Woocommerce product pages blank? - css

I am having a strange problem where my product pages are blank most of the time in woocommerce. If you click a product, sometimes it may or may not load, and if it doesn't, you have to refresh it multiple times until the page finally shows the content. I noticed this only happens to users who are not logged into wp-admin.
I had W3 caching plugin but I deactivated and deleted and the problem still persists? I am not sure how this started... I am using the most updated version of woocommerce.
Website: http://museiam.ca/
I would appreciate any help as I'm quite stumped.

Issue #1 - Failing to load, redirect loop
According to your comments about the error logs the product page is doing a redirect to itself, and getting stuck in that loop. This explains the "10 internal redirects" error message. The access log error is likely just a side effect of having so many of the same repeat requests in such a brief time window.
Note that I could not reproduce this issue, but I got a very similar issue (below). I was unable to determine why this is happening through poking around. This may take some code investigation (aka, on your end). Is this a custom WP theme?
Issue #2 - Loading complete, but not displayed
A second type of error occurs which is similar. Middle-click or open a product in a new tab. Or click on a direct link to a product, such as: http://museiam.ca/product/black-cut-sleeve-sweater/
The content will load, but it will be a white page. In this case, the javascript has loaded content but did not complete the loading event to make it visible.
You can confirm the second issue by opening your dev tools (for chrome: F12), and entering the following javascript into the script console:
jQuery('.global_content_wrapper').css('opacity', 1)
This should make the content visible.
EDIT: It seems issue #2 is also inconsistent, sometimes it does work - though much less often than following a link from within the website. These two issues may be one in the same.


My Wordpress Website is Slow to Respond on Moving to Another Pages

My wordpress website is suddenly slow to respond when I want to view another pages. For example, if I clicked one link on the menu, it took around 10-15 seconds for the website to move to the page linked. However, when the website responded and move to the page, the content loaded fast. So, I thought it was not about the loading speed of my website. Correct me if I am wrong.
Are there any solution for this?
It is likely TTFB (time to first byte) problem - it takes a long time for your server to generate the HTML of the page and send it as an answer to the request. Meanwhile when the HTML is already sent - all the js files and images are loading fast enough, as you described. There's just this "delay between switching pages".
This could be caused by plenty of factors, I recommend reading a profound article to understand all the nuances, like this: https://kinsta.com/learn/page-speed/
But in short, the first and most sure way to cut down your page loading speed with the described situation - use page caching. You can use https://uk.wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/ free plugin as the first step.
Managed WP hosting with built-in caching would be even better, but prices start from 30$ per month if that works for you.
Please open this link and follow the steps accordingly

Drupal 7 - Server Error 500 when adding a Filter to views

For some reason when I try adding a filter to any view that I have, I receive the Server Error 500.
In Google Chrome I get
In Firefox I get this this.
To be detailed, I have a view that currently displays published articles. All Articles are translated into Spanish and English. I am trying to add the filter: Content:language and set it to user current language.
When I save, the page refreshes and the temporary changes notice is shown. I try saving a second time and the Server Error comes up. This happens for both web browsers.
Could it be a that I have to enable a read/write for a certain file? If so, I don't know which file to look for.
Can anyone shed some light on this for me ? I have been at it for about 13 hours...
After taking the advice from #Rainfall in the comment, I found another post on Drupal's forum with the solution/ patch for this issue.
Here is the post with the solution
Comment #9 gave a patch that worked for others and it worked for me too. More in depth info on the issue is there as well.

Drupal Computed Field with Views

I have some Computed Fields and in these fields, I get some HTML codes with simple_html_dom.php class from some sites. Codes works perfectly on pages, but when I try to get these fields to use in a View, Drupal gives the following error.
Anybody can help?
Even if it is not the best solution, after installing Views PHP module of Drupal, problem is slightly solved. I still get the error message on every time I try to change something, also I am having difficulties on making a change on the view, like saving and adding the same thing 5 times and got successfull, still it is a solution.
This message usually appears when you try to save the form before the ajax process has finished.
Try checking the 'network' tab on developer tools installed within Google Chrome or by using a tool similar to firebug. This will show you the request being made via ajax and should give you more information to debug.

LinkedIn button shows up intermitent

I am using the code to place a linkedIn Follow button (generated here https://developer.linkedin.com/plugins/follow-company) on this page, http://new.janeirodigital.com (view Client Testimonials section). However, the buttons sometimes show up and sometimes don't.
I have read a little bit of cross domains issues that may cause this, but I am not able to find a workaround to fix this. If you visit that page in Chrome and see the errors console, you'll see a couple of errors like regarding the linked in button, like:
Unsafe Javascript attempt to access frame with URL mysite.com from frame with URL http://platform.linkedin.com/js/....Domains, protocols and ports must match.
Has anybody experienced this problem before?
Any help appreciated
The messages you are seeing in the developer console in Chrome are unrelated to your problem. They are an artifact of the cross-domain communication and as you'll notice, you see them for Facebook and Twitter as well on the same page.
That said, viewing your page I am also seeing intermittent 403s for some of the backend calls that the FollowCompany plugin is making. I have alerted our NOC to the issue and they should be investigating now.
Reviewing your page, it seems you have done everything necessary and are set, so once we fix the operational issue you should be good to go.
My apologies for any inconvenience!
I just found that this is happening when there are more than one follow button on the page, if you delete the first one and the second shows without problems but the others have the same problem...
Hope this could help your team Jeremy!!

Drupal not updating data for content page

I am using Drupal 6.19 to build a simple website with its own theme and layout. I also added and updated content regularly till I ran into a typical problem yesterday. There was a node-24 with a url alias of 'projects/india/current'. It is a content of type 'page'. As soon as I updated the content for this node, the data was not saved but it went to the url http://www.example.com/node/24/edit?destination=admin/content/node and the home page got displayed instead of normal update successful message. When I click on the back button I again came to the edit page options. It seems the data is not getting saved. I erased the body part of the content entirely and just typed 'test' and pressed the save button and to my surprise it updated successfully. I am not sure whats happening behind the hoods. I am using input format as PHP code. Any help would be highly appreciated.
just check the node the data might have been saved. due to load on server at times this happens check your logs if you are getting ERROR 500 at times
