Using SignalR to send message to client from Azure Worker Role -

I'm working an MVC cloud service project running two roles, a web role and a worker role. One of the pages in the web role initiate a request to build an APK file, building an APK file on the server can take anywhere from 1-5 minutes. So we came up with the following flow:
The user initiate the APK building process on the page.
The request is routed to our mvc action, creating a new message on an Azure Storage Queue.
The Worker role is always polling from the queue and starts the APK building process. Now that the APK is ready we want ideally to notify the user by:
(a) sending an email, which is working now. and (b) notifying the user on the page using SignalR.
Our problem is now in the SignalR part, how can we notify the user on the page that the APK is ready and he can download it.

EDIT - Copying contents of the first comment for the sake of completeness -
I've looked the question again and I understand that you are using a worker role to poll the queue. In this case, you can make your work role a .Net SignalR client that connects to the APK signalR hub on the web role. The signlaR hub on the web role can simple forward any message it receives from the .Net client to the javascript client (browser).
I would recommend going through the below links
Hubs API Guide - Server
Hubs API Guide - Javascript Client
before going through rest of the answer.
As can be understood from the above two links, SignalR enables the server to 'push' data to the client. In order for this to happen, you require two things -
A signalR hub - this is the 'hub' to which clients can subscribe to in order to receive messages.
A client connected to the hub
Your signalR hub on the server can look something like this -
public class APKHub : Hub
public async Task JoinGroup(string groupName)
await Groups.Add(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
Clients.Group(groupName).sendMessage(Context.User.Identity.Name + " joined.");
public Task LeaveGroup(string groupName)
return Groups.Remove(Context.ConnectionId, groupName);
public void NotifyUser(string userId)
On the client, your code might look something like this -
var notificationHandler = function () {
var url;
var user;
var init = function (notificationUrl, userId) {
url = notificationUrl;
user = userId;
var connectToAPKHub = function () {
$.connection.hub.url = url;
var apk= $.connection.apkHub;
apk.client.notifyUser = function (user) {
apk.client.addMessage = function (message) {
$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
console.log('connected to apkhub');
return {
init: init
The notificationUrl is the URL that the signalR server is listening to.
This sets up your basic hub on the server and you should now be able to connect your client to the signalR hub. When the APK is built, you can use the following code (place it anywhere - for ex - in a controller action) to actually push a message to the concerned client -
var apkHub = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<APKHub>();
The groupName can be an identifier that uniquely identifies a user.
Hope this helps.


iOS Push Notifications with Azure Notification Hub

I am having absolutely no luck getting push notifications to work in iOS in a Xamarin Forms project.
In AppDelegate.cs, I am calling the following in the FinishedLaunching override:
After the user logs in further in the app lifecycle, I also register the user with their user tag as follows:
public async Task UpdateTags(string token)
await Task.Run(() =>
// No point registering tags until the user has signed in and we have a device token
if (CurrentAccount == null)
Console.WriteLine($"UpdateTags cancelled: Account is null");
var tag = $"user:{CurrentAccount.UserName}";
Console.WriteLine($"Registering tag: {tag}");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Error registering tag: {e.ToString()}");
I have properly configured the Apple (APNS) settings in the notification hub, using the Token authentication mode (verified the four fields several times). The certificate (signing identity) is "iOS Distribution", the identifier bundle matches exactly what I have in the configuration (not using wildcard), the key has Apple Push Notifications service (APNs) enabled, and the provisioning profile has Platform: iOS and Type: App Store.
I pushed the application to TestFlight, as I don't have access to a physical Mac (we use a Cloud mac for development). When I view the device logs from my personal iPhone with the app installed, I see the following when I run it:
<Notice>: Registered for push notifications with token: [redacted]
<Notice>: Registering tag: user:[redacted]
There are no instances of "Error registering tag" or "UpdateTags cancelled" in the logs at all, which tells me that the method calls are succeeding without an exception. However, when I attempt to send a test notification to either a blank/empty tag, or the specific tag for my test user, no notifications are received and the messaging simply shows "Message was successfully sent, but there were no matching targets."
Also, when I pull all of the registrations with var registrations = await hub.GetAllRegistrationsAsync(0);, I only see the FCM (Firebase/Android) registrations from my successful testing on the Android side of things.
I am at a complete loss and have hit a wall, as there are no exceptions being thrown, and seemingly no way to troubleshoot what is going on behind the scenes.
This is also my 2nd attempt - I was using a more complex SBNotificationHub implementation and had the same results - no exceptions and everything looked fine at face value.
Thanks to a comment pointing to another question, I have determined that all I needed to do was to ensure that my tag registration ran on the main UI thread. My updated code below is working:
public async Task UpdateTags(string token)
await Task.Run(() =>
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
// No point registering tags until the user has signed in and we have a device token
if (CurrentAccount == null)
Console.WriteLine($"UpdateTags cancelled: Account: {Trico.OrbitalApp.App.CurrentAccount};");
var tag = $"user:{CurrentAccount.UserName}";
Console.WriteLine($"Registering tag: {tag}");
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine($"Error registering device: {e.ToString()}");
You can try implementing the MSInstallationLifecycleDelegate interface which will allow you to check and see if the installation is being saved on the back end with either success or failure.
// Set a listener for lifecycle management
MSNotificationHub.SetLifecycleDelegate(new InstallationLifecycleDelegate());
// Implementation of the lifecycle listener.
public class InstallationLifecycleDelegate : MSInstallationLifecycleDelegate
public InstallationLifecycleDelegate()
public override void DidFailToSaveInstallation(MSNotificationHub notificationHub, MSInstallation installation, NSError error)
Console.WriteLine($"Save installation failed with exception: {error.LocalizedDescription}");
public override void DidSaveInstallation(MSNotificationHub notificationHub, MSInstallation installation)
Console.WriteLine($"Installation successfully saved with Installation ID: {installation.InstallationId}");

