simple R Time Series function plotting - r

thank you kindly for your time.
I'm merely trying to plot a simple time series data set, but am running into a number of basic issues (one of which I'll ask here). For example, I have a notepad file that starts with:
...and so on...
So R reads it just fine, e.g. myfile=read.table("F:/Documents/myfile.txt",sep=""). However, the values seem to change under a conversion using R's ts function, i.e.
myfile = ts(myfile,start=1,end=120,frequency=1)
plot(myfile, type="o",pch=22,lty=1,pty=2,xlab="Month",ylab="Values",main="My File")
So when plotted, the first value starts at 20+ for some reason, as opposed to 2+. Furthermore, R assumes that the y-axis goes from 1 to 120 (mirroring the x-axis), which is not the right scale (i.e. 0 through 10). In another data set that I did (using integers), it was shifted upward by 1. In any event, I believe the issue is probably about how to properly identifying the y-axis.
Any ideas on how to tackle this? Thanks!


How do I use prodlim function with a non-binary variable in formula?

I am trying to (eventually) plot data by groups, using the prodlim function.
I'm adjusting and adapting code that someone else (not available for questions) has written, and I'm not very familiar with the prodlim library/function. There are definitely other ways to do what I'd like to, but I'm trying to keep it consistent with what the previous person did.
I have code that works, when dividing the data into 2 groups, but when I try to adjust for a 4 group situation, I get an error.
Of note, the data is coming over from SAS using StatTransfer, which has been working fine.
I am new to coding, but I have compared the dataframes I'm trying to work with. The second is just a subset of the first (where the code does work), with all the same variables, and both of the variables I'm trying to group by are integer values.
Hist(medpop$dz_time, medpop$dz_status) works just fine, so the problem must be with the prodlim function, and I haven't understood much of what I've looked up about it, sadly :/ But it the documentation seems to indicate it supports continuous or categorical variables, and doesn't seem limited to binary either. None of the options seem applicable as I understand them.
this works:
M <- prodlim(Hist(dz_time, dz_status)~med, data=pop)
where med is a binary value =1 when a member of this population is taking it, and dz is a disease that some portion develop.
this does not:
(either of these get the error as below)
N <- prodlim(Hist(dz_time, dz_status)~strength, data=medpop)
N <- prodlim(Hist(dz_time, dz_status)~strength, data=pop, subset=pop$med==1)
medpop = the subset of the original population taking the med,
strength = categorical variable ("1","2","3","4")
For the line that does work, the next step is just plot(M), giving a plot with two lines, med==0 and med==1 (showing cumulative incidence of dz_status by dz_time).
For the other line, I get an error saying
Error in KernSmooth::dpik(cumtabx/N, kernel = "box") :
scale estimate is zero for input data
I don't know what that means or how to fix it.. :/

gnuplot - How to fit a function every N data points

I am using gnuplot and the function fitting facilities to perform least squares fitting to some of my data.
I have many data points (sometimes tens of millions) and hence fitting to all data points is impossible. (Or at least too slow to be practical.)
It is possible to plot data points with the keyword every (EDIT: Should be pointinterval not every!) followed by an integer, N, to plot only every other Nth point.
eg plot 'data.csv' using 1:2 pointinterval 1000 plots every thousandth data point. Useful for when plotting 10's of millions of points - you can't see anything useful otherwise.
Is there a similar way of doing this with fitting, ie, fit only every 1000'th point?
I tried fit 'data.csv' f(x) using 1:2 pointinterval 1000 via a,b where a and b are parameters of my f(x) - but I just get an error: ';' expected.
I also tried googling this and reading the documentation for gnuplot plotting but didn't find anything.
Alternatively, I could change my program code to only write every 1000th point to datafile, but then I will have to have 2 lots of datafiles - one with all the points and one with 1 in every 1000 data points... which seems kind of wasteful.
Edit: I am not sure why I thought every was the correct syntax for this. Turns out it should be pointinterval (pi short) followed by an integer.
However, this only works for plotting, not function fitting, so the question is still open.
Note for future: use every syntax

