GoogleMap Marker with Picture overlaid on Marker - google-maps-api-3

I am coding a Googlemap Locator system showing your friends, similar to what Apple does with find my friends, However the markers on this system need to have the users profile images as per the visual below.
I am using jQuery plugin for the integration which is really just a simple way to integrate the googlemap, but has all the functionality of the API.
I have been reading the documentation for both the plugin and the Google API, however can't seem to pinpoint any way I can do this, I have seen this type of functionality before, so I'm sure it must be possible somehow. Any help on a way I can do this using gmap3 would be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance

I found that I have a solution by using the shadow property for the back pointer and icon for the actual profile image. If that helps anyone else.


How can I create a Wordpress website that does this kind of image processing

I am just a beginner in web development and want someone to guide me on this. I know how to build a basic Wordpress website. What I want is a functionality on my WordPress site which will take some text and an image provided by the user and process it to make a final image as shown below :
I have no idea how to do it. If anyone could guide me how to achieve this, I mean what kind of tools I need or a reference guide will also help.
Thank you so much for reading :)
Take a look to the PHP librairie named GD.
You can create an image, add some text, some colors and moreover add an existing image (your user image).
There is a lot of tutorials for this librairie on the internet.

Create Multilanguage QtQuick App with QtLinguist

I do this stuff for research, so there´s no source code.
My programm has to be able to change the language via buttons. I got the information that the QtLinguistis often used for this stuff. The problem is that I can´t find something like a workflow, what and when do I have to do something.
It would be nice if someone can give me a push in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.

Getting Google's Smarty Pins background animation

I'm developing a website related to property which has a lot to do with maps. I just browsed to one of the Google's master pieces (i must say that) Smarty Pins.
I was just wondering if i can use that (or something like that) background effect in my website. If anybody has any idea how can i achieve that please help me.
Is it legal if i copy them??
Please have a look at this link for a documented tutorial of how to develop a game using Google Maps using HTML, CSS and Javascript. And this link will guide you though a course for game development in your web app with Google Map in it.
Hope this would Help you in developing a small game in your Website which has Google Maps and make it more interactive.
All the Best!!

Tutorials for Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms - get device location

I am looking for instructions on using Mobile Services for Xamarin.Forms? I am especially interested in how to get the device's current location. I know that there is sample code here,, that showcases everything that you can do with the library, the only problem being it is way too complicated for a newbie to understand, and there are no comments
Links to any comprehensive tutes or sample code with comments would be appreciated. I have searched but have not come up with anything good.
There are a good set of examples for learning Xamarin.Forms with some descriptions at the following link
With Xamarin.Forms being rather new you will have to search around for good snippets etc however.
There are a number of projects for Xamarin.Forms in Try to looking at the following two for easier to understand short examples in Xamarin.Forms:-
The examples are short enough that should help you to learn from them.
There is a specific map related example at the following that also shows your current location on a map that you may like to look at further also:-
Run the applications, make small modifications and experiment - a great way to learning.
Have fun!
If you want to find out a users location via shared code, look at the Geolocator plugin from the component store. super easy to use

Synch Openlayers with Datagrid - Example/Snippet?

The datagrid not yet selected, but it will be one available with any of the more popular JS libraries.
Example of such integration might be if a row is hidden then its corresponding marker feature also is, as a result of the same user action.
URL's pointing to online examples highly appreciated, and/or JS code snippet to accomplish such. Thanks, all.
See this GeoExt example for integration with ExtJs:
