Plotting hundreds of hours of data with gnuplot - plot

I am trying to plot data from a simulation that tracks simulation time in (hours):(minutes):(seconds) format, but does not turn (hours) into days - so (hours) can be in the hundreds. When gnuplot plots data by time, however ("set xdata time"), it only plots up to 99 hours in one continuous plot; after that, it loops back around and starts overplotting hour 100+ near the beginning (and even then, does weird stuff). Does anyone know why this happens and/or how to get around it?
I also looked into reading the components of the time column (which is the 3rd field of data on each line, but not necessarily a fixed number of characters into the line) in as 3 simple numbers (integers), then converting to a real number, which happens to be a decimal version of the time (e.g., 107:45:00 -> 107.75), which would be fine for the plot, but I haven't been able to figure out how to get gnuplot to do that, either.
Any other ideas are welcome. (I would rather not alter the original file, due to the additional complexity of multiple versions of each file, having to teach others how to convert the file and how to figure out the plot didn't work because they didn't convert the file, etc.)

Version 2 of MathGL (GPL plotting library) have time ticks which can be set as you want (using standard strftime() format). However it is in beta version now -- stable version should appear at October 2011.


Efficient way to compile NC4 file information from separate files in R

I am currently trying to compile temperature information from the WDFE5 Data set which is quite large in size and am struggling to find an efficient way to meet my goal. My main goals are to:
Determine the max temperature for individual days for each individual grid cell
Change the time step from hourly to daily and from UTC to MST.
The data set is stored in monthly NC4 files and contains the temperature data in a 3 dimensional matrix (time lat lon). My main question is if there is a efficient way to compile this data to meet my goals or to manipulate the NC4 files to be easier to play around with (Somehow merge the monthly files into one mega file?)
I have tried two rather convoluted ways to catch holes between months (Example : due to the time conversion, some dates end up spanning between two months, which requires me to read in the next file and then continuing to read the data).
My first try was to individually read 1 month / file at a time, using pmax() to get the max value of each grid cell, and comparing time steps for 24 hours, and then repeating the process. I have been using
ncvar_get() with start and count to only read one time step at a time. To catch days that span two months, I was able to create a convoluted function to merge the two, by calculating the number of 1 hour periods left in one month, and how much would be needed from the next.
My second try still involved pmax(), but I tried a different method to fill in any holes between months. I set a date vector from the time variable to each hour time step, and match by same day. While this seems better, it still has to read multiple NC4 files which gets very convoluting compared to being able to just reading one NC4 file with all the needed information.
In the end, I tested a few test cases and both seem to solutions seem to work, but run extremely slow and seem very overcomplicated to me. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to better set up the NC4 files for reading and time conversion.

Reading dates as dates and not characters

The data I have been working with reads everything just fine, **except** for the date column. It always reads it as characters instead.
This would be fine except that, when I have lots of dates (like over 400 of them), then you can see something like this on a scatterplot:
Scatter Plot
In essence, I have two questions.
The first is, apart from using as.Date, which is fine when I'm needed temporary stuff, how do I permanently make R read the date column as legit dates? What I mean is, is there a way I can make that date column read as dates when I am using read.csv or read.excel?
When graphing, like the graph I have included here, how can I only include some of the labels throughout so that it won't be so cramped up? I still want all the data, but really do not want all those labels.
I was hoping to add the data file, but I am unaware of how to add excel/csv files on this website and my data set is quite long (n = 491). I do have 9 columns, 1 of which is the date column. The others are numbers or actual letters (the latter of which is in fact a character). I can add maybe a few rows just to help out.
Some of the data set

Generating "Hovmöller" style diagram from dataset with gaps in R

What I have is data in a tab delimited txt file in the following format (
Date Time Flow (L/h)
6/10/15 05:19:05 -0.175148624605041
6/10/15 05:34:05 -0.170297042615798
7/10/15 07:34:08 -0.033833540932291
7/10/15 07:49:08 -0.0256913011453011
The data currently ranges from 6/10/15 till 22/11/15. Measurements occur approximately every 15 minutes, but sometimes there is data loss which means that there are not the same amount of data points for every day. There are also periods where there is a larger gap (for example evening 16/11 -> morning 17/11) due to logger malfunction.
From this data I would like to create a similar figure like this one, as it offers a very nice seasonal representation of a large amount of data (my full dataset spans over several years):
Its similar to the style of a Hovmöller diagram. I have tried experimenting with R and the lattice package, but I struggle with the data gaps I have in my datasets and the irregular data points per day.
Any help you can offer me, an R beginner, would be greatly appreciated!
(If it would be possible in PHP or Javascript, feel free to post this as well)

simple R Time Series function plotting

thank you kindly for your time.
I'm merely trying to plot a simple time series data set, but am running into a number of basic issues (one of which I'll ask here). For example, I have a notepad file that starts with:
...and so on...
So R reads it just fine, e.g. myfile=read.table("F:/Documents/myfile.txt",sep=""). However, the values seem to change under a conversion using R's ts function, i.e.
myfile = ts(myfile,start=1,end=120,frequency=1)
plot(myfile, type="o",pch=22,lty=1,pty=2,xlab="Month",ylab="Values",main="My File")
So when plotted, the first value starts at 20+ for some reason, as opposed to 2+. Furthermore, R assumes that the y-axis goes from 1 to 120 (mirroring the x-axis), which is not the right scale (i.e. 0 through 10). In another data set that I did (using integers), it was shifted upward by 1. In any event, I believe the issue is probably about how to properly identifying the y-axis.
Any ideas on how to tackle this? Thanks!

Plotting Time Series

I'm working on 16 world indices over three year and i want to make a plot from these 16 indices.
dimnames(all)[[2]]<-c("Date","BEL 20","CAC 40","AEX","DAX","FTSE 100","IBEXx 35","ATX","SMI","FTSE MIB","RTX","HSI","NIKKEI 225","S&P 500","NASDAQ","Dow Jones","BOVESPA")
My dates are written in the form "2009-01-05". I want only "2009" to appear otherwise i would have to many jumps.
For example the prices from the BOVESPA go from 40.000,15 to 60.000,137. How do I get nice y-labels? For instance 40.000, 45.000,...,60.000.
How do i get 16 of these plots in one nice figure/plot?
I'm not used to work with R. I tried something like this but that didn't work...
Biggest problem is no sample data> Here is advice based on guesswork:
I tried something like this but that didn't work... plot(all[1,],all[,2])
You need to format your date values as R Date class. If they are in YYYY-MM-DD format it will be as simple as:
all$Date <- as.Date(all.Date)
To your specific questions:
1) My dates are written in the form "2009-01-05". I want only "2009" to appear otherwise i would have to many jumps.
You will need to suppress axis plotting in the plot call and then need to add an axis() call.
2) For example the prices from the BOVESPA go from 40.000,15 to 60.000,137. How do I get nice y-labels? For instance 40.000, 45.000,...,60.000.
You appear to be in a European locale and that mean your initial read.table call probably mangled the data input and you need to read the documentation for read.csv2 which will properly handle the reversal of the decimal point and comma meanings for numeric data. You should also use colClasses.
3) How do i get 16 of these plots in one nice figure/plot?
You should probably calculate ratios from an initial starting point for each series so there can be a common scale for display.
