CSS print background with margin - css

I am trying to make a print-friendly resume. Everything is working, except for an issue regarding the background image.
I do not want to have any margin on the print page, since otherwise the background image looks messed up:
However, if I do not use any margins, the background looks good but I am unable to do any margin on the second (or other pages):
body {
margin: 30px 0;
That works for the first page, but unfortunately this does not work for any page breaks. Is there a way to do padding/margin in relation to the top/bottom of a print page?
Edit: sorry for the hideous example, but this is basically the code:
If you press print and save to pdf (in Chrome at least), you'll see that the background fills the entire page. However, when you include
#page {
margin: 1cm 0;
You will see that the margin I want works, but then the background also uses that margin. In other words: I want the background to stay page filling, while there is a top and bottom margin for text on every page.

You are fairly limited by the vendor implementation of the CSS paged media module, that said, you are able to use the module to target the first page by using the :first psuedo selector, e.g.:
#page:first {
margin: 0
Should support / lack of implementation prove an issue- you will need to resort to adding your content into a series of elements which match the output page dimensions, then removing the margin/padding on the first.
Sadly, the control of printing from the web, even in this day and age, is not an easy process.


Removing white gap from Wordpress page

The link below is where to find my website that I am making for a university project and for a client.
Once the webpage loads up, you will be introduced with a page title populated with an image and two buttons. One will lead you to the About us and the other will take you to services. Click on the services button as that's where the problem is please.
Basically there is a white gap and I want the image below to completely fill up the page. Like a full screen except that you are not pressing F11 .
I don't know where the issue is. If I remove the header page, it does not do anything to clear the gap. So I don't think the header is the problem.
I am using fusion slider + a plugin called layerslider. If that helps.
I can provide a screenshot of what I am editing upon request if needed.
Thank you very much.
You have two things producing white space at the top of https://homepages.shu.ac.uk/~b7009049/wordpress/services/
One is padding applied to the "main" element. You can get rid of that with CSS:
.page-id-2546 #main {
padding-top: 0;
You might also want to get rid of the padding at the bottom of #main element on this page - padding-bottom: 0, of course
That will still leave a 20px white bar at the very top, produced by a stray 'p' element that has a bottom margin of 20px. Though this paragraph happens to contain a jQuery script (which probably shouldn't be there), there's another stray p element further down the page - also contained within "ls-" elements - also producing a 20px white separation between two full-width image elements, that happens to be empty.
I don't know exactly where these p's came from. You might have to dig into the applications involved - both Layer Slider and, I think, the Fusion Page Builder - and how they were deployed here, to remove the unwanted separation where it originates.
If they can't practically be cleaned up, you might have to correct via CSS again. Just to get rid of the effect on display on this page, you might try
.page-id-2546 .post-content p {
margin: 0;
You could also try something like the following, if you were concerned about affecting other ".post-content" ps outside of Layer Slider.
.page-id-2546 .post-content .ls-fullscreen-wrapper p {
margin: 0;
Another approach would be to apply a negative margin to .ls-fullscreen-wrapper:
.page-id-2546 .ls-fullscreen-wrapper {
margin-top: -20px;
Without actually working on the installation or examining it more thoroughly, I couldn't say for sure that the code I've provided would be sufficient and also wouldn't produce undesirable consequences, but it might be a start. You could add the snippets to the Customizer Additional CSS box, and see how things turned out.
I've gone back to the page and it seems that you have successfully added code eliminating the 20px post-content p margin, but I don't see anything applied or applied and overruled regarding the 90px top (and bottom) padding on #main.
I don't know how exactly you're trying to address that problem. I previously recommended utilizing the Wordpress Customizer (assuming you're in Wordpess 4.7 or later) - see https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-easily-add-custom-css-to-your-wordpress-site/.
From inspection I can see that the unwanted padding in question is added via the theme/Fusion stylesheet. The Customizer will add your new CSS to the underlying html, after other stylesheets have been loaded, so should override duplicated selectors. If it's still not taking, you could try, adding !important to the new styles. I think most coders would view this method as a kludge, but all of this after-the-fact correction effort is kludge-y.
.page-id-2546 #main {
padding-top: 0 !important;
If that doesn't work - if inspection of the element doesn't show the code being applied at all, for instance - then I'd look to caching issues and peculiar theme characteristics, not to mention typos...
What worked for me was adding this code to my css
.ls-overflow-visible {
overflow: hidden !important;
in my case the white piece above my menu was not caused by the padding but by an overflow that was only there when I switched to full width modus. You could of course delete this code:
.ls-overflow-visible {
overflow: visible !important;
from the plugin css, but it will return when you perform an update.

