Storing coefficients and vectors using the boot package in r - r

I am estimating a model of the kind y= x + s(z) where s(z) is a non parametric function. I want to use bootstrap to get the standard error for the coefficient on x and the confidence bands for the function s(z). Basically the result of my estimation gives a coefficient for x, therefore a 1x1 object, and a vector nx1 for s(z). You can do that by using the gam package (gam) function. For my needs I am using a hand-written function which returns a list named resultfrom which I have result$betaxas the coefficient on x, and result$curve which stores the vector values (the estimation of s(z) gives a set of values corresponding to a curve). I am bootstrapping using the boot package as follows
result.boot <- boot(data, myfunction, R=3, sim = "parametric",
ran.gen = myfunction.sim, mle = myfunction.mle)
I obtain the following error message
Error in boot(pdata, myfunction, R = 3, sim = "parametric",
ran.gen = myfunction.sim, : incorrect number of subscripts on matrix
I guess it should instead gives out a vector of cofficient on x, on which I will compute the standard error, and a matrix nxnof s(z) values, on which I will compute a s.e. for each row, allowing me to have confidence interval for the s(z) curve. I suppose this is related to the fact that the output of my function is given by
est <- list("betax" = betax, "curve" = s.z, "residuals"=res)
How coul I solve this?
To reproduce the issue it is possible to use the gamfunction
y = runif(16, min=0, max=1)
x = runif(16, min=0, max=0.5)
z = runif(16, min=0, max=0.3)
est <- gam(y ~ x + s(z))
while I am doing
est <- myfunction(y, x, z)

The solution implies vectorizing the output of the hand-written function and, therefore, making it compatible with the boot procedure which requires results to be stored in a vector.
est <- myfunction(y, x, z)
good.output <- matrix(c(betax, s.z), ncol=1)
This will let the boot function working properly. Then you just extract the corresponding elements of result.boot$t and you compute the statistics you like


What does the output of the function mvrnorm of MASS mean?

Using the mvrnorm() from the MASS package, now we can simulate realizations of multivariate normal distributions. This function works as follows:
n = 10, # Number of realizations,
mu = c(1, 5), # Parameter vector mu,
Sigma = my_cov_matrix(1, 3, 0.2) # Parameter matrix Sigma
What does this output mean? Why are there two columns with ten random variables each?
The task is as follows:
Now, I created a function my_mvrnorm(n, mu_1, mu_2, sigma_1, sigma_2, rho), which simulates realizations of the corresponding multivariate normal distribution depending on mu and the matrix n and stores them in a tibble with the column names X and Y. In addition, this tibble is to contain a third column rho, in which all entries are filled with rho.
This should look like the following then:
But I couldn't write a function yet, because I don't quite understand what the values in table X and Y should be. Can someone help me?
my_mvrnorm <- function(n, mu_1, mu_2, sigma_1, sigma_2, rho){
mu = c(mu_1, mu_2)
sigma = my_cov_matrix(sigma_1, sigma_2, rho)
tb <- tibble(
X = ,
Y = ,
rho = rep(rho, n)
The n = 10 specification says do 10 samples. The mu = c(1, 5) specification says do two means. So, you get a 10 X 2 matrix as the result. If you check, the first column has a mean close to 2, and the second a mean close to 5. Is my_cov_matrix defined somewhere else?

Determine what is the break point for the slope change in R [migrated]