How to send message from the js library to a group in Azure SignalR Serverless

Hi I'm trying to send a message to a group using the Azure Signal R Serverless JS Client Js Library.
I can do this from the Azure Serverless Function as simply as:
await signalRMessages.AddAsync(
new SignalRMessage
GroupName = m.GroupName,
Target = m.Target,
Arguments = new[] { m.Message }
*where signalRMessages = IAsyncCollector signalRMessages
How can I send this same message from the js library?
trying to send a message to a group using the Azure Signal R Serverless
You can refer to this github repo that shows with sample code how to implement group broadcasting functionality in Azure functions with Azure SignalR Service.
Add user to a group using the SignalRGroupAction class
return signalRGroupActions.AddAsync(
new SignalRGroupAction
ConnectionId = decodedfConnectionId,
UserId = message.Recipient,
GroupName = message.Groupname,
Action = GroupAction.Add
On client side, make request to endpoint to add a user to a group
function addGroup(sender, recipient, connectionId, groupName) {
return`${apiBaseUrl}/api/addToGroup`, {
connectionId: connectionId,
recipient: recipient,
groupname: groupName
}, getAxiosConfig()).then(resp => {
if (resp.status == 200) {
confirm("Add Successfully")
Test Result
Q: "send the message from the JS Client straight from the socket".
A: From here, we can find:
Although the SignalR SDK allows client applications to invoke backend logic in a SignalR hub, this functionality is not yet supported when you use SignalR Service with Azure Functions. Use HTTP requests to invoke Azure Functions.
It's seems like this is now possible ...
Sending messages from a client to the service If you have upstream
configured for your SignalR resource, you can send messages from
client to your Azure Functions using any SignalR client. Here is an
example in JavaScript:
connection.send('method1', 'arg1', 'arg2');

Azure SignalR Notifications from Service Bus Qeue

We have a Service Bus queue that handles multiple message topics/subscriptions and what we'd like to be able to do is when certain messages have been handled is to notify connected users that a message has been handled.
The message handling takes place in a simple console app but we're not sure how to create a connection to our Azure SignalR service and send a message once it's been processed.
I believe the simplest most scalable approach would be to have a simple azure function to do this.
You would just have to use the Service Bus Trigger which runs your function when a message arrives and use the SignalR Service Output Binding to send the message to your users.
Your function could be as simple as the following
public static void Run(
[ServiceBusTrigger("myqueue", AccessRights.Manage, Connection = "ServiceBusConnection")]
string myQueueItem,
[SignalR(HubName = "chat")]IAsyncCollector<SignalRMessage> signalRMessages
ILogger log)
return signalRMessages.AddAsync(
new SignalRMessage
Target = "newMessage",
Arguments = new [] { myQueueItem }

WebSockets work without valid authorization token (Spring, SockJS, STOMP, OAuth)

I am integrating with WebSockets in my Spring MVC application. The authentication mechanism for my application is OAuth.
I was able to pass my OAuth token in connection string when connecting to SockJS:
var webSocketUrl = '/websocket' + '?access_token=' + auth.access_token;
var socket = new SockJS(webSocketUrl);
var stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
Now I can send messages and subscribe to STOMP channels:
stompClient.connect({}, function(frame) {
stompClient.subscribe('/topic/greetings', function(greeting){
stompClient.send("/app/hello", {}, JSON.stringify('John'));
In my backend I am able to get user principle injected to my STOMP controller methods (which means that Spring understands that there is an OAuth token in connection string):
public class MyWebsocketsController {
public String greet(String name, Principal authorizedUser) {
return "Hello, " + name + ", you have authorized as " + authorizedUser.getName();
Now I would like to require user authorization on all messages and subscriptions, i.e. I would like to make sure that all calls to web sockets return 403 error code if no valid token was provided when connecting to SockJS.
I add this security configuration to my project:
public class WebSocketSecurityConfig extends AbstractSecurityWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
protected void configureInbound(MessageSecurityMetadataSourceRegistry messages) {
.simpTypeMatchers(MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE).denyAll()
But it does not seem to do the job. If I remove access token from connection string, I am still able to send messages to controller and to subscribe to channel.
// This stil works:
var webSocketUrl = '/websocket'; // + '?access_token=' + auth.access_token;
Of course, now I can't get the user principle in my controller, but except for this web sockets work fine.
I would appreciate any ideas how to make this thing work or any explanation why web sockets security configuration is not working for my case. What am I missing? Thanks.

Use Signalr to have a facebook like notification system

I want to implement a facebook like notification system in ASP.NET MVC 3 : notifications are sent to a specific user to notify him for an action on one of his items.
Is signalr suited for such requirement?
How could i send a notification to a specific user (all opened sessions of this user) using SignalR?
Ok, Here what i did
In the client side
$(function () {
// Proxy created on the fly
var chat = $;
var username = '#Html.ViewContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.Name';
// Declare a function on the chat hub so the server can invoke it
chat.addMessage = function (message) {
$('#messages').append('<li>' + message + '</li>');
// Start the connection
$.connection.hub.start(function (){
In the server side
public class Chat : Hub
public void Join(string username)
And every time i need to notify a user in the controller i do the following:
IConnectionManager connectionManager = AspNetHost.DependencyResolver.Resolve<IConnectionManager>();
dynamic clients = connectionManager.GetClients<Chat>();
Yes, SignalR is a good choice for that. Take a look at the documentation regarding Hubs (server and JS client).
You need to implement the server logic to associate your client's session with SignalR's session. You can use groups to notify all the open sessions of each user.
It is appropriate for this or you use polling, those are the two choices.
Heres a brand new video from today on this:
