Firebase authWithCustomLogin: undefined is not a function - firebase

I am trying to set up authentication for admin users for an angular app. I have so far created the following code:
$'/customAuth/adminBDauth.php', {email: email, password:password}).success(function(data){
var refAuth = new Firebase('https://<firebase-ref>');
refAuth.authWithCustomToken(data, function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Login Failed!", error);
} else {
console.log("Login Succeeded!", authData);
However the following error is occurring - TypeError: undefined is not a function (referring to authWithCustomToken)
I know that the Firebase ref is fine because I have logged its value to check. I also know that the firebase token is being generated (though aware that doesn't appear to be the problem here in any event).
I am stumped as to why this doesn't work and can't think of any other tests to run. Anyone had a similar problem or know how I might proceed?

Makesure you include dependency "$firebaseAuth" as it says here
app.controller("SampleCtrl", ["$scope", "$firebaseAuth",
function($scope, $firebaseAuth) {
var ref = new Firebase("https://<your-firebase>");
var auth = $firebaseAuth(ref);
auth.$authWithOAuthPopup("facebook").then(function(authData) {
console.log("Logged in as:", authData.uid);
}).catch(function(error) {
console.error("Authentication failed: ", error);
As well as installing angularfire


Meteor: callLoginMethod not found error

I'm having difficulty invoking a login method, it follows
$ meteor list
Accounts-base 1.2.14 A user account system
Ecmascript 0.6.1 Compiler plugin that supports ES2015 + in all .js files
Meteor-base 1.0.4 Packages that every Meteor app needs
React 15.0.1 Everything you need to use React with Meteor.
Static-html 1.1.13 Defines static page content in .html files
import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base'
Accounts.registerLoginHandler('simples', (ttt) => {
methodName: 'simples',
methodArguments: [{ tipo : 'simples' }],
validateResult: function (result) {
console.log('result', result);
userCallback: function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error', error);
When calling authenticar(), I get this error:
  Details: undefined
  Error: 404
  ErrorType: "Meteor.Error"
  Message: "Method 'simples' not found [404]"
  Reason: "Method 'simples' not found"
Where is the error?
I've never used this API personally, but from a quick glance through the Meteor internals, I see a couple issues.
Accounts.registerLoginHandler only adds an additional handler to an array of built-in handlers which are called as part of the default Meteor login process.
If you are trying to plug in an additional handler into the existing process, you should call Accounts.callLoginMethod without the methodName key.
Calling Accounts.callLoginMethod with methodName will bypass the built-in handlers completely and replace them with your custom method, however this method needs to be declared separately by you with Meteor.methods, not registerLoginHandler.
So, that's probably your error -- you need to define your simples method with Meteor.methods. Also, you should check the code for the requirements of this method, see the comments in the code here:
Only to complement and keep as a referral for someone else to get here. That way it's working
methodArguments: [{tipo: 'simples'}],
validateResult: (result) => {
console.log('success', result);
userCallback: function(error) {
if (error) {
console.log('error', error);
Meteor.startup(function () {
var config = Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration.findOne({
service : 'simples'
if (!config) {
Accounts.loginServiceConfiguration.insert({ service: 'simples' });
Accounts.registerLoginHandler((opts) => {
if(opts.tipo === 'simples'){
return Accounts.updateOrCreateUserFromExternalService ('simples', {
id: 0 // need define something
}, {
options : 'optional'

Trying to publish users in Meteor

I'm quite new in Meteor and I got an issue: I added some information to users and I'd like to be able to see it in a view.
So I create my users, here is my event:
username: username,
email: email,
password: password,
user.firstname = options.firstname;
user.lastname = options.lastname;
user.chief = options.chief;
return user;
then I publish my collection to get access on my client side of the app:
Meteor.publish("personaldata", function () {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId});
And without doing anything else I got an issue on my app: there is no error message on my command prompt, but when I open my app I got an Ironn:Router message. Here is the message:
'organize your application'
Router.route('/', function () {
this.render('Home', {
data: function () {
return Items.findOne({_id: this.params._id});
Yes the whole part is the message. I tried to subscribe to the collection in 'home' to settle the issue but it doesn't work, the same message is displayed.Does someone know why this message is displayed ? How can I have access to those data? Isn't it the proper way?
Hope you guys can figure out what the problem is, thanks.
Found the problem...
As I'm stupid I put my publish in the lib directory, so this was on both the server and the client side... Meteor didn't know what to do with it on the client side.

Firebase authWithCustomToken throwing an error instead of calling callback?

