disable/increace woocommerce cart timeout - wordpress

I’m using WooCommerce for selling goods. Sometimes I use profiles of my customers to add specific products in their carts (I do it for them basically). When they ask me to help them and give them some nice suggestions.
When I’m ready with the suggested products, the customers are able to login again for some final adjustments and for purchasing of course :).
Sometimes I have a bad feedback, because their cart were empty and my suggestions are lost.
Is there a timeout for the woocommerce cart? If yes, how can I tweak it?
Or is this a server restriction?


WordPress plugin recommendations please

a client of mine is a Beauty products supplier and they have asked us the following question:
"We are getting asked by beauty training schools if they referred us to their students, could we offer a discount and a kickback credit/cash for doing so.
Is there any way we can do this and keep track of the spending against a code?"
I have looked at affiliate program plugins but none of them seem to do what the client is wanting. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong area and should be looking at coupon plugins - or is there an alternate way we can achieve this like by creating a form on their website for referrals?
Thanks in advance.
You should try woocommerce and woocommerce affiliate marketing plugins.

How can I ensure that only one instance of any product in woocommerce is sold?

I've been looking for an answer to this. Client has a woocommerce shop that will only ever have one of each product. What I need to accomplish is that when a product is added to their cart, the item is unavailable for anyone else to add the same product to a cart. I've tried the old plugin but it breaks portions of the front end, I've tried using several similar solutions I've found here, but nothing seems to do the trick. The plugin also made inventory management on the backend a total nightmare.
So, to walk you through, user A adds product A to cart. User B tries to add this product to cart but woocommerce says its sold out currently to user B. User A can checkout with product A or if user A closes the browser, woocommerce waits one minute and then puts product A back in stock so person B can then add product A to their cart.
I've been searching for this and have come up with nothing from here and some company claiming they can but it's done case by case and they want to handcode it aka very expensive to do.
Please, help!
Just an opinion here so maybe I am wrong, but woo commerce uses stock counts in the backend, so if this is set to 1, then there can only ever be one that can go through the checkout process unless cancelled.
The functionality to reduce that stock count to 0 whilst a user has that item in their basket (or just viewing the checkout page) is not feasible as they have not purchased, at that stage it is just showing intent to purchase.
As you mentioned, that functionality is possible, it wouldn't be pretty, but possible and not something that is available by default in the plugin. Development of such functionality would be needed, and you're right probably quite expensive for development time.

Wp e-commerce buy only once

Is there a way to do, that users in WP E-commerce can add only one piece of the product to the cart?
I don't know how to do this, but I need it very much.
i thought that you can achieve it by using maximum purchase plugin, so can set that maximum purchase to a user
for more details look at here : http://wordpress.org/plugins/maximum-purchase-for-wp-e-commerce/
use woo E-commerce plugin and your problem will solved. For more detail visit my blog (freewebtipsforum.blogspot) and shoot me an email.

Woocommerce Coupons, Free product on order when code is entered. Possible?

So as the name suggests I would like to know if its possible to Have a coupon set up on woocommerce that when entered at the checkout it adds in a free product to the order.
Can this be done or is this something woocommerce could not handle.
If anyone knows of any plugins etc I would be extremely grateful
From your question, you are asking if there's a way for users to enter a coupon that when entered gives free products?
It is possible with Woocommerce, out of the box it has it's coupon management. You can even exclude products which is useful!
Read more about this here http://docs.woothemes.com/document/coupon-management/
It's very simple to get up and running!
I realize this question is old but figured I would point out there's a plugin available for rather cheap that can handle this. I'm not the author, nor do I use the plugin, but it should take care of this functionality:

CreditCart payment for 1 fixed product (no PayPal, no Google Checkout, no Ubercart)

I'm about to start a new Drupal website. My client needs CreditCart payment (in-site with authorize.net). So he doesn't want PayPal or Google Checkout through Credit Cart payment. As I know Ubercart is well working solution. but i have 1 fixed product. I don't need any shopping basket, etc. so Ubercart is too big for my need. I just need simply CC payment. Is there any smaller alternative to Ubercart for this purpose? what would you recommend?
Thanks a lot!!
Take a look at this module list on Drupal.org. Drupal.org has advanced searching, which allows you to easily find the modules you need.
I found a few modules on the list, that looks like they could fit your need, but I'll give you the whole list and let you check them out and decide for yourself.
