Squid proxies very slow - squid

I have proxies set up via Squid. The proxies usually works great, but last couple months they've been very slow from time to time. It's not consistent.
I really don't know where to start.
Which steps should I follow to troubleshoot?

Check to see if the system is IO/CPU/Memory bound. If you're using it for caching then you may be running out of disk space.
If you don't see any issues around your system you can move on to better understanding
Understand the types of ACL's you are using http://www.eu.squid-cache.org/Doc/config/acl/. Note that there are fast and slow ACL's.
Learn how to utilize the debug sections. Setting the appropriate debug levels on possible pain points could reveal problems:
General tip on troubleshooting something like this is to try to understand the pattern. Is it slow during peek times? Is this a virtual machine that could be sharing resources with another vm that has high load? Good luck!

We had exhausted nofiles limits in our squid proxy server. Upon doubling the limits, it was super fast. We also added net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1 parameter in sysctl.conf

Maybe the problem are the proxies. I tell you this because I used before Squid proxies and I had only problems with their proxies. Now, I use proxies from Proxy-N-Vpn.com and they are working perfect.


Why is the TUX Web Server Dead? Does Nginx/Lighttpd/Epoll/Kqueue Replace it?

I recall a very fast kernel module for Linux called "TUX" for static files to answer IIS's superior-to-Linux static file web-serving performance and solve the "C10K problem." Now I keep seeing:
... for "fast static file-serving." Serving static files quickly isn't difficult if your OS has the right features. Windows has since the invention of IO Completion ports, overlapped I/O, etc.
Did Tux die because of the security implications? Was it an experiment that Kqueue/Epoll combined with features like Sendfile made obsolete? What is the best solution to serve 100% static content -- say packshots of 50 or so images to simulate a "flipbook" movie.
I understand this ia "Server-related" question, but it's also theoretical. If it's purely static, is a CDN really going to be better anyway?
Mostly because Ingo Molnár stopped working on it. Why? I believe it was because kernel version 2.2 implemented the sendfile(2) call which matched (approximately) the massive performance benefits previously achieved by Tux. Note the Tux 2.0 Reference Manual is dated 2001.
serving a static file has three steps: decide which file to send, decide if to send the file, send the file. Now Tux did a really good job of sending the file, so so on deciding which file to send, and a lousy job of deciding if to send a file. The decisions are matter of policy and should be done in user space. Add sendfile and I can write a server that will be almost as good as tux in a short time, and add stuff without recompiling my kernel. maybe sql logging. just thinking about userspace sql calls being made from a kernel makes my eye twitch.
Tux isn't required anymore due to sendfile(). Nginx takes full advantage of this and IMO is one of the best web servers for static or non-static content. I've found memory problems with lighttpd, ymmv.
The whole purpose of CDN's is that it moves the 'web server' closer to the end users browser. This means less network hops and less round trip delay, without a large cost to you having to host multiple web servers around the world and using geo dns to send the user to the closest. Be aware tho as these web servers aren't in your control they could be overloaded and the benefit of less hops could be diminished if their network is overloaded. CDN's are usually targets of DDOS attacks and you might get caught up in something that has nothing to do with your content.

