Bootstrap 3 fullscreen carousel not fullscreen in landscape - css

I made a carousel to fill 100% height and width of browser and it does that fine on a desktop or in protriate mode on a mobile but when switched to landscape the display breaks. I made a bootply but it doesnt show the error im refering to. Maybe its caused by the form I have added?
You can see the actual error here. Open dev tools select a iphone4,5,6 galaxy s4,5.. pretty much any current smart phone and you will see what I mean.

After my previous comment I looked deeper into this, try the code below in your CSS.
#bg-slide-carousel .carousel-inner {
This makes the background carousel stay with the viewport. I've tested this in the chrome dev tools emulator with the site you posted and it appears to work fine.


Website getting cut off on iPad only

My site is live at The site is responsive, and works fine at any size on every desktop browser I try and on my Android phone, but the problem is that on an iPad, the right side of the header gets cut off so it says "Licensing P" instead of "Licensing Portal."
I'm having trouble figuring out where the problem lies because I can't replicate it on desktop — Chrome's device mode actually shows it having too MUCH room on the right and the website not centering instead!
Any ideas?
Edit: Looking more closely, it looks like the iPad is giving each navigation item (they're flexbox children) equal width, and messing with flex-basis and flex-grow don't make any difference. I can't find anything about it but is this any kind of known bug? Again, it looks fine everywhere else, including desktop Safari.
Some of this issues are related to version of the OS and Safari also. What I do on this instances, if you connect your iPad to your MAC you will be able to inspect the HTML and CSS and figure the issue out.
Debug apple devices
Another site
Hope this help!
Figured it out: The lis were set to width: 100%; for when the navigation collapses, and I should have overwritten it in the media query for bigger screens. I added width: auto; and it's fixed!

Parallax issue on mobile vs. desktop with narrower browser

I am working on creating a parallax-ish scrolling effect for the mobile version of my site. The effect works fine on a desktop when I shrink the browser, or when I use Chrome's mobile viewer, but it doesn't work on my phone.
Here's the live example. Shrink your browser below 980px wide to see the effect.
It appears that on mobile, the background image is shown at full size, and doesn't remain fixed.
It's just a CSS effect, no js or anything. Let me know what more details I can provide and I will! Thanks.

Iphone 6 overflow

I've got a client's responsive site which is used for mobile purposes only. It works great on every phone except for Iphone 6. Home page loads fine but every inner page gets a weird overflow with a big border at the left side of the screen ().
Tried to add special breaking points just for Iphone 6 from this thread.
Tried to add an outer container to the main container with width:100%;.
Tried to add overflow:hidden; to the body and to the inner container.
Tried to add overflow-x: hidden;.
Nothing worked.
Tried to add position:fixed; to the body just to see of it will work. The overflow of the screen was gone but the site was of course not scroll-able.
I don't have a mac to debug this issue with developer tools and that limits my options.
On all mobile emulators, Chrome, FF, IE, the site looks o.k. On Browserstack I could see the bug but couldn't debug it there.
It's not a single phone issue, tested on several Iphone 6 devices.
Any other ideas please?
Site link.
Had an issue with the some uls in the page. Added overflow:hidden; and it solve the problem.

Chrome hide an element on scroll after orientationchange

I'm facing a problem I can't figure out how to solve. I'm almost sure this is a Chrome bug since in other browsers it works like a charm but I want to be sure. On my website, developed using a mobile first and responsive design approach, I have a menu that uses the Left Nav Flyout pattern. On Tablets and desktops, I show it full width.
When I load the website on my smartphone (specifically an Android device) using Chrome in Portrait mode, once I rotate the device (passing in Landscape mode) and start to scroll the page, as soon as I reach the menu position, the latter magically disappears. What is really strange is that if you try to click the space that now is completely white, you can see that the links are actually there. I tried to use the inspector to find the problem but didn't succeed.
So, wow can I solve the problem? Anyone else had this issue before? If you know it's a bug, I'm glad to add a temporary workaround as well.
I didn't find a real solution but a reasonable workaround. Of course, I still hope that someone will explain what's the cause of this issue and how to solve it.
In the meantime, I found that the problem occurs because the menu, 240px wide, is completely out of the viewport. In fact, as soon as I changed the margin-left to 239.5px the menu didn't disappear anymore.

Gap in the bottom of a page on mobile device in portrait mode

When I browse my website on computer, everything looks fine in all major browsers, however, when I check it on Android phone there's a massive gap below footer. This happens only in portrait mode and in all android browsers. When I view it in landscape mode, the gap disappears in all browsers.
I tried 'playing' with viewport meta tag, but it doesn't help.
My site's width: 1300px and height:100%. Also, footer has padding-bottom:0; margin-bottom:0;
What could cause this problem to happen only in portrait mode?
Update: It seems that the height of a page isn't large enough to fill entire screen of my mobile so there's this gap. When I browse the page it's completely zoomed out according to sites width. How to make it zoom in according to site's height instead and thereby eliminate the bottom gap?
Please help
P.S. Unfortunately, I cannot provide you link to the site as it's on a local server.
Ok, guys. I managed to fix it. Probably not the best fix in the world but better than nothing.
So what I did was forced minimum zoom by using viewport minimum-scale=0.6.
No bottom gap after this fix.
