I want to recursively insert two lines in all files of my directory where it was not present? - unix

I have a directory customer. I have many customers in customer directory.
Now I want to add two lines in some process_config file within customer directory where it was not available.
For example:
and so so.
Is this possible by single command like find & sed?

With a simple for loop :
for file in /home/sam/customer/*/*/process_config.txt; do
printf "one line\nanother line\n" >> "$file"

find /home/sam/customer -name 'process_config.txt' -exec DoYourAddWithSedAwkEchoOrWhatever {} \;
find give you the possibility to select each wanted (selected) file
option -exec start a subshell with your command on this file.
{} is the file name (full name) in this case.
Use \; as end of command for the iteration (other command couldbe used with the standard behaviour of ; ex -exec echo 'line1' >> {} ; echo "line2" >> {} \;
sed, awk or echo like in sample can modify the file


Recursively remove portion of filename that matches a pattern

I'm on a UNIX system. Within a directory (and any of its subdirectories), I'm trying to rename all files that match a certain pattern:
change hello (1).pdf
to hello.pdf
Based on the top response from this question, I wrote the following command:
find . -name '* (1)*' -exec rename -ns 's/ (1)//' {} \;
The find works on its own and the rename also works on its own, but the above command only outputs Reading filenames from STDIN and does nothing. How can I make this work?
Figured this out! For whatever reason, it only works when you use the Perl version of rename like this:
find . -name '* (1)*' -exec rename -f -s ' (1)' '' {} \;

Remove last line from all files of a specific extension

I have several files with same extension .txt in a directory. I want to remove the last line from all .txt files.
What I did is
find . -type f -name '*.txt' -exec sed '$d' {} \;
This prints the desired output from sed to the terminal for every .txt file.
What I want is to modify the respective files.
Try this:--
sed -i '$d' *.txt
"$" is used as a line number and means the last line in the file.
"d" is usd to delete the respective line(last line in this case).
"*.txt" is used to select all files whose extension is .txt in the present directory.
You should use -i with sed statement
To modify and do some changes in file we need to specify -i in sed command
your command should be like
find . -type f -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i '$d' {} \;
But please note that it will update all the files with .txt and you wont be able to revert back so please take backup of important files
Considering the risk of loosing data while modifying large number of files using sed, this is what I used after creating a new sub-directory:
awk 'NR>1 {print last > "./modified/"FILENAME} {last=$0}' *.txt
This filters all the files with extension .txt into new files with changes to the sub-directory named modified.
Ref: what is the easiest way to remove 1st and last line from file with awk?

How to cat all files with filename with certain words in unix

I have a bunch of file in one directory, what I wanted to do is:
cat a-12-08.json b-12-08_others.json b-12-08-mian.json >> new.json
But there are too many files, is there any command I can use to cat all files with "12-08" in their filename?
I found the solution below.
Here is the answer:
cat *12-08* >> new.json
you can use find to do what you want to archive:
find . -type f -name '*12-08*' -exec sh -c 'grep "one" {} && cat {} >> /tmp/output.txt' \;
In this way you can cat the files with contain the word that you looking for
Use a wildcard name:
cat *12-08* >>new.json
This will work as long as there aren't so many files that you exceed the maximum length of a command line, ARG_MAX (2MB on the Linux systems I checked).

How to print the longest line number for each file in a directory?

I'm trying to list the max line length for files in the current directory, but I'm having trouble with my command working. I believe it's an issue with escaping the curly brackets {} in my exec command. After googling through a ton of find exec escape answers I wasn't able to locate anything about how to escape brackets {} in the exec command. What am I missing?
find . -iname *.page -exec awk '{if(length($0) > L) { LINE=$0;L = length($0)}}
END {print LINE"|"L}' {}\; | sort
Their are multiple issues with the original command none of which are escaping {}. The first issue is there needs to be a space between {} and \;. The second issue is related to how the shell expands the wildcard in the find iname paramater *.page.
From the Free BSD Forums
"*" is expanded by the shell before the command-line is passed to find(1). If there's only 1 item in the directory, then it works. If
there's more than one item in the directory, then it fails as the
command-line options are no longer correct.
Wrapping the *.page in quotes solves the issue. The final version is
find . -iname '*.page' -exec awk '{if(length($0) > L)
{ LINE=NR;L = length($0)}} END {print L"|"FILENAME":"LINE}' {} \; | sort -n
Which outputs the a sorted list of the longest line for each file with line number
You want to run awk on each file, right?
create a script: t.sh in your home directory:
awk '{if(length($0) > L) { LINE=$0;L = length($0)}}
END {print LINE"|"L}' "$1"
command line:
find . -iname *.page -exec ~/t.sh {} | sort
I'm not too sure about your awk script but since you think it is what you need let's pass on that for now.

Shell script to process files

I need to write a Shell Script to process a huge folder of nearly 20 levels.I have to process each and every file and check which files contain lines like
When I mean line it should take the line till I find a semicolon in that file.
I should get a result like this
C:/test.java select * from dual
C:/test.java select * from test
C:/test1.java select * from tester
C:/test1.java select * from dual
and so on.Right now I have a script to read all the files
FILE=<FILEPATH to be traversed>
TEMPFILE=<Location of Temp file>
cd $FILE
for f in `find . ! -type d`;
cat $FILE/addedText.txt>>$TEMPFILE/newFile.txt
cat $f>>$TEMPFILE/newFile.txt
rm $f
cat $TEMPFILE/newFile.txt>>$f
rm $TEMPFILE/newFile.txt
I have very little knowledge of awk and sed to proceed further in reading each file and achieve what I want to.Can anyone help me in this
if you have GNU find/gawk
find /path -type f -name "*.java" | while read -r FILE
awk -vfile="$FILE" 'BEGIN{RS=";"}
print file,b
' "$FILE"
if you are on Solaris, use nawk
find /path -type f -name "test*file" | while read -r FILE
nawk -v file="$FILE" 'BEGIN{RS=";"}
/select/{ gsub(/.*select/,"select");gsub(/\n+/,"");print file,$0; }
/update/{ gsub(/.*update/,"update");gsub(/\n+/,"");print file,$0; }
/insert/{ gsub(/.*insert/,"insert");gsub(/\n+/,"");print file,$0; }
' "$FILE"
Note this is simplistic case. your SQL statement might be more complicated.
