Adding glyphs to Fontforge - fontforge

When I open Fontforge to create a new font, it only lists a limited set of characters / glyphs. In the font I create, I need some glyphs that are missing from that default set, e.g. "single right-pointing angle quotation mark" (U+203A) and "single left-pointing angle quotation mark" (U+2039).
How can I add "slots" for these glyphs, or rather:
What is the proper way to add glyphs that are defined in the Unicode table?

Ah, well, just go to Encoding > Add encoding slot, then there will be a dialog to set how many slot(s) you want to add.

Ah, well, just go to Encoding > Reencode and choose an encoding that contains the relevant slots.


How can I add more glyphs in my True type font?

I am creating my series of glyphs in a custom font but I can only see glyphs which occupy the character spaces from U+0020 up until U+007f when the font is read by other programs. Is there a setting to allow all other characters to be read? In my font all characters after are called "control characters".
Thanks for any tips.
Glyphs which you add to your font appear based on the character that their encoding matches. If you add characters with no encoding, of course they won't be avaialble. You could consider giving them encodings of e.g. U+F000, U+F001, etc., which are in the Unicode Private Use Area. Then you could paste such characters into your program, or if you use Linux, some desktop environments allow you to press CtrlShiftU and type e.g. f000 and get the character U+F000.

writing single-storey ɑ in Gnuplot graph title?

How can I write single-storey ɑ (The first letter in English) in Gnuplot graph title?
I am always get "a" (double-story) in Gnuplot plot title?
Suggesting to use the Greek letter alpha "ɑ" is not a good solution.
The correct answer is that the shape of the "a" glyph is dependent on the font, not the encoding. Unicode codepoints only specify what character is to be drawn, not what shape it has.
It depends on the terminal you want to use, but probably the most straightforward solution would be to use proper encoding and paste the required character directly:
set encoding utf8
set term wxt font "Times,12"
set title 'ɑ'
plot x
the special character ɑ can be also specified (for example in the interactive Gnuplot console) in terms of its UTF8 representation (two octal numbers) as:
set title '\311\221'
I only use lubunutu and do not use ubunutu.
In lubuntu CharacterMap utility exists and it can be used from accessory category.
On ubuntu, the same tool exists.
I could copy and paste Lattin Small Letter alpha "ɑ" to terminal.
(Note that is not literally single-storey version of a).
As Ethan wrote use of Lattin Small Letter alpha "ɑ" is not correct in literal sense but I think this is possible workaround.
Correct solution is use font with single-storey a like Futura font.
Free Futura font seem to be available from

Why do I see the ASCII symbols in Notepad++?

(I am new with this) I see these weird black text-boxes and, as far as I know, they are ascii symbols, but I don't know how to see it in a "normal" view, if possible. Thanks in advance!
It was a bit hard to follow your link, I included the screenshot in your question. The ESC indicates a non-printable character. In this case it is the Escape character (ASCII 27), which from the screen shot appears to be part of escape sequences to change text color.
Unfortunately, Notepad++ does not have the means to render them as intended. One option is that you select one and find/replace with nothing. If you want to get rid of not only the ESC but also its associated "parameters" you can use this regular expression to find and replace them

how to put y axis greek letters in Veusz plot?

I want to put Capitalomega with index DE and k label:
and then ı want to show on the y axis label? How to do them?
Generally you can use tex symbols in Veusz. Therefore, you can write \Omega_{DE} and \Omega_{k} for your request. See details here (Sec. 2.4 Text).
Veusz understands a limited set of LaTeX-like formatting for text. There are some differences (for example, "10^23" puts the 2 and 3 into superscript), but it is fairly similar. You should also leave out the dollar signs. Veusz supports superscripts ("^"), subscripts ("_"), brackets for grouping attributes are "{" and "}".
Supported LaTeX symbols include: \AA, \Alpha, \Beta, \Chi, \Delta, \Epsilon, \Eta, \Gamma, \Iota, \Kappa, \Lambda, \Mu, \Nu, \Omega, \Omicron, \Phi, \Pi, \Psi, \Rho, \Sigma, \Tau, \Theta, \Upsilon, \Xi, \Zeta, \alpha, \approx, \ast, \asymp, \beta, \bowtie, \bullet, \cap, \chi, \circ, \cup, \dagger, \dashv, \ddagger, \deg, \delta, \diamond, \divide, \doteq, \downarrow, \epsilon, \equiv, \eta, \gamma, \ge, \gg, \in, \infty, \int, \iota, \kappa, \lambda, \le, \leftarrow, \lhd, \ll, \models, \mp, \mu, \neq, \ni, \nu, \odot, \omega, \omicron, \ominus, \oplus, \oslash, \otimes, \parallel, \perp, \phi, \pi, \pm, \prec, \preceq, \propto, \psi, \rhd, \rho, \rightarrow, \sigma, \sim, \simeq, \sqrt, \sqsubset, \sqsubseteq, \sqsupset, \sqsupseteq, \star, \stigma, \subset, \subseteq, \succ, \succeq, \supset, \supseteq, \tau, \theta, \times, \umid, \unlhd, \unrhd, \uparrow, \uplus, \upsilon, \vdash, \vee, \wedge, \xi, \zeta. Please request additional characters if they are required (and exist in the unicode character set). Special symbols can be included directly from a character map.
Other LaTeX commands are supported. "\" breaks a line. This can be used for simple tables. For example "{a\b} {c\d}" shows "a c" over "b d". The command "\frac{a}{b}" shows a vertical fraction a/b.
Also supported are commands to change font. The command "\font{name}{text}" changes the font text is written in to name. This may be useful if a symbol is missing from the current font, e.g. "\font{symbol}{g}" should produce a gamma. You can increase, decrease, or set the size of the font with "\size{+2}{text}", "\size{-2}{text}", or "\size{20}{text}". Numbers are in points.
Various font attributes can be changed: for example, "\italic{some italic text}" (or use "\textit" or "\emph"), "\bold{some bold text}" (or use "\textbf") and "\underline{some underlined text}".
Example text could include "Area / \pi (10^{-23} cm^{-2})", or "\pi\bold{g}".
Veusz plots these symbols with Qt's unicode support. You can also include special characters directly, by copying and pasting from a character map application. If your current font does not contain these symbols then you may get a box character.
In addition to the answer OmG posted, you can also directly enter the character (via a character map application or copy and paste), as Veusz supports unicode characters.

IDML : What are Kinsoku/Mojikumi tables?

I am new to the world of Adobe InDesign and IDML file format. I am trying to understand the IDML file format so that I can create IDML files dynamically through code!
I am going through the IDML File format specification and have found references to "Mojikumi Tables" and "Kinsoku Tables" and "Aki". Though the documentation defines various attributes for these elements, there's no clear explanation what these elements actually are.
Any pointers or links to relevant articles would be really helpful.
These are all additional typography settings used in laying out Japanese text.
Kinsoku: A rule set in the Japanese language that is used to determine characters that are not permitted at the beginning or end of a line. Reference.
Mojikumi: Determines spacing between punctuation, symbols, numbers, and other character classes in Japanese type. Reference.
Aki: Means space in Japanese:
"When the glyphs that correspond to characters of different character
classes come together in a run of text, there is spacing behaviour. In
other words, extra space, measured using a fraction of an em, is
introduced depending on which two character classes are in proximity*.
Typical values are one-fourth and one-half of an em"
(Footnote: * 'In Japanese this space is referred to as aki, which simply means
Reference and source for this quote.
Here's a link to a book that should provide more information: CJKV Information Processing, 2nd Edition
