Wordpress: uploading images with special characters gets the characters replaced - wordpress

So, I have 2 sites. One in production, and the another in development. They have the same content and uploads.
In production, images with names containing æ, ø, or å gets the character replaced with something else, for example ø get replaced with ø, and then saved in the upload folder. And it works! Wordpress somehow gets the right image when I request it.
E.g: wp-content/upload/2015/01/interiørtips.jpg will display the image interiørtips.jpg.
In the database, the references to the images are saved normally, including the special characters; æøå is used in the name, not some other obscure character combination. This means that the database is ok.
I exported all the content from production to a fresh database in development, but now every image which has either an æ, ø, or å in it wont load the same way as in production. The request wp-content/upload/2015/01/interiørtips.jpg won't load anything, but wp-content/upload/2015/01/interiørtips.jpg will. This is opposite of the behavior in production.
Does anyone know anything about this?
EDIT: I'll probably just some rename tool. But, if anyone has any insights, please share.


website files saved in browse's cache prevent changes from being displayed

This is probably a dumb question, but I'm worried :
I have published a website on a server, then made some changes to a css file.
As the css file was already cached by my browser, it didn't display the changes.
deleting the cash allowed to display the changes.
Now my worry is that if some users have previously been to the website, and it is cached by their browser, if I make a change they wouldn't be able to see it.
How do you guys prevent this ? Do you just change the file names ?
Sorry for my noobness,
There are a number of solutions floating around the web, but as far as I can tell they all boil down to changing the CSS filenames whenever their content changes. That way you steer clear of user caches and server caches serving old content.
Instead of changing the name of the file itself, create a symbolic link with a new name to the old file whenever content changes.
Instead of changing the name of the file, change the way it is referenced by the page. Replacing myfile.css?v=1 by myfile.css?v=2 circumvents people's caches.
Write code that automatically changes the name or the link name or the way the file is referenced
Use a framework that does one of the above.
And: remember that the same problem applies to any content that might be cached, like JS files.

Disable URL encoding

Hello I'm not trying to use space or anything like that. all my urls are standard with dash separated words but the characters are in persian so instead of
I wanna see
The links are already saved as the second one but when it shows it on webpage it automatically encodes it.
My CMS can handle getting requests like the second one and auto redirect. I've tried changing config file and some globalization settings but no luck yet.

Encoding error when importing->exporting Wordpress posts and attachments (images)

I exported my blog's posts using the built-in Wordpress export tool. Then, I imported the posts on another Wordpress install with the attachments. However, when everything is done, all images that used to contain special characters (é,à,è) are broken on the new website. Here is what I figured:
Blog from which I export will be A, the one to which I import, B.
When I export from A, I lookup the created xml using notepad++ in UT8 without DOM. At the top of the file, I see encoding="UTF-8". If I search for an image containing the word 'flèche' what I see is an accent over the c instead of the e. However, if I copy paste it in here, it appears correctly as 'flèche'. Weird?
Moving on...When I import the xml to B, the new image that gets uploaded to B is called 'fleÌ€che.jpg' instead of 'flèche.jpg'.
On B, when I look at the broken image, it is trying to access 'flèche.jpg', which doesn't exist, only 'fleÌ€che.jpg'.
What can I do to fix this issue? A lot of images contain special chars so the manual way is not going to do it. I would have close to a thousand images to fix manually.
Thanks a lot

HtmlEncode Local resources

I have a web site that uses local resources. The main text (so not the labels, etc.) on de default page is stored in a file. This file is added to my local resources file default.aspx.fi-FI.resx and is named text-defaultPage. It's a regular text file with tags etc.
The problem is however, that the text is Finnish in other words it uses a lot of characters having umlaut (ä) and other special characters.
The person for whom the web site is wants to edit this text himself but he doesn't know anything about programming, html entities etc.
Is there a way to make it so that those characters are encoded with say htmlEncode?
in my Global.asax I check for the selected language and the page gets reload with that language.
Never mind, I made the files Unicode text files.
Solution to the problem is make the files unicode.

Arabic Locale Support in Flex

Today, I learn how to localize my Flex application and to support multiple languages. The tutorials on-line are great. However, non of them mention the Arabic locale.
So basically, I created the Arabic (Jordan) locale files in the SDK folder by using:
copylocale en_US ar_JO
I navigated to the locale folder and I was able to see the ar_JO folder in there... So I assume everything went smooth.
Next, I followed the tutorials (www.babelfx.org) and was able to localize my test application in English, French, and Arabic. Clicking on any of those languages switches the labels of my simple form/into the desired language... however:
When switching to the Arabic language the labels turn into empty square symbols. If you are wondering, yes I can open a notepad and type Arabic text and save it successfully.
When I type Arabic text into the text boxes, I can see the Arabic words that I typed correctly (the labels are still square symbols).
Any ideas what I might be missing here??
I tried changing the font of my application (right on the application tag I set the fontFamily) into Simplified Arabic which comes by default on Windows.
Have you embedded a font into your swf which can render Arabic? Are you using that font? If the answer is no to either, then I suggest reading up on the subject.
One thing to remember about Flash and fonts is that it has incredible power which comes from the fact that one is able to embed actual fonts into the swf itself. One also needs to remember that Flash is incredibly finicky and is prone to throwing fits if you fail to do so.
The solution is to change the context-type to UTF-8. Three ways to accomplish this from within Flex Builder:
(Option 1) Right click the file from the File Navigator and select Properties
(Option 2) With the file open, navigate to the File menu and choose Properties
(Option 3) With the file open, press Alt + Enter to bring up the file Properties
Once the properties window is displayed, you will see the option to change the file encoding from Default to Other (UTF-8).
Note: At least for me, once I changed the content-type to UTF-8, I had to close my unsaved file, open it back up, and paste my contents back into the file in order to clear the error message. Then clean the project (Project -> Clean...) and let it rebuild.
I found the solution. Actually, I didn't have to embed any fonts or anything in order to get it working.
My problem was the encoding in the resources.properties file. I opened it in Notepad++, then I noticed the Encoding menu. At that time, I remembered reading something about that the encoding of the resources files should be UTF-8. So I converted the encoding to UTF-8 from the menu, compiled, it didn't work! After couple of retries and cleaning the project, it worked successfully!!!
Just a reminder for everybody (as I have fallen into this while working this problem out):
For mx components, embedded fonts must have the embedAsCFF set to false.