Web server tolerance to high client poll rate: Cowboy vs. Yaws web servers

I have been building a real-time notification system. It’s part of a web application, but events have to be seen as soon as they occur. Long polling was not an option because it would be expensive for the web server to hold on to connections when no events are available, so I had to go for short-lived polls.
Each client hits the web server every, say, 2 seconds (this is a fairly high rate). When events are available, they are sent as JSON to the JavaScript client. Now, this requires a server set-up to handle a high number of short-lived connections. I have implemented one such system using the Yaws web server. However, because Yaws starts quite a number of many other services, it feels heavy and connections begin to get either refused or aborted when they go beyond 30,000 (maybe because I am running some ETS Tables in the same Erlang VM as Yaws is running on [separating these may require rpc:call/4, which—I fear—will increase latency]). I know that there are operating-system-specific tweaks to do, and those have been done.
This would not be a problem if it was easy to cluster up several Yaws instances. In Yaws, i am using a few appmods, and I am doing things RESTfully. I was thinking that the Cowboy web server might enhance things a bit here. I have not used Cowboy before, but I have used Misultin. Looking at Cowboy, it is a full fledged OTP Application and it seems to be easy to cluster, and being lightweight, may perhaps increase on the number of clients the overall system can handle. Storage is on Mnesia, which I can distribute easily to add more nodes (maybe by replication), so that there is a Cowboy instance in front of every Mnesia instance.
My questions are:
Is my speculation correct, that if I switched from Yaws to Cowboy, I might increase the performance significantly?
Yaws has a clean API via Appmods and the #arg{} record. Does Cowboy have an equivalent of these two things (illustrate please)?
Can Cowboy handle file uploads? If so, which server (Yaws or Cowboy), in your opinion would be better to use in the case of frequent file uploads? Illustrate how file uploads are done with Cowboy.
It is possible to run several Yaws instances on the same machine. Do you think that creating many Yaws instances per server (physical box) and having the client-load distributed across these would help? What do I need to know about doing this?
When I set the yaws.conf parameter max_connections = nolimit, how would I specify the same in Cowboy?
Now, I followed the interview with Cowboy author and he discusses the reasons why Cowboy is more lightweight than Yaws. He says that
The biggest difference is the use of binaries instead of lists. The generic acceptor pool is another. I could list a lot of other small differences but I figure these aren’t the most interesting.
That because Cowboy uses the listener-pool library Ranch, it somehow ends up with a higher capability of handling more connections, plus the use of binaries and not lists.
Another quote from the same interview:
Since we use one process per connection instead of two, and we use binaries instead of lists, we end up using a lot less memory than other projects without user intervention. Cowboy is also lazy, it doesn’t do anything unless required. So we don’t have much in memory until the user starts calling functions.
I wonder how yaws handles this case. Somehow, my problem domain needs lightweight HTTP handling. It’s actually true that Yaws will lead to more memory consumption as compared to say, Mochiweb, Misultin or Cowboy. My greatest concern is that Yaws has the best/cleanest API whereby it gives us access to the #arg{} containing everything we need as an Erlang record, so that we can get them out ourselves, than the others which have numerous functions for extracting stuff outside. Even the documentation: Yaws docs are pretty good and straightforward. Perhaps I need to look at more Cowboy code for things like file uploading and simple GET and POST request handling.
Otherwise, the questions I asked earlier, remain as pressing concerns. Yaws is pretty good, but seems to be overkill for this fast light-weight short-lived high rate poll situation, what do you think?
Your 30000 refusal limit sounds an awful lot like a 32k limit somewhere. Either the default process count, which is 32k, or some system limit on file descriptors and so on. You should not rule out the possibility that the limitation is on the kernel side of things. I've seen systems come to their limits quite easily due to kernel configurations which can be really hard to handle.

How many requests per second should my asp(class) app handle

I'm profiling a asp(classic) web service. The web service makes database calls, reads/writes to files, and processes xml. On a windows server 2003 box(2.7ghz, 4 core, 4gb ram) how many requests per second should I be able to handle before things start to fail.
I'm building a tool to test this, but I'm looking for a number of requests per second to shoot for.
I know this is fairly vague, but please give the best estimate you can. If you need more information, please ask.
95% of the performance of any data-driven app is dependent on the database: 1) the way you do your calls, 2) the indexes, 3) the hardware under the database (disk subsystem in particular).
I have seen a machine, like you are describing, handle 40 requests per second (2500/minute), but numbers like 10 per second (600/minute) are more common. I would expect even lower if you are running your DB on the same machine, and even lower still if that DB is SQLExpress or MSAccess.
Also, at capacity, your app will probably not fail, but IIS will Queue requests, once it is saturated, and may timeout some of those requests if it can't service them before the timeout expires.
Btw, instead of building a tool to test your app, you may want to look into using a test tool such as Microsoft WCAT. It is pretty smooth and easy to use.
How fast should it be? Fast enough.
How fast is fast enough? That's a question that only you and your users can answer. If your service is horrifically inefficient and keeps up with demand, it's fast enough. If your service is assembly-optimized, lightning-fast, and overwhelmed with requests, it's not fast enough.
If the server is handling its actual workload, then don't worry about how fast it "should" be. When the server is having trouble, or when you anticipate that it soon will, then you should look at improving the code or upgrading the hardware. Remember Knuth's Law – premature optimization is the root of all evil. Any work you do now to make it faster may never pay off, and you may be forced to make compromises with flexivility or maintainability. Remember, too, an older adage – if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Yes I would also say 10 per second is a good benchmark. For a high performance app you would want to get more than this, but if you have no specific goal you should generally be able to get at least 10 requests per sec for a general web page with a bunch of database queries.

