Is there a way that the tableView wraps around its contents?
For example, in the image below, there is so much extra space on the right and on the bottom. How could I get rid of that?

Resizing columns in adobe flex AdvancedDataGrid

I'm using an AdvancedDataGrid without the header row (AdvancedDataGrid.showHeaders="false"), my AdvancedDataGrid has 2 columns, where the first one will show a hierarchical data (tree).
The tree may be very long and very deep or may contain a long string in the node label so the user will not be able to see the whole vale of the tree node, I want to be able to resize the column using the vertical separator of the gris (the one displayed/separates between columns) or to be able to define a horizontal scroll bar only for the first column!
How can I accomplish this?!....Any idea ?!
Try to set the Advanced Datagrid tag's attribute 'wordWrap="true"'.