I'm trying to implement a "change point" analysis, or a multiphase regression using nls() in R.
Here's some fake data I've made. The formula I want to use to fit the data is:
$y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x + \beta_2\max(0,x-\delta)$
What this is supposed to do is fit the data up to a certain point with a certain intercept and slope ($\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$), then, after a certain x value ($\delta$), augment the slope by $\beta_2$. That's what the whole max thing is about. Before the $\delta$ point, it'll equal 0, and $\beta_2$ will be zeroed out.
So, here's my function to do this:
changePoint <- function(x, b0, slope1, slope2, delta){
b0 + (x*slope1) + (max(0, x-delta) * slope2)
And I try to fit the model this way
nls(y ~ changePoint(x, b0, slope1, slope2, delta),
data = data,
start = c(b0 = 50, slope1 = 0, slope2 = 2, delta = 48))
I chose those starting parameters, because I know those are the starting parameters, because I made the data up.
However, I get this error:
Error in nlsModel(formula, mf, start, wts) :
singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
Have I just made unfortunate data? I tried fitting this on real data first, and was getting the same error, and I just figured that my initial starting parameters weren't good enough.
(At first I thought it could be a problem resulting from the fact that max is not vectorized, but that's not true. It does make it a pain to work with changePoint, wherefore the following modification:
changePoint <- function(x, b0, slope1, slope2, delta) {
b0 + (x*slope1) + (sapply(x-delta, function (t) max(0, t)) * slope2)
This R-help mailing list post describes one way in which this error may result: the rhs of the formula is overparameterized, such that changing two parameters in tandem gives the same fit to the data. I can't see how that is true of your model, but maybe it is.
In any case, you can write your own objective function and minimize it. The following function gives the squared error for data points (x,y) and a certain value of the parameters (the weird argument structure of the function is to account for how optim works):
sqerror <- function (par, x, y) {
sum((y - changePoint(x, par[1], par[2], par[3], par[4]))^2)
Then we say:
optim(par = c(50, 0, 2, 48), fn = sqerror, x = x, y = data)
And see:
[1] 54.53436800 -0.09283594 2.07356459 48.00000006
Note that for my fake data (x <- 40:60; data <- changePoint(x, 50, 0, 2, 48) + rnorm(21, 0, 0.5)) there are lots of local maxima depending on the initial parameter values you give. I suppose if you wanted to take this seriously you'd call the optimizer many times with random initial parameters and examine the distribution of results.
Just wanted to add that you can do this with many other packages. If you want to get an estimate of uncertainty around the change point (something nls cannot do), try the mcp package.
# Simulate the data
df = data.frame(x = 1:100)
df$y = c(rnorm(20, 50, 5), rnorm(80, 50 + 1.5*(df$x[21:100] - 20), 5))
# Fit the model
model = list(
y ~ 1, # Intercept
~ 0 + x # Joined slope
fit = mcp(model, df)
Let's plot it with a prediction interval (green line). The blue density is the posterior distribution for the change point location:
# Plot it
plot(fit, q_predict = T)
You can inspect individual parameters in more detail using plot_pars(fit) and summary(fit).

How to fix code in RMarkdown for simulation that will not run due to "Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale"?

I am wondering what is wrong with my following R code (R markdown)? I keep getting an error message for the last line that says "Error in h(x.n, df = N - 2) : unused argument (df = N - 2)". I am very confused because my TA looked at my code and told me that it should run perfectly.
For context, this is the problem I am working on:
#have function mvrnorm-->simulate from multivariate normal distribution. N=7 Correlation matrix sigma. before X was fixed but now is random and formal dependence from Y that I can control. Compute rho hat and see if on average it gives me correct rho. Check how serious bias is when the expected value of rho hat isn't equal to rho. I want a feeling about whether this is something I should worry about or not
for (i in 1:Nsim){
data=mvrnorm(N, mu, Sigma)
for (i in 1:Nsim){
data=mvrnorm(N, mu, Sigma)
# here we compute t, which should have a t_{N-2} distribution. This is different here and trying to reconstruct the .Not a mathematical proof. Might be a mistake*****
#range of values and plotting density for each one
h<- function(N,rho,x.n){
a <- ((N-2)*(gamma(N-1))*(1-rho^2)^(N-1)/2*(1-x.n^2)^(N-4)/2)/((2*pi)*(sqrt(N-1/2))((1-x.n*rho)^(N-3/2)))
b <- hypergeo(1/2, 1/2, (2*N-1/2), ((x.n*rho)+1)/2)
h2 = a*b
y.n= h(N=10, rho=0.8, x.n=x.n)
ggplot()+geom_histogram(data=df, aes(x=X,y=..density..),binwidth=0.2,
color="black", fill="white")+ geom_line(data = df2, aes(x = x, y = y),
color = "red")+xlim(-5,5)
You've defined that the function h has the arguments N, rho and x.n. Then you try to call it with the argument df which h does not have, therefore you get the error. You need to call h with the correct arguments (i.e. also don't leave out N and rho, and if the value x.n should be passed to the function argument x.n, you need to specify it (don't use a positional argument). I also recommend to follow a style guide, e.g.

