Getting Google's Smarty Pins background animation - css

I'm developing a website related to property which has a lot to do with maps. I just browsed to one of the Google's master pieces (i must say that) Smarty Pins.
I was just wondering if i can use that (or something like that) background effect in my website. If anybody has any idea how can i achieve that please help me.
Is it legal if i copy them??

Please have a look at this link for a documented tutorial of how to develop a game using Google Maps using HTML, CSS and Javascript. And this link will guide you though a course for game development in your web app with Google Map in it.
Hope this would Help you in developing a small game in your Website which has Google Maps and make it more interactive.
All the Best!!


Is there an orthodox way to develop Android TV apps

I have a few problems with understanding of android tv development. First of all when i had launched android tv project and was trying to create custom interface for new activity, unfortunately i couldn't find any xml elements which could help me. From the example i got some ideas that whole interface provided by android SDK collected in many fragments. I just can modify colors, fonts, fonts size, transparency maybe animation and etc. But if i really need to customize structure of controls and WTF i wanna output "Hello World" inside label!!! Is it possible? I read all articles from this link but it is still useless for me (maybe I am unique :) ). After this suffering with google guide, i have done a conclusion that the platform so new and there is no way to do some thing except only way that was provided by google. Am i right? If not, what should i do to find successful way?
The fragments provided by Google as part of the "leanback" framework are templates designed to make it easy for content providers to start publishing to Android TV without having to worry about the technical details of building a TV UI. The idea is that a content provider can create a channel just by feeding in their video content. This ease of use comes at a cost, customization is difficult or impossible with these templates.
However there is nothing preventing you from creating your own Activities and Fragments from scratch and implementing a completely custom UI for the TV, it works just like any other Android device. Add "android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER" to your manifest and see for yourself.

Implement Open Graph Protocol in my web application

I am interested to implement Facebook way of link sharing feature in my web application. In FB when we paste a link it shows the content of link as thumbnail,few text etc.
How can I do that?
I know its Open Graph Protocol but how to implement it in my web application(based on spring MVC)?
What are the technology needed for this? I am a java,jquery guy.
Is it necessary to use facebook for this?
Open Graph isn't a library or a script you can use to build an application that is capable of doing what you want. Open Graph is a Protocol that follows a set of rules that provide a convinient scheme of building social applications.
By doing so, it's made sure that there is a standarized way to work with that data.
So the short answer: OG does not provide such a functionality, you have to build it by yourself (though there are pretty good links and scripts that make your life much easier: scroll to the very bottom). Instead by using OG, you make sure that every application that works with OG (facebook and google to name a few examples) can work with your data properly.
It might not be the answer you searched for, but I think it should give you a little information on what OG really is.

GoogleMap Marker with Picture overlaid on Marker

I am coding a Googlemap Locator system showing your friends, similar to what Apple does with find my friends, However the markers on this system need to have the users profile images as per the visual below.
I am using jQuery plugin for the integration which is really just a simple way to integrate the googlemap, but has all the functionality of the API.
I have been reading the documentation for both the plugin and the Google API, however can't seem to pinpoint any way I can do this, I have seen this type of functionality before, so I'm sure it must be possible somehow. Any help on a way I can do this using gmap3 would be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance
I found that I have a solution by using the shadow property for the back pointer and icon for the actual profile image. If that helps anyone else.

OpenStreetMap in ASP.NET

I'm interested in using OpenStreetMap in a web application developed using ASP.NET.
Anyone knows if there is a control, library or wrapper for using OpenStreetMap in ASP.NET? (C#, not using Javascript).
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure whether they have any ASP specific tools, but Cloudmade have lots of tools & API you can use to get OpenStreetMap into your app. It's mostly done on the client though through JavaScript, so I don't think you'll find much in the way of C# tools.
I could be wrong though...
BruTile is a C# library for displaying a slippy map. It can be used on the web, displaying via silverlight.
In my opinion a silverlight requirement is not a sensible choice for a public website, and not very sensible for internal use either from a long term perspective, so this isn't a great solution. But this is the only thing I'm aware of which matches what you're asking for.
"not using Javascript" is a curious restriction, since most embedded web maps use javascript. Perhaps you mean you don't want to work with any javascript, but the website can use it. In which case... I'm still not aware of any C# solution, but a library which wraps OpenLayers or one of the other alternatives, hiding all javascript development from you, would be very feasible. Someone should build such a thing! In the meantime, the javascript to display a slippy map is quite simple I promise :-)
The other approach might be a Static Map Image generating library which fetches tile images, stitches them into a single image and caches it locally for you to display in an <img> tag. Again such a thing would be very feasible (easy!?) to build with C#. Someone should do it! In the meantime you can link to one of those services (e.g the new one from MapQuest) directly from an <img> tag on your site. ...No javascript, and no C# either!

dashcode and external rss feeds

I was wonder if anyone can help me with this. I've been looking everywhere for this information, but I want to make a web application using dascode rss. I know that you can't link external sources. Does anyone know a way I can get around it. From what I understand a little php can get around this, but I'm unsure where to look.
OK, first thing no PHP. Dashcode is limited to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Although having said that there are a whole range of system calls that cna be made using the functionality provided by various parts of the x-cde system.
Second yes you can link to external sources such as other web sites, api on say Twitter, google etc. RSS feeds and so on, not sure where you got the idea to the contrary.
If you want to learn how to do a Dashcode RSS then open up Dashcode, start a new project, either web based or Dsashboard based and choose the RSS project. This will give you an out of the box template to add you own information and then see how it works. Then customise it.
In the above i am assuming Snow Leopard and the latest Dashcode/X-code but it will still gove you most of what you want on earlier version.