how to do a sum in graphite but exclude cases where not all data is present

We have 4 data series and once in a while one of the 4 has a null as we missed reading the data point. This makes the graph look like we have awful spikes in loss of volume coming in which is not true as we were just missing the data point.
I am doing a basic sumSeries(server*.InboundCount) right now for server 1, 2, 3, 4 where the * is.
Is there a way where graphite can NOT sum the locations on the line and just have sum for those points in time be also null so it connects the line from the point where there is data to the next point where there is data.
NOTE: We also display the graphs server*.InboundCount individually to watch for spikes on individual servers.
or perhaps there is function such that it looks at all the series and if any of the values is null, it returns null for every series that it takes X series and returns X series points to the sum function as null+null+null+null hopefully doesn't result in a spike and shows null.
This is an old question but still deserves an answer as a point of reference, what you're after I believe is the function KeepLastValue
Takes one metric or a wildcard seriesList, and optionally a limit to the number of ‘None’ values to skip over. Continues the line with the last received value when gaps (‘None’ values) appear in your data, rather than breaking your line.
This would make your function
This will work ok if you have a single null datapoint here and there. If you have multiple consecutive null data points you can specify how far back before a null breaks your data. For example, the following will look back up to 10 values before the sumSeries breaks:
sumSeries(keepLastValue(server*.InboundCount, 10))
I'm sure you've since solved your problems, but I hope this helps someone.

Plotting Time Series

I'm working on 16 world indices over three year and i want to make a plot from these 16 indices.
dimnames(all)[[2]]<-c("Date","BEL 20","CAC 40","AEX","DAX","FTSE 100","IBEXx 35","ATX","SMI","FTSE MIB","RTX","HSI","NIKKEI 225","S&P 500","NASDAQ","Dow Jones","BOVESPA")
My dates are written in the form "2009-01-05". I want only "2009" to appear otherwise i would have to many jumps.
For example the prices from the BOVESPA go from 40.000,15 to 60.000,137. How do I get nice y-labels? For instance 40.000, 45.000,...,60.000.
How do i get 16 of these plots in one nice figure/plot?
I'm not used to work with R. I tried something like this but that didn't work...
Biggest problem is no sample data> Here is advice based on guesswork:
I tried something like this but that didn't work... plot(all[1,],all[,2])
You need to format your date values as R Date class. If they are in YYYY-MM-DD format it will be as simple as:
all$Date <- as.Date(all.Date)
To your specific questions:
1) My dates are written in the form "2009-01-05". I want only "2009" to appear otherwise i would have to many jumps.
You will need to suppress axis plotting in the plot call and then need to add an axis() call.
2) For example the prices from the BOVESPA go from 40.000,15 to 60.000,137. How do I get nice y-labels? For instance 40.000, 45.000,...,60.000.
You appear to be in a European locale and that mean your initial read.table call probably mangled the data input and you need to read the documentation for read.csv2 which will properly handle the reversal of the decimal point and comma meanings for numeric data. You should also use colClasses.
3) How do i get 16 of these plots in one nice figure/plot?
You should probably calculate ratios from an initial starting point for each series so there can be a common scale for display.

Plotting hundreds of hours of data with gnuplot

I am trying to plot data from a simulation that tracks simulation time in (hours):(minutes):(seconds) format, but does not turn (hours) into days - so (hours) can be in the hundreds. When gnuplot plots data by time, however ("set xdata time"), it only plots up to 99 hours in one continuous plot; after that, it loops back around and starts overplotting hour 100+ near the beginning (and even then, does weird stuff). Does anyone know why this happens and/or how to get around it?
I also looked into reading the components of the time column (which is the 3rd field of data on each line, but not necessarily a fixed number of characters into the line) in as 3 simple numbers (integers), then converting to a real number, which happens to be a decimal version of the time (e.g., 107:45:00 -> 107.75), which would be fine for the plot, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get gnuplot to do that, either.
Any other ideas are welcome. (I would rather not alter the original file, due to the additional complexity of multiple versions of each file, having to teach others how to convert the file and how to figure out the plot didn't work because they didn't convert the file, etc.)
Version 2 of MathGL (GPL plotting library) have time ticks which can be set as you want (using standard strftime() format). However it is in beta version now -- stable version should appear at October 2011.