Mochiweb's Scalability Features

From all the articles I've read so far about Mochiweb, I've heard this over and over again that Mochiweb provides very good scalability. My question is, how exactly does Mochiweb get its scalability property? Is it from Erlang's inherent scalability properties or does Mochiweb have any additional code that explicitly enables it to scale well? Put another way, if I were to write a simple HTTP server in Erlang myself, with a simple 'loop' (recursive function) to handle requests, would it have the same level of scalability as a simple web server built using the Mochiweb framework?
UPDATE: I'm not planning to implement a full blown web-server supporting every feature possible. My requirements are very specific - to handle POST data from a HTML form with fixed controls.
Probably. :-)
If you were to write a web server that handles each request in a separate process (light weight thread in Erlang) you could reach the same kind of "scalability" easily. Of course the feature set would be different, unless you implement everything Mochiweb has.
Erlang also has great built in support for distribution among many machines, this might be possible to use to gain even more scalability.
MochiWeb isn't scalable itself, as far as I understand it. It's a fast, tiny server library that can handle thousands of requests per second. The way in which it does that has nothing to do with "scalability" (aside from adjusting the number of mochiweb_acceptors that are listening at any given time).
What you get with MochiWeb is a solid web server library, and Erlang's scalability features. If you want to run a single MochiWeb server, when a request comes in, you can still offload the work of processing that request to any machine you want, thanks to Erlang's distributed node infrastructure and cheap message passing. If you want to run multiple MochiWeb servers, you can put them behind a load balancer and use mnesia's distributed features to sync session data between machines.
The point is, MochiWeb is small and fast (enough). Erlang is the scalability power tool.
If you roll your own server solution, you could probably meet or beat MochiWeb's efficiency and "scalability" out of the box. But then you'd have to rethink everything they've already thought of, and you'd have to battle test it yourself.

Polling webservice performance - Will this work?

Our app need instant notification, so obvious I should use some some WCF duplex, or socket communication. Problem is the the app is partial trust XBAP, and thus I'm not allowd to use anything but BasicHttpBinding. Therefore I need to poll for changes.
No comes the question: My PM says the update interval should be araound 2 sec, and run on a intranet with 500 users on a single web server.
Does any of you have experience how polling woould influence the web server.
The service is farly simple, it takes a guid as an arg, and returns a list of guids. All data access are cached, so I guess the load on the server is minimal for one single call, but for 500...
Except from the polling, the webserver has little work.
So, based on this little info (assume a standard server HW, whatever that is), is it possible to make a qualified guess?
Is it possible or not to implement this, will it work?
Yes, I know estimating this is difficult, but I'd be really glad if some of you could share some thoughts on this
Don't estimate, benchmark.
Polling.. bad, but if you have no other choice, then it's ideal :)
Bear in mind the fact that you will no doubt have keep-alives on, so you will have 500 permanently-connected users. The memory usage of that will probably be more significant than the processor usage. I can't imagine network access (even in a relatively bloaty web service) would use much network capacity, but your network latency might become an issue - especially as we've all seen web applications 'pause' for a little while.
In the end though, you'll probably be ok, but you'll have to check it yourself. There are plenty of web service stress testers, you can use Microsoft's WAS tool for one, here's a few links to others.
Try using soapui, a web service testing tool, to check the performance of your web service. There is a paid version and an open source version that is free.
I don't think it will be a particular problem. I'd imagine the response time for each request would be pretty low, unless you're pulling back a hell of a lot of data, so 500 connections spread over 2 seconds shouldn't hit it too hard.
You can use a stress testing tool to verify your webserver can handle the load though, before you commit to this design.
250 qps probably is doable with quite modest hardware and network bandwidth provided you do minimize the data sent back & forth. I assume you're caching these GUID lists on the client so you can just send a small "no updates" response in the normal case.
Should be pretty easy to measure with a simple prototype though to be more confident.