Remove padding of a certain section using CSS

I've noticed there is a small amount of padding on one of my containers that i would like to remove entirely however the code i am implementing doesn't seem to be working.
.elementor-container elementor-coloumn-gap-default {
padding-top: 0;
I think i may have the name of the element wrong. My website is www.monoalarms.co.uk/wp and i am trying to remove the padding from the container that contains that 5 buttons. it is directly under the header image.
You are looking padding in wrong container,
please try next css -
.elementor-column-gap-default>.elementor-row>.elementor-column>.elementor-element-populated { padding-bottom: 0; }
Seems your padding goes from banner
their could be many other css styles overriding yours. Remember CSS tries to take the last styling, so make sure yours is loaded last. You might need a more specific tag i.e 'body .elementor-container elementor-coloumn-gap-default', right click element and inspect in chrome, at the bottom of the browser you'll see the exact CSS tag it uses.

ION template banner positioning

Using https://templated.co/ion
I’m having trouble re-positioning the banner a little lower to allow for use of a logo image at top left instead of text. When I load the page with the new header height, it briefly flashes the correct height white background, but the banner doesn't move down and the page reverts to original positioning, leaving the logo overhanging the banner image, even though I replaced some inherits and increased height of nav.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Most probably, this is what you're looking for (adjust to your needs - 5em is demonstrative):
#header {
height: 5em;
line-height: 5em;
#skel-layers-wrapper {
padding-top: 5em;
Please note this has to be loaded after style.css (or placed at the very end of it, if you place your own mods inside this file). Alternatively (but not recommended), you could just modify the existing values on lines 880 and 884.
Typically, the best way to go when making customizations is to just place them in a separate file and load it after the original resource, which should remain untouched.
This provides your project with better code control, increased maintain-ability & upgrade-ability. Placing the custom file after the original one allows you to apply changes without having to increase the specificity of the original selectors.

Gallery lightbox plugin issue

I'm developing a website template and just spotted an issue with the gallery lightbox plugin. http://creativusmouse.com/Proteus/html_preview22/portfolio_2_col.html
When the gallery has more than 1 image the lightbox renders just fine but when it has only 1 image the large image wrapper gets smaller than the image.
I kind of spotted what's causing the issue - this template uses foundation 3.0 framework so on foundation.min.css file the very first selector is causing the problem:
" * {
I tried to remove this and it fixed the problem however the whole website gets broken.
I'm not sure what code shall I paste here. If necessary I can post a link to download all the template files.
Thank you!
Don't change this code, modify the css for your wrapper instead. That snippet of code you posted is telling all elements to include any borders, and paddings in the calculation for width. So a box with 10px of padding and 5px of border space and is 200px wide is actually 200px wide. Without this code the box would actually be 230px wide.
You could do this...
Add to the class lightbox-outer - overflow: hidden.
.lightbox-outer {
overflow: hidden;
This works but it hides part of the image, it's like your box doesnt want to scale to the size of the image.
Do you have a setting in the lightbox stuff anywhere that is setting the a specific proportion?
EDIT2: Something else I found, if I remove "width" from the class .lightbox-skin then it starts behaving again. Problem is this width is applied to the element inline dynamically?

How can I style a <section> when it is followed by another <section>?

I'm using section to determine different parts of my page. These sections have a bottom margin of 90px but when a section with the ID of 'clients-full' is created/put in the page, I want whatever section that appears before/above it to have a bottom margin of 0. Can I do this using CSS selectors/pseudo selectors?
Currently, this bit of code styles the section with the ID of 'clients-full' but can it be reversed so I can apply a bottom margin of 0 to the section that is before it?
section + section#clients-full {
margin-top: -90px; // Negative margin to get around this problem...not ideal.
In CSS as currently defined an implemented, selectors cannot be used in a manner that selects an element depending on what comes after it, only on what comes before it. Well, selectors linke :nth-last-child(...) are an exception in a sense, but they don’t help in a case like this.
Thus, a better approach is to separate the sections by setting a top margin on them, dealing with the first section as a special case if needed (no top margin on it) and perhaps the last section, using :last-ot-type (setting bottom margin on it if needed). Then you can easily handle the case described, simply with #clients-full { margin-top: 0; }.