Struggling to run moveHMM using lognormal function in parallelised routines

I am attempting to run a two state HMM using a lognormal distribution. I have read Michelot and Langrock (2019) regarding choosing starting parameters through inspecting the data in a histogram and then running iterations in parallel, which has worked for my gamma distribution. Identifying the starting parameters for the lognormal distribution is troubling me however. Do I plot the log of my step length distribution then attempt extracting starting parameters or use the same starting parameters as my gamma distribution and rely on stepDist="lnorm"?
My code for the lognormal attempt currently looks like this:
ncores <- detectCores() - 1
cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cl.cores", ncores))
clusterExport(cl, list("data", "fitHMM"))
niter <- 20
allPar0 <- lapply(as.list(1:niter), function(x) {
stepMean0 <- runif(2,
min = c(x,y),
max = c(y,z))
stepSD0 <- runif(2,
min = c(x,y),
max = c(y,z))
angleMean0 <- c(0, 0)
angleCon0 <- runif(2,
min = c(a,b),
max = c(a,b))
stepPar0 <- c(stepMean0, stepSD0)
anglePar0 <- c(angleMean0, angleCon0)
return(list(step = stepPar0, angle = anglePar0))
# Fit the niter models in parallel
logP <- parLapply(cl = cl, X = allPar0, fun = function(par0) {
m <- fitHMM(data = data, nbStates = 2, stepDist = "lnorm", stepPar0 = par0$step,
anglePar0 = par0$angle)
# Extract likelihoods of fitted models
likelihoodL <- unlist(lapply(logP, function(m) m$mod$minimum))
# Index of best fitting model (smallest negative log-likelihood)
whichbestpL <- which.min(likelihoodL)
bestL <- logP[[whichbestpL]]
If I use negative values from plotting the log of the step length of the data then I get the error:
Error in checkForRemoteErrors(val) :
7 nodes produced errors; first error: Check the step parameters bounds (the initial parameters should be strictly between the bounds of their parameter space).
If I use the same starting parameter values that I used for my gamma distribution then I get the error
Error in unserialize(node$con) :
embedded nul in string: 'X\n\0\0\0\003\0\004\002\0\0\003\005\0\0\0'
Please could someone shed some light on how I'm failing at this?
Thank you!
Unfortunately, I can't tell for sure what the problem is from the code you included. If you don't get an error when you run fitHMM outside of parLapply, then it suggests that the problem is in how you choose the values of x, y, and z in your code.
The first parameter of the log-normal distribution can be negative or positive, and it is actually the mean of the logarithm of the step length. So, to find good starting values for this, you should look at a histogram of the log step lengths (e.g., following the dedicated moveHMM vignette). The second parameter is the standard deviation of the log step lengths, and this should be strictly positive (but could also be chosen based on the spread of the histogram of log step lengths).
To summarise, you should choose all the initial values based on plots of the log step lengths (rather than the step lengths themselves), and you should not use the same ranges of values for stepMean0 and stepSD0 (because the former can be negative or positive, whereas the latter is positive). Hopefully, this should help you choose x, y, and z.

Find optimum of function fitted with poly

I want to find the optimum of a function fitted through a scatter plot with poly.
Example data:
x <- c(32,64,96,118,126,144,152.5,158)
y <- c(99.5,104.8,108.5,100,86,64,35.3,15)
I get the function with
poly(lm(y ~ poly(x, 3)))
But when I want to use optimize,
o <- optimize(f = lm(y ~ poly(x, 3, raw=TRUE)), interval=c(0,150))
I get
Error in (function (arg) : could not find function "f"
How do I need to call optimize and possible helper functions to get the optimum (maximum in this case)?
Optimization: usually looking for a minimum
Optimize function states:
The function optimize searches the interval from lower to upper for a minimum or maximum of the function f with respect to its first argument.
maximum logical. Should we maximize or minimize (the default)
So your formula would look for the minimum.
Optimization of a function
lmdoes not return a function of x, it returns a list of elements (coefficients, intercepts, etc.), which you can use for your polynom.
What you need to do is to create a function evaluate.polynom
Which will return the value of P(x) knowing the coefficients returned by lm
Edit: Checking results and caveats of optimize
X2<- x^2; X3<-x^3; df= data.frame(y = y, x = x, X2 = X2, X3 = X3)
L<-lm(y ~ X3 + X2 + x, data = df ) ### not being familiar with poly I prefer to do this
P<-function(x){ L$coefficients[1] + x^3 * L$coefficients[2] + x^2*L$coefficients[3] + x*L$coefficients[4] }
o<- optimize(f = P, interval = c(0,150), maximum = TRUE)
It says that maximum is 92.
Is it correct?
library(ggplot2);qplot(x = 0:150, y = P(0:150), geom = "line")+theme_bw()
We can clearly see that our polynom reaches it maximal value on the edge, but there is a local maximum that is found by optimize. If you really want the maximum on your interval, I suggest evaluating your polynom on the edges of the interval too.
Is the fit good?
The fit we calculated with lm is correct, we did not make a mistake there.