I am following the example in the docs:
ref.authWithCustomToken(authToken, function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Authentication Failed!", error);
} else {
console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData);
If I pass an invalid token to authWithCustomToken (e.g. authToken is undefined) , it throws an Error, rather than passing an error code to the callback. In other words, neither console.log is executed, but this error is thrown:
First argument must be a valid credential (a string).
Wrapping it in try catch solves the problem easily enough, but I didn't see any mention in the docs. Is it the intended behaviour?
In my use-case the token is passed through a url, so an undefined parameter is a possible error condition.
From firebase-debug.js:
if (!goog.isString(cred)) {
throw new Error(fb.util.validation.errorPrefix(fnName, argumentNumber, optional) + "must be a valid credential (a string).");
What probably happened:
You passed a non-string value as authToken so the error not happened in the Firebase (server) side, it happened in the client side (your side) so it will be not reported on the callback function but as Javascript exception in your code.
Possible workaround (I don't know why, but if you want)
If you want to pass a variable as authToken and it could not be a string, and you still want to get the "Wrong credentials" error, instead of type validation, then you need to force string conversion using:
var ref = new Firebase("https://<YOUR-FIREBASE-APP>");
var numberAuthToken = 212312312312312; // number
var stringAuthToken = String(numberAuthToken);
ref.authWithCustomToken(stringAuthToken, function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Authentication Failed!", error);
} else {
console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData);
But it not makes sense for me. :)

Meteor accounts verifyEmail

I am trying to make email verification that with the accounts-password package work however I have come across a weird problem.
It seems the # in the email verification URL is causing an issue. The verification email URL usually looks like : http://localhost:3000/#/verify-email/cnaTqQSCgYAksIsFo5FgmV94NHwrfaM2g5GvdZDUMlN
When I click on this, nothing seems to happen; it just re-directs to localhost:3000/#
However when I remove the # (http://localhost:3000/verify-email/cnaTqQSCgYAksIsFo5FgmV94NHwrfaM2g5GvdZDUMlN) this seems to work perfectly.
The URL (http://localhost:3000/#/verify-email/cnaTqQSCgYAksIsFo5FgmV94NHwrfaM2g5GvdZDUMlN) comes from Meteor so it's not something I create.
Here are my routes and controllers (using iron-router)
Router.route('/verify-email/:_token', {
controller : 'AccountController',
action : 'verifyEmail'
AccountController = RouteController.extend({
fastRender: true,
data: function () {},
onBeforeAction: function () {
verifyEmail: function() {
var verificationToken = this.params._token;
Accounts.verifyEmail(verificationToken, function(error) {
if (error) {
} else {
Any help is appreciated.
The conflict might be connected to the accounts-password package together with iron:router as outlined here:
...add a server file that overrides the urls with # paths that Meteor creates, so that the Iron-Router can work:
(function () {
"use strict";
Accounts.urls.resetPassword = function (token) {
return Meteor.absoluteUrl('reset-password/' + token);
Accounts.urls.verifyEmail = function (token) {
return Meteor.absoluteUrl('verify-email/' + token);
Accounts.urls.enrollAccount = function (token) {
return Meteor.absoluteUrl('enroll-account/' + token);
Hope it will guide you in the right direction.

Firebase ResetPassword issue

I am building user authentication in my website using Angular and Firebase's Email & Password authentication framework. This is NOT using the Firebase Simple Login Framework but the newly introduced native framework.
My code links to Firebase using:
<script src=""></script>
I can create users, login and so on but the ResetPassword call fails with the following error.
Error: Firebase.resetPassword failed: First argument must be a valid object.
at Error (native)
at E (
at (
at Object.resetPassword (http://localhost:8000/src/js/services/loginservice.js:78:27)
at k.$scope.resetPassword (http://localhost:8000/src/js/controllers.js:35:20)
at f (
at k.$eval (
at k.$apply (
The code I use is from the firebase example as follows:
ref.resetPassword(email, function(error) {
if (error === null) {
console.log("Password reset email sent successfully");
} else {
console.log("Error sending password reset email:", error);
I have verified that a valid email id is being passed in.
Can you please let me know what the issue is?
Thanks in advance
According to the firebase documentation, you should be passing in an object not a string.
var credentials = {email: email};
ref.resetPassword(credentials, function(error) {
if (error === null) {
console.log("Password reset email sent successfully");
} else {
console.log("Error sending password reset email:", error);
I have found that using an object no longer works, it would keep giving me "First argument must contain the key "email", even then the object was as the answer above.
After much frustration i got it working passing the email parameter as per the firebase docs.
$scope.resetPassword = function(email){
console.log("made in to auth method for reset passowrd with email - " + email);
email: email
}, function(error) {
if (error) {
switch (error.code) {
console.log("The specified user account does not exist.");
console.log("Error resetting password:", error);
} else {
console.log("Password reset email sent successfully!");
